A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 321 Training the Little Black Cat

Chapter 321 Training the Little Black Cat

In the next few days, Lin Yi first went to the Avengers Building, and used his Avengers authority to ask Tony for some super-large iron balls specially used to test cranes, as well as the super-heavy fists Hulk used before. machines and the like.

Afterwards, Lin Yi ordered another batch of oblique rebar, and personally started to weave these steel bars with a diameter of 40mm into bundles like weaving twists, and then cut them with sword energy and welded them with heart fire. Vice a cat climbing frame made purely of steel.

By the way, the special attribute of [all attribute enhancement +20] attached to the little black cat not only greatly enhanced Lin Yi's attack power when using attribute weapons, but also enhanced all his attribute abilities.

Including the conversion of the five internal organs and five elements that were previously tasteless.

The heart fire that could barely light cigarettes can now even weld steel.

This couldn't help but make Lin Yi feel emotional.

Sure enough, the exploration system is king!

If he is allowed to cultivate by himself, it will take at least ten years of effort to cultivate his heart fire to this point.

Another week passed, in the underground training ground.

Lin Yi waved his hand to extinguish the burning fire at his fingertips, flattened the red-hot welding joint with his hand, then turned around, and clapped his hands towards the little black cat who was sharpening its claws with an abandoned vehicle.

"Come and see, your nest has been repaired!"

Hearing Lin Yi's voice, the little black cat, which was grinding its paws, paused, its ears pricked up in a daze, turned around and glanced at Lin Yi, spread its four legs and ran towards Lin Yi.


The momentum of the little guy's running is quite extraordinary, just stepping on a pit.

Lin Yi frowned when he saw it, and immediately turned his face hard. The running little black cat was startled, and hurriedly braked on all fours. After plowing a few ravines on the ground, it walked towards him with light cat steps. come over.


Looking at the flat ground in the second half, Lin Yi nodded in satisfaction. After the little black cat approached, he picked him up and put him into a castle-shaped cat nest made entirely of steel.

It is not clear whether a filial son Lin Yi can be born under the stick, but this can indeed raise a Qiongqi well.

Over the past few days, Lin Yi has used stern punishments with sword energy, coupled with the temptation of eggshell food, to let this ignorant Qiongqi initially understand what rules are, and let him understand that this world is not what he wants to do Just do what you want.

When facing the stinging sword energy at first, the little black cat seemed very aggrieved and kept meowing at Lin Yi. Lin Yi was almost broken by this little guy and passed the test.

But thinking of the huge power hidden in its small body, Lin Yi still hardened his heart, and taught it how to restrain its power with the most severe methods.

But even so, the constraints on power can only be maintained when it is rational.

As long as it gets a little excited, it will immediately forget all Lin Yi's teachings, and unscrupulously vent its power like just now...

"Hey, the road to enlightenment is still a long way to go!"

Lin Yi sighed in his heart, and at the same time let go of the hand holding the little black cat.

Landing on all fours, the little black cat suddenly changed from being quiet and well-behaved to being lively and active now.

A small round head was arching wildly in the steel cat's nest, sniffing left, patting right, opening its mouth from time to time, leaving bite marks on the protruding city wall with its sharp little canine teeth.

Well, it's pretty good, at least I didn't tear my cat's litter into pieces like last time.

A satisfied smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, and he took a step back, carefully observing the little black cat's subsequent actions.

During these days of living with the little black cat, Lin Yi has basically determined its origin.

This is a new life born from the original poor foundation, with a brand new and blank soul. Although there are many inherited memories in its mind, its soul has not merged with these memories.

This also means that it is a completely independent new individual.

The inherited knowledge belonging to Qiongqi of the past dynasties has changed from the inherited memory that could affect the soul and character to a library that only exists in the little black cat's mind.

It can consult these materials anytime and anywhere, but it cannot understand the meaning.

Lin Yi guessed that the system may have cut off the influence of inherited memory on the little black cat at the spiritual level, which caused the little black cat's mind to not grow rapidly, and turned into a "newborn" Qiongqi exactly like the previous generations of Qiongqi.

Lin Yi is generally satisfied with this result.

Although he always thought in his heart that the previous arrogant black-winged tiger was the most suitable pet for his aesthetics, Lin Yi still fell unconsciously in the face of the little black cat's milky calls.

Just look around.

Cat litter box, steel wire toothbrush, steel cat climbing frame, steel cat nest, titanium alloy cat scratching board...

Ahem, although the materials used for these things may be a little special, the heart that belongs to a novice cat dad is still the same.

After the little black cat was thoroughly familiar with the new litter box, Lin Yi reached out and picked it up from the litter box, put it in his arms, and stroked its head skillfully.

"Okay, it's time to go to training."

The little black cat looked at the cat's nest reluctantly, raised its head again, and meowed at Lin Yi.

"What are you thinking, your nest is so small, how can I sleep in it?"


"No, you tore down my two beds!"


The little black cat lowered its head somewhat disappointed.

It already understands Chinese, but it just doesn't understand some modern words.

"If you want to sleep in a human bed, then quickly learn how to restrain your strength."

Lin Yi patted its little head lightly, ignored its cry of protest, and walked towards the super-heavy boxing machine.

These days, Lin Yi feeds the little black cat with eggshells every day.

After each feeding, he would habitually open the pet panel to see the increase in the little black cat's satiety... Then he was surprised to find that these pure black eggshells could not only increase the little black cat's satiety , and it can also give it long experience.

No wonder he had 11 experience points when he opened the pet panel for the first time.

Presumably, Lin Yi ate a lot of eggshells when he was digesting his feelings.

In just a few days, most of the few eggshells were eaten by the little black cat, and its level was naturally raised by one level, and all attributes were improved.

"【Pet panel】

[Name: Qiongqi (name can be changed)]

[Quality: Golden Epic]

[Level: Lv2 (124/200)]

[Saturation: 99/100]

【Loyalty: 100/100】

【Power: 137*】

【Intelligence: 117*】

[Physique: 154*]

[Spirit: 166*]

[Physical Attack: 1400]

[Magic Attack: 1400]


It has to be said that the little black cat's talent is indeed strong enough. Every time it upgrades to a level, not only its own attributes will increase, but also the inheritance of Lin Yi's attributes will also increase.

Lin Yi roughly calculated that when the little black cat ate all the stock in his hand, he should be able to upgrade to another level.

It can be foreseen that maybe it won't be long before this guy's basic attributes may surpass his own.

"It's time to practice quickly."

Thinking that he might not be able to beat his pet in the future, Lin Yi felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Arriving next to the super-heavy boxing machine that was hammered by Hulk before, Lin Yi let go of his hand. Before the little black cat in his arms landed, two black mist emerged from its back, turning into two Black wings.

After more than a week of special training, the little black cat has been able to skillfully use the black mist on its body, and can also transform its two wings into black mist, and then retract them into its body.

Even Tony and Banner would never recognize this ordinary-looking little black cat if they didn't come into close contact with it. It was the ferocious black-winged tiger in the Rocky Mountains that day.


The wings flapped, and whistling airflows wrapped around the little black cat's body, enveloping it and flying forward.

The cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger.

Although Qiongqi is not a real tiger, he still has some ordinary ability to resist the wind.

With the help of wings and airflow, the little black cat flew very smoothly in front of the super-heavy boxing machine, gently raised a forefoot with a pink pad, and aimed it at the titanium alloy on the boxing machine target, and slammed down—


The air burst suddenly, and the 25-ton boxing machine shook violently. The value on the electronic screen also began to rise wildly, and finally stopped at the value of 15381 pounds.

After a little conversion, it is about 7 tons of power.


The little black cat raised its paw, turned its head and yelled at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi nodded as usual.


 Thanks to the book friend Zhonghua Yimin for the 500 coin reward
(End of this chapter)

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