Chapter 28 Why did it stop

[Earth Fissure Wave Sword (Insufficient prerequisites, unable to upgrade)]

[Skill level: lv5 (4999+/5000)]

[Skill description: Quickly cast non-attribute fluctuating sword energy forward, which can cause the effects of ground cracks and strong winds]

[Skill effect: magic power/spiritual power/internal power and other attack power increased by 311%]

After calming down the thirst for blood in his heart, Lin Yi poured his inner breath into the sealing ring, completely suppressing the rioting power in his left arm.

The war horse under his crotch kept pacing, snorting twice uneasily.

Lin Yi touched the horse's head to comfort him a little, then held Xuanzong's Tang sword, and looked at the panicked rider and horse in the sandstorm.

At first, he also thought about talking well, but when he saw the barbarians full of teams, the scene he saw in the town just now kept reappearing in his mind, and the anger in his heart couldn't help rising.

Even at a distance of tens of meters, he could still smell the lingering strong bloody smell of these barbarians, and sense the tyrannical desire to plunder deep in their hearts.

For these barbarians in the mountains, burning, killing and looting is simply an instinct engraved in their bones.

Although these people were not necessarily responsible for what happened in the town before, Lin Yi would not believe it at all if these barbarians and Lannister soldiers had never done similar things.

He suddenly remembered Tai Wen's attitude and words in the play. This old guy only cares about whether the war can be won, and doesn't care how many people will die in this land.

At that time, Lin Yi still felt that Tai Wen was like a strategizing and decisive hero, but when he really saw this scene, he truly realized the horror and blood behind those cold orders.

Just a short sentence, "Put the riverland from God's Eye Lake to the Red Fork River in a sea of ​​fire", caused thousands of deaths and tens of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes.

Having just seen the tragedy of the town, Lin Yi was too lazy to tell whether these people were innocent or not.

For these guys with the Lannister flag, if they are all killed, there may be innocent people, but if half of them are killed, there will definitely be people who slip through the net!

Indeed, war is like this. Killing, looting and rape are always the main theme of war, and the real Qiu Fang has always been rare.

Even the army in the north is so barbaric and violent.

But Lin Yi didn't care.

He is essentially extremely selfish and has a bad personality. When sitting in front of the screen, he can use the keyboard to express his understanding of the cruelty of war, and may even mock some naive saints.

But when he actually encountered it, he had long since left behind these pretentious wise yin and yang auras without hesitation.

Who is not a double-standard dog?

It's fine if you don't see it, left and right are just pretending to be ostriches, deliberately not thinking about the cruelty of war.

But once encountered, no matter if it is a Lannister or a northern army, as long as he dares to do such a thing, he will kill him!

After about seven or eight seconds, the man-made "sandstorm" finally subsided, and a winding crack extending seven or eight meters on the ground appeared in everyone's view.

The dozen or so barbarians who rushed up first had already turned their backs on their backs. Both sides of the King's Road were wailing everywhere, and there were rolling barbarians and wailing war horses everywhere.

The four barbarian cavalrymen who charged the fastest were torn in half by the violent fluctuating sword energy. The cracks were extremely irregular, and blood and pieces of flesh were all over the ground.

Tyrion and the soldiers around him slowly straightened up from their horses, and wiped the blood and dust from their faces with their hands.

A series of horrified eyes were placed on Lin Yi's body, to be precise, on his scarlet and ferocious left arm.

The black robe had already been thrown on the ground, so after Lin Yi used the [Earth Fissure Wave Sword], Riot's left arm shattered the clothes on his arm.

At this moment, everyone could clearly see his scarlet arm that seemed to be pregnant with evil.

"Red... red hand..."

"The devil! It must be a devil!"

"The's him...the devil! The red-handed devil!"

"It's the demon that killed the king!"

Many travelers on both sides of the King's Road recognized Lin Yi's identity, and the "red-handed devil" wanted notice was pasted on the door of every tavern on the King's Road in the south by a golden robe.

Whether it is those who have seen the wanted notice or those who have not, everyone is running away in panic.

Lin Yi turned over and got off the horse, holding the Tang sword in his right hand, and walked slowly towards Tyrion. The eyes exposed by the black mask were full of indifference.

When passing by barbarians all over the ground, a hand holding a steel ax suddenly lifted and slashed towards Lin Yi's thigh.


With a flash of sword light, the arm holding the steel ax broke instantly.

But the owner of the hand didn't even hum.

Because his head was cut in half by the sword.

Lin Yi continued to move forward.


Bolong spat out the thick phlegm mixed with sand in his mouth, looked at Lin Yi who was stepping on the blood and minced meat with twitching corners of his mouth, and said in a low voice.

"You're right, no matter how much money you give for this kind of monster, I won't take it."

All the mercenaries fled, and only five Lannister soldiers remained beside Tyrion and Bronn.

Looking at the hellish scene ahead, Tyrion couldn't help swallowing, and said in a low voice.

"Remember what I said?"

"Of course I do, but I don't think we can escape..."

"Huh? Do you want to surrender?"

"of course not!"

"Then hurry up!"

Before Tyrion finished speaking, Bronn took out a dagger with his free left hand, and with his left dagger and right sword, he hit the buttocks of the horse next to him, and the horse roared and galloped forward.

"you do not!"

Two Lannister soldiers greeted Lin Yi's sword with frightened faces.


Accompanied by a sword cry, two rounds of fluorescent moons flashed before the eyes, and the frightened and angry expressions on the faces of the two Lannister soldiers were frozen there forever.

[Moonlight Slash (Insufficient prerequisites, unable to upgrade)]

[Skill level: lv5 (4999+/5000)]

[Skill description: Send out a half-moon-shaped slash forward, which can be followed by a single-handed upward slash or two-handed upward slash. The slash can be interrupted or turned at any time]

[Skill effect: half-moon-shaped slash increases swordsmanship attack power by 114%, adding one-handed upward slash increases swordsmanship attack power by 132%, adding two-handed upwards slash increases swordsmanship attack power by 175%, slashing comes with a mandatory overlord body]

A line of blood spread from the corners of the eyes of the two Lannister soldiers to their ribs, and the horse rushed towards the king's road with the soldiers' lower bodies, leaving only the two half-bodied bodies falling on the dusty ground.

Lin Yi turned his head calmly, looked at Tyrion and Bronn who were running wildly along the road, picked up a palm-sized iron ax from the ground, swung his shoulders round, and threw it forcefully.

A sound of breaking through the air came from behind, and the spinning steel ax flew past Tyrion. Tyrion was startled, but then found that the spinning ax was actually at least half a meter away from him.

But even so, he was still in a cold sweat.

"This is a warning!"

Tyrion suddenly thought of such a sentence.

This guy threw a stone arrow casually, and it could accurately penetrate a barbarian's head. How could a person with such precise control miss an axe.

Thinking of this, Tyrion couldn't help but glance back.


Looking at Lin Yi who picked up two iron axes again, Tyrion was startled and shouted to Bronn.

"He's warning us! Stop it!"


On the other side, Lin Yi shook his head unsurprisingly, looking at the throwing ax that had gone astray.

He didn't practice [Throwing Mastery] well. Without aiming assistance, inaccurate throws are normal.

The stone arrow was thrown backhanded before because there were enough people on the opponent, so as long as the strength is in place, there is no fear of missing it. As for why the arrow was hit on the forehead, it can only be said that the barbarian was more unlucky.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi picked up two more iron axes.

When he raised his head again, Lin Yi couldn't help being a little surprised.

These two guys...

Why did it stop?
(End of this chapter)

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