A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 308 I know a good place

Chapter 308 I know a good place
Avengers Tower, top floor.

The center of the meeting room is woven into a three-dimensional continent by blue light, floating on the meeting table with the word "A" printed on it, and an egg with black spots is placed in the center of the meeting table.

On both sides of the table, Captain America Steve in an old brown leather jacket crossed his hands and stuck his chin. Next to him was the somewhat silent Winter Soldier Bucky. Dr. Banner in a plaid shirt frowned and looked at the conference table with his arms crossed The egg on the bed was digesting the information that he had just learned.

Lin Yi leaned against the door of the conference room, glanced at the contemplative people in the conference room, with a slight twitch of his mouth, walked to Tony and asked in a low voice, "Where are the others?"

"Well, Natasha is in Russia tracking down a lieutenant general who was brainwashed by Hydra, Hawkeye went to Japan, he needs to deal with some involvement of Hydra and the Hand..."

"Where's Sol?"

This is what Lin Yi is most concerned about.

As for Natasha and Hawkeye... It doesn't really matter if they come or not.

Hearing Lin Yi's question, Tony curled his lips: "Sol...I'm pretty sure he doesn't have time now."

"Why? Are they still repairing the teleportation device that can cross the star field?"

"No, he's fighting chaos in a territory under Asgard's command—wait a minute, what's the name of that place, let me think about it, Nanny Warner?"

"It's Vanaheim."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes.

Tony waved his hand indifferently: "It doesn't matter, the important thing is that he is having fun there, and I heard that he also defeated an entire army of rock giants, every rock giant is bigger than the Hulk .”

"But Hulk can blow them up with one hand."

"I also think so."

"So he can't come to Earth now?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Okay." Lin Yi sighed, and then looked at Tony curiously, "By the way, I've always been curious, how do you connect with Sol?"

"Who knows, maybe it's Asgard's unique magical technology. I just need to find a spacious enough roof and shout a word to the sky to get in touch with him."

"Which sentence?"


Tony fell silent.

Lin Yi frowned slightly.

"So embarrassing?"

"A little bit."

"Let me guess, it won't have anything to do with Sol?"

"..." Tony was silent.

"Is it to boast about him?"

"..." Tony was silent again.

Lin Yi lowered his head in thought.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a few black lines gradually appeared on his forehead.

"Tony, I think you may have been tricked."


"Do you know Heimdall?"

"Of course, Heimdall, the patron saint of the Rainbow Bridge, it is said that his eyes can see thousands of miles, and his ears can hear the movement of any place-ah, damn it! I should have thought of it earlier!"

Tony was still a little puzzled at first, but as he spoke, a hint of bewilderment gradually appeared on his face, and then turned into a gnashing of teeth in embarrassment.

Thinking of the words he said at that time, there was always a god or alien listening silently, and Tony had the urge to rush to Asgard and die with Sol.

Seeing the cloudy and uncertain expression on Tony's face, Lin Yi left his side calmly.

Walking to the conference table, Steve, frowning and thinking, let out a long breath, pointed to the conference table and said.

"So we have to deal with this weird monster?"

"It might not be a monster, either."

"What do you mean?"

"Those... well, magical creatures in ancient China basically have the ability to transform into human form."

"So we are likely to deal with humanoid monsters, just like Loki."

"Well, almost."

Steve nodded: "Very well, this sounds much easier to deal with than monsters."

Saying that, Steve looked around.

"Where's Sol?"

"Forget Saul, he still has something to do now."

Steve glanced at Lin Yi, then at Tony with a dark face, and nodded.

Dr. Banner on the side suddenly said: "I still can't understand why we have to wait for it to be born before dealing with it, can't we deal with it when it is still an egg? I know it is very hard, but it is not easy to destroy it. Not the only way, for example, we could put it in a rocket and shoot it out into space."

"It's useless." Lin Yi shook his head, "It will always come back, it's the earth's debt, and it's useless to just avoid it."


Dr. Banner sighed.

"In this case, I may know a very good place."

Everyone looked at Banner in unison.




After half an hour.

A fighter plane landed on top of the Rocky Mountains.

It is cold and windy here, and there are towering mountains everywhere. The tops of the mountains are covered with thick layers of snow.

Walking on the snow mixed with ice and snow, Steve frowned and looked at the surrounding scenery.

"This is where?"

"The place where Hulk was imprisoned before."

"Feel sorry."

"It's ok."

Banner smiled, and stomped on the snow under his feet with his thick boots.

"They hollowed out the mountain, supported the mountain with all-steel reinforced concrete layers, and connected each other with the most stable triangular structure. At the same time, they built a very small cell with titanium alloy steel plates in the middle. ——Of course, for Hulk, my words are still enough."

Tony nodded approvingly: "The design is good. This will limit Hulk's movement to the greatest extent and affect the angle of his muscle force. We have discussed this issue before..."

"Tony!" Steve frowned.

"It's okay, I really don't care." Banner shook his head.

Lin Yi walked to the lead, and the purple wings behind him slowly spread out, and his feet slowly left the ground.

"So, how do we get in?"

"Halfway up the mountain, if I remember correctly, there should be a cave there."

Not long after, everyone came to the mountainside and saw the cave buried by the collapse of rubble.

Tony curled his lips: "Well, I take back what I said before. The designer of this prison really has nothing to praise. He must have lost his mind to build the passage in such a place."

"Ah... this is not where they built the passage, this is where the Hulk escaped."

Banner raised his hand in embarrassment and said.

Everyone fell silent.

The corner of Tony's mouth twitched, and he stretched his hand upwards. The golden-red armor that was on alert in the sky quickly flew down, and piece by piece, it fitted Tony's body and changed and assembled on its own.

Steve was dazzled by a series of metal variations assembled.

"Okay, so what's the new trick?"

"Laser guidance and tracking deployment formula, miniature automatic sensing chip, modular independent power system... In simple terms, it is a technological magic version of Yi Na's armor."

As Tony spoke, he walked towards the rubble that blocked the hole, and the miniature Sidewinder missiles on his shoulders and arms automatically bounced and aligned, as if he wanted to blast the rubble away.

"I'll still come."

Lin Yi flapped his purple wings and flew down, stopping in front of Tony. The ice-blue lightsaber in his hand was slightly raised, and a strong wave of power was bred on the translucent blade.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Scanning this familiar energy fluctuation, Tony curled his lips behind the visor, retracted the missiles all over his body, and took a few steps back by the way.

In the next second, the ice-blue blade swung forward, and a strong wave force distorted the air, crashing into the gravel with a dense cold mist.


There was a trembling sound, and the gravel blocking the entrance of the cave instantly turned into frost, and then was shaken into powder by the invisible wave force.

In an instant, powder filled the cave.

Lin Yi spread out the wings behind him, and the silver-white light shone in it, expanding the pair of purple wings that could be scaled by themselves to a size of seven or eight meters.

The wings fluttered, and a gust of cold wind rolled up, blowing all the powder in front to the two sides, exposing the dark hole in the middle.

Putting away the purple wings, Lin Yi landed in front of everyone.

Steve pursed his lips and looked enviously at the wings behind Lin Yi.

Tony came over and asked, "So, your wings can grow bigger?"


"How big can it be?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried."

"Stop chatting, we're here to save the world."

Steve passed between the two, tightening the shield in his hand, and Bucky the Winter Soldier silently followed behind, he hadn't recovered from the blow of "becoming a killing machine".

"Wait Captain!"

When the two passed by, Lin Yi suddenly stopped Steve.

The two stopped immediately.

Steve turned around suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Lin Yi smiled slightly, reached out and took out two necklaces full of red beads, and handed them to Steve and Bucky who were looking at each other under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

"In order to prevent our battle from causing the mountain to collapse, you'd better take this with you."

"what is this?"

"The protective magic weapon I refined...According to your understanding, it is a magic tool that can protect you from harm."

With that said, Lin Yi pulled out the pistol from Bucky's waist, and pulled the trigger at Steve with a look of astonishment on his face.

 The second is a little later, I have been placing furniture today
(End of this chapter)

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