A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 276 I have the most elite in the world

Chapter 276 I have the most elite in the world


Lin Yi looked at Steve blankly.

"Bucky! He's Bucky!"

Steve rushed over in a hurry, not even wanting the shield.

Lin Yi had expected it a long time ago, and before Steve rushed over, he let go of Bucky's hair, and by the way, pulled out the lightsaber from the tattered metal arm.

Tony flew to his side with the unconscious Alexander Pierce, looking at Steve who excitedly raised the Winter Soldier with a strange expression: "This is... what's going on?"

"The captain says this guy with the steel arm is Bucky."

"Bucky? The member of the Roaring Commandos in the comics, Steve's right-hand man?"


Lin Yi nodded, then came back to his senses, and looked at the shocked Tony with a surprised look: "No, why do you react faster than me? Didn't it mean that you never read comics since you were a child?"

"...Comics are one of the ways to understand the captain's life. I mean, since we will become teammates in the future, we must at least get to know each other, right?"

"Do you understand decades in advance?"


The corners of Tony's mouth behind his mask tugged, then he turned his head slightly, and changed the subject nonchalantly: "You said he was that James Barnes? How is that possible? It's been 70 years, and he's not iced like the captain." Sealed under the glacier."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes: "What's the use of you asking me? It's not me who said it, but he said it."

Following Lin Yi's gaze, the two looked at Steve and Bucky together.

"Bucky, you're still alive! You're still alive!"

Steve looked excitedly at the familiar face covered in blood.

But Bucky frowned tightly, the blood on his head slid down his eye sockets, his somewhat out-of-focus eyes passed through the slightly bloody eyes, staring blankly at Steve's familiar yet unfamiliar face Face, a few words slowly spit out from the mouth:
"Who's... Bucky?"

Steve's pupils shrank, and he stood there dumbfounded.

After saying this, Bucky, who had lost a lot of blood, felt waves of exhaustion rushing to his mind like a tide. The left hand that was holding the tactical dagger on the leggings drooped feebly, and slowly closed his eyes.

Lin Yi looked at Steve's standing back sympathetically, but seeing that the crowd around him had started to rush towards the overpass, Lin Yi still interrupted Steve who was stunned, and whispered in his ear : "Whether he is Bucky or not, take him out of here first, this is not a place to talk."

Steve quickly came back to his senses, looked at the unconscious Bucky with complicated eyes, and nodded slightly.

"You're right, I'm too rude, let's leave first."



"Sergeant Barnes, full name James Buchanan Barnes, was born in Brooklyn in 1917. During World War II, he participated in the 107th Infantry Regiment. He fought against the Nazi forces on the British front and was captured by the enemy near Austria. He was captured, and was rescued by his friend Captain America Steve Rogers, and joined the Roaring Commando created by Steve.

During his participation in the Roaring Commando, Sergeant Barnes followed Captain America to carry out several attacks on the stronghold of the *** and made outstanding contributions to the fight against the *** until an attack against the Hydra scientist Dr. Zola. Assault mission, Sergeant Barnes was hit by an enemy bomb on a high-speed train and fell into the cliff of the glacier..."

Nick Fury frowned and looked at the information about Bucky's life on the screen.

Next to the information, there are two different photos, one is a group photo of all members of the Roaring Commando, and the other is a screenshot of the Winter Soldier's face that was just obtained by satellite.

"It's actually true..."

Nick Fury frowned, feeling a little unbelievable.

At this time, Hill, who had just left for a short time, returned to the office, followed by Natasha in a red leather jacket, and a bald man with glasses who was tied into a rice dumpling.

Nick Fury moved casually, concealed the screen in front of him, and then looked at Natasha in casual clothes.

"Well, are your injuries okay?"

"It hurts more than I thought."

Natasha replied casually, grabbed a seat, pressed the whining rice dumpling on the chair, and then smiled slightly at Nick Fury.

"But that's all."

"You'd better get it checked out, it's an EMP after all."

"I will, when I finish interrogating this guy."

As Natasha spoke, she reached out and tore off the tape on Sitwell's mouth.

As soon as it was torn apart, Sitwell yelled in panic: "How could you bring me here? You shouldn't have brought me here! I betrayed Hydra, and Pierce's people will definitely kill me !"

"You mean the guy in the video?"

Nick Fury flipped the screen and showed Sitwell the video of Lin Yi grabbing Pierce just now.

Seeing the scene of Lin Yi coming out and catching Pierce, Sitwell was stunned.

The escaped Pierce was caught?
Was it the young Avenger who shot?
Nick Fury observed Sitwell's expression expressionlessly.

Although the new veritaserum is powerful, its side effects are also not small. If it is used continuously in a short period of time, it will cause indelible damage to the human brain. By that time, the brains of the people being interrogated will become It was a mess, not to mention finding any key information from him.

So, in order to get information from Sitwell without making him realize that Veritaserum was not working, Nick Fury made a special trip to pull him over to see his reaction.

Sure enough, when seeing Lin Yi grabbing Pierce, Sitwell was only stunned for a while, and then heaved a sigh of relief visibly, but when he saw the helicopter appearing, it flew towards Lin Yi without hesitation. When he opened fire with Pierce, Sitwell's complexion suddenly changed.

"It's over, it's over, I'm dead! They even want to silence Pierce, how can they let me go!"

Sitwell's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the air in front of him, murmuring.

"who are they?"

Nick Fury took the opportunity to shout.

"Tell me, who else is there in Hydra's top management besides Alexander Pierce, Sitwell, this is your only chance to survive, you have become a traitor in their eyes, only S.H.I.E.L.D. can save your life!"

Sitwell came back to his senses, looked at the expressionless Nick Fury and sneered.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? Don't be kidding! There are HYDRA in all departments of S.H.I.E.L.D., even if you can take them all down, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be decimated after this operation .”

"But I don't think you can really take them all down."

"As early as ten years ago, Hydra had secretly infiltrated all the armed forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. Except for the slow progress of the Asian branch and the European branch, the STRIKE commandos of all other branches of S.H.I.E.L.D. The power of the head snake!"

"Nick Fury, open your eyes, don't overestimate yourself! The most elite troops of S.H.I.E.L.D. are in the hands of Hydra, what do you use to fight them?"

Sitwell became more and more excited as he spoke, and almost roared out the last sentence.

But just after finishing the last sentence, Sitwell slumped on the chair weakly, staring at the ceiling blankly, as if he had lost his soul.

Nick Fury was not surprised at all, let alone angry, because he knew that the person Sitwell wanted to convince with these words was not him, but Sitwell himself.

Nick Fury glanced at the monitoring screen in the lower right corner of the screen, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Sitwell, I really failed to wipe out the forces of Hydra in one fell swoop, and even let them control the headquarters in East Africa... You are right, they have the most elite troops of S.H.I.E.L.D., but—— "

"I have the most elite in the world!"

Nick Fury pointed his finger on the screen, and a monitoring screen inside the elevator quickly rotated and zoomed in. Lin Yi in silver-purple armor, Tony in golden-red armor, and Captain America with a shield all appeared on the stunned Seat. In Will's eyes.

Nick Fury said lightly: "Hand over the information, and I will imprison you in the Avengers Building."

Sitwell nodded decisively: "Deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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