Chapter 291 Polaris Lorna

Hearing the young voice outside, Lorna couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

It seems that the victory is not Hydra... so who is he?

After hesitating for a while, Lorna grabbed the metal wire beside her and hid it in her hair, turned around and jumped off the bed.

Outside the door, Lin Yi's voice echoed in the corridor, but no one in the cell was willing to come out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi sighed inwardly.

Things are worse than he imagined...

No one has ever identified the Avengers Juggernaut, which means that the mutants in the prison have been held here before the Avengers were founded, if not longer.

Thinking of the miserable mutant who was swallowed by him, Lin Yi put away the cold light sword in his hand, and shouted into it: "Don't be afraid, my name is Juggernaut, I am an Avenger, does anyone know about Avengers... ...Don't you know...You guys always know about superheroes, I'm a superhero, and I'm here to save you!"

Lin Yi yelled outside the door.

He didn't choose to break open the door directly, because this door not only closed the inside, but also closed the outside. The existence of such a door would bring them a sense of psychological security, so that they wouldn't be able to see them when they saw the door. Lin Yi attacked in an instant.

What he needs are hostages who can listen to suggestions and put on a good posture, not a group of stubborn ghosts who can't be taken away.

But it's a pity that John and the others, who have already got rid of the shackles, have no intention of going out. They all hide in the cell and race against time to recover their abilities. Dare to go out alone.

After shouting for a while, still no one wanted to get out of the cell.

In desperation, Lin Yi had no choice but to implement Plan-B.

He gritted his teeth and moved the sword energy on his body with some shame, his dark eyes instantly turned into silver-white vertical pupils.

"Hey! Don't hide, I'm actually... ahem, I'm actually a mutant, if you don't believe me, come out and have a look, I'm really here to save you! Have you ever heard of the X-Men?"

"Are you an X-Men?"

A suspicious voice sounded, Lin Yi was overjoyed immediately, and quickly looked at the black-haired and green-eyed woman who was poking her head.

"Thank goodness, someone finally took care of me!"

Looking at Lin Yi's smiling face that didn't seem fake, Lorna raised her eyebrows, straightened up and walked out of the cell, walking to the door with a calm expression, separated by two solid bulletproof glass doors, a little surprised He looked at Lin Yi's silver-white vertical pupils.

Those eyes were black before...he really is a mutant!

Lorna's eyes lit up involuntarily.

She asked a little excitedly, "Are you really an X-Men?"

Lin Yi shook his head honestly: "No, I just heard about this name from Professor Charles."

Lorna's expression darkened: "I knew... the X-Men no longer exist."

Seeing her dejected expression, Lin Yi twitched his lips, and reached out to tap on the bulletproof glass.

"Can you let me in?"

"...if you can."

After receiving Lorna's answer, Lin Yi smiled slightly, clenched his right hand wrapped in silver armor into a fist.

"Stand back, please."

Lorna stepped back quickly, pointing at Lin Yi vigilantly with the slender metal wire hidden in her hair.

In the next second, the silver-white finger armor collided with the center of the bullet-proof glass, a huge force exploded, the ground under his feet cracked silently, and the two thick bullet-proof doors instantly burst into countless fragments, shooting forward.

Lorna suddenly turned pale with fright, and the burly woman who had been hiding beside her for a long time grabbed her arm and dragged her into a cell.

tuk tuk-

Countless shards of glass were shot onto the ground.

Lin Yi patted the glass shards on his body, and walked in nonchalantly. His silver-white titanium alloy boots stepped on the shards of glass on the ground, smashing pieces of glass to pieces.

Just as Lin Yi walked in, a large group of people rushed out of the cell, looking at Lin Yi with unfriendly expressions.

Lorna, who was a little pale, also walked out of the cell with the support of the strong woman, and came to the center of the crowd.

Lin Yi smiled and glanced at the mutant behind him, and then at Lorna in front of him.

"Are you their leader?"

Lorna didn't answer Lin Yi's question. She frowned and looked at Lin Yi with some puzzlement: "Why did you do this?"

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Lorna frowned: "Scare...threat me."

"He didn't want to threaten you, he clearly wanted to kill you!"

The burly woman on the side glared at Lin Yi angrily. As she spoke, thick brown hair seemed to sprout from her neck and arms.

"No, he didn't mean to kill me."

Lorna shook her head and looked down at the ground.

The others lowered their heads, and were shocked to find that all the shards of glass were fixed beyond a certain line, and none of them crossed the line.

The burly woman on the side frowned, and the hair on her body slowly retracted.

She vaguely remembered that beyond this line seemed to be where Lorna was standing.

This person really didn't want to kill Lorna...

"Very keen observation."

Lin Yi nodded approvingly.

Lorna was unmoved: "So can you explain?"

Lin Yi glanced at him lightly: "Why do you have to explain? I am here to save you, not to beg you to be saved by me. Standing outside the door and asking is my last kindness. Once you walk in this door, everyone You must obey my orders, understand?"

Lorna reached out her hand to stop the furious burly woman, looked at Lin Yi carefully, and then nodded.

"I understand."

It's convenient to talk to smart people.

Lin Yi nodded, turned around and walked out the door.

"Give you 1 minute to gather everyone together. According to the urination of Hydra, they may have some procedures like self-destruct bombs. We need to reach the ground as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

Lorna turned around without hesitation, and dragged everyone around her door to door.

John glanced at Lin Yi Yinkai's back, and quietly approached Lorna and asked in a low voice.

"Lorna, do you trust him?"

"if not?"

"But this person..."

Lorna interrupted mercilessly: "This person can easily kick over ten tons of metal doors, can swing the energy light blade that cuts through steel, and can destroy the entire Hydra base by himself... Do I have any choice but to trust him?"

John frowned: "But his behavior is really hard for me to understand. I don't believe that he didn't have a more peaceful way to break through that door. Why must he give you a blow?"

Lorna said softly: "It's very simple, because what he needs is our trust, not love. The two are not the same existence, and it is this attitude that makes me believe that he is indeed here to save us."

John's head was full of black lines: "Is it necessary to make it so complicated?"

"But this is indeed the fastest way to gain my trust." Lorna glanced at him, "His attitude is for me, not for you."

Saying that, Lorna couldn't help but look back.

She always felt that Lin Yi seemed to be able to tell at a glance that she was the only one who could make the decision in this prison.

Of course Lin Yi could see it, but he didn't see it with his eyes...

The magnetic field outside the circular building affected Lin Yi's sword heart and greatly shortened his perception range. Therefore, it was not until Lorna entered the door that Lin Yi was surprised to find that the woman with green eyes was actually called Lorna. Dane.

This is very interesting!

Because Lin Yi clearly remembered that Lorna Dane was the youngest daughter of Magneto, and the only mutant who inherited magnetism among the descendants of Magneto.

The moment Lin Yi sensed the name, she took it for granted that she was the leader.

That's why Lin Yi made the next action choice based on Lorna's inner speculation, and gained Lorna's trust in a very awkward but very fast way.

I have to say that some of this guy's ideas are really weird...

But Lin Yi was a little puzzled, he clearly remembered that Polaris' personality seemed to be almost exactly the same as that of Magneto, why did the one he met now suddenly change his temper and become a wise fighter...

Could it be that the North Star of this world is actually Professor X's daughter?
Lin Yi speculated maliciously about the relationship between Professor X and Magneto, and couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, Lin Yi turned his head without warning, and looked at the passage he had come from.

I saw a white drone flying out of the passage quickly, and Jarvis's slightly anxious signature electronic sound suddenly sounded.

"Mr. Lin, the captured Hydra senior officials confessed that they had activated the self-destruct procedure before leaving, please evacuate as soon as possible! Please evacuate as soon as possible!"

 Thanks to the book friend Zhonghua Yimin for the 100 coin reward
(End of this chapter)

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