Chapter 259 Who are you?

Another heavy metal door was blown away, and Lin Yi, wearing a silver mask, walked in.

A series of footsteps sounded from overhead, and the armed forces of Quinn International Corporation seemed to have chased after them.

Lin Yi glanced lightly at the top of his head, then kicked the twisted and dented metal door away, and put his gaze on the ground under his feet. The buzzing of the alarm and the sound of running footsteps still couldn't stop Lin Yi from catching the sound coming from the ground. that faint movement.

He could tell that it should be here.

Lin Yi lifted his foot with a calm expression, and with energy, he stepped on it suddenly in a cloud of silvery white light.


A huge roar suddenly exploded from the ears. The bald man with glasses who was in front of a console was startled. He trembled and almost pressed the start button to the self-destruct button. Countless concrete rubble and metal pieces fell from the ceiling. The bald man with glasses in a white coat squatted down next to the console subconsciously, raising his arms to cover his head.

"Dr. Hall."

A clear voice sounded from the side, and Franklin Hall stood up timidly, only to realize that it wasn't just metal and steel bars that fell down with the concrete rubble, but also a man in black with a silver mask.

After jumping down from the pothole, Lin Yi quickly looked around and found that it was a well-equipped and very spacious laboratory. In the middle of the laboratory was Dr. Hall in a white coat and a huge central console. The pothole that Lin Yi violently opened was half a meter away from the console.

On the opposite side of the console is a huge compartment surrounded by metal, only a thick tempered glass is placed on the wall facing the console. The gravitational onium generator is not known to be many times larger, and the huge gravimetric onium particle cluster is constantly fluctuating disorderly in the center of the transparent sphere and the interlaced iron ring.

Lin Yi glanced excitedly at the gravitational onium, and then walked quickly to Dr. Hall.

"Doctor, come with me, the S.H.I.E.L.D. plane is parked outside."


Dr. Hall breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. He quickly stood up, with a trace of apology on his regained composure, and his hands kept moving on the console.

"Sorry, Mr. Agent, I'm not going anywhere, I'm where I should be."


Lin Yi raised his eyebrows. Although he knew that Dr. Hall would say that, just to be on the safe side, he dutifully played a surprised and unaware role.

"Sorry, I didn't understand, can you say it again?"

"I want to stay here."

Dr. Hall looked up as if he had finally finished something, and looked at Lin Yi apologetically.

"I'm sorry, kid, I don't know if your superiors have ever told you what gravitonium is, but this thing is too dangerous, and I can't let anyone control it, neither Quinn nor S.H.I.E.L.D., so I……"

"That's why you leaked the information to Ian Quinn, just to be tied here by him, and then activate this thing? I know the danger of the gravitonium. Once the gravitonium generator is so big in front of you, once it is activated, The whole island will fly into the sky, do you want the whole island to die in the ocean with it?"


Dr. Hall let out a long sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his stubble-covered face.

Although he had already made this rational but inhuman decision, it was much better to be able to express his true thoughts before he died than to keep it in his heart.

"You're crazy."

"Killing one person and saving millions, I'm not crazy, it's just a pity for you..."

Seeing Dr. Hall's sighing and apologetic expression, Lin Yi couldn't help cursing inwardly.

He personally hates this kind of self-righteous and self-righteous guy, but he has to admit that human beings must never lose this kind of character, so he decided to take this guy back and let a certain stewed director deal with it.

"Sorry, doctor, I won't let you do this." Lin Yi shook his head and said.

"It's too late!"

Dr. Hall had a smile on his face, and pressed his fingers quickly and firmly towards the console.

He had already made all the preparations. The reason why he talked so much with Lin Yi was that he wanted to find someone to share his lofty purpose before he died, so that the poor agent could understand by the way.

When he activates this omnidirectional generator, the entire island will be buried in the bottom of the sea with the gravitonium, but he can die with the gravitonium that he has studied all his life, and he is considered a worthy death!
With a contented smile on Dr. Hall's face, he pointed at... huh?

Dr. Hall's eyes widened, and his fingers landed steadily one centimeter above the console. His still strong right arm seemed to be pinched by a pair of iron clamps. Even with the strength of breastfeeding, he couldn't break through the last centimeter, and clicked on the start button of the console.

"Sorry doctor, I told you I couldn't let you do this."

Lin Yi's faint voice came to his ears, waking up Dr. Hall from his stupor.

It wasn't until then that he discovered in horror that the man with the silver mask had appeared in front of him at some point, with a hand firmly grasping his arm, preventing him from moving a single bit.

After returning to his senses, Dr. Hall roared angrily.

"Don't stop me! What do you know? Gravitonium must not..."

"Stop pretending."

Lin Yi sighed lightly, and pulled his arm hard, Dr. Hall, whose face was flushed, was staggered suddenly, and the other hand that was silently pointing at the console had to leave the screen.

Lin Yi then raised his legs, twisted his hips, and kicked the console rooted in the ground. The bucket-thick console was broken with one kick, and the expensive screen, which was [-] inches long, fell to the ground viciously. , While the sparks were flying, more than half of the lines connected below crackled, leaving only a few sporadic ones still connected to the huge console screen above.

Dr. Hall glanced at the console in despair, then glared at Lin Yi angrily.

"who are you?"

It could be heard that this time he was really angry.

Just as Lin Yi was about to say something, there was a burst of fierce footsteps outside the laboratory door.

Dr. Hall's eyes lit up, he quickly showed a frustrated look, and waved towards Lin Yi.

"Quin's people are here, you should leave quickly. There are three fully armed mercenary squads in Quinn's mansion. I know you may be a super soldier secretly trained by S.H.I.E.L.D., but even Captain America Without a shield, it may not be able to defeat the encirclement and suppression of these three teams."

"Not always."

A faint laugh came from the mouth of the man with the silver mask. Dr. Hall was slightly taken aback, and saw half of the corner of the mouth exposed by the mask slightly raised.

In the next second, the figure of the man with the silver mask disappeared suddenly, and appeared in front of the door of the laboratory in an instant. His palm was wrapped in silver and his fingers were like knives. Then suddenly pulled.

With an exclamation, a man armed with a submachine gun was dragged into the room by the silver masked man with the metal door, and then slammed on the ground. The man in full force passed out without even making a sound .

The black-painted submachine gun fell to the ground and was crushed by the foot of the silver-masked man.

Dr. Hall stared blankly at this scene, suddenly came to his senses, and shouted.

"You... who are you?"

Just as the man in the silver mask turned around, there was a burst of shouting from outside the gate, and countless footsteps came towards this side. Several iron melons that had been pulled apart hit the wall and turned around in the air. Flew towards the lab after a few laps.

Dr. Hall suddenly turned pale with shock, but the three grenades did not fall to the ground.

A slender, white, big hand with well-defined bones drew a strange arc, stopped all three grenades in his hand, then turned a corner in the air, and threw it back incomparably smoothly.

boom boom-

Three roars rang out in no particular order, and the raging flames engulfed the corridor. The red light and screams echoed on the wall outside the laboratory door, but the man in the silver mask in front of the door patted Clapping his hands, he turned his head and smiled at Dr. Hall who was in a daze, then turned and walked out the door.

In the next second, rattling fire rang out from outside the door, and the howling rain of bullets passed through the corridor in front of the laboratory with the sound of piercing, but the screams followed by screams were still heard.

Dr. Hall stared blankly at the door, and then sat down on the ground in a somewhat dejected manner.

He knew that he had failed completely this time...

(End of this chapter)

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