Chapter 254 Gravity Onium

Seeing this face, Melinda finally understood the reason why Coulson suddenly let them go first, and finally understood why she felt his figure was very familiar...

It turned out to be an Avenger.

And it's the youngest Chinese Avenger!
A small smile appeared on Melinda's face.

She is an insider of the purge plan, Coulson's most trusted agent, and naturally knows that the beginning of the purge plan is the young man in front of her, in other words, this young man is currently one of the most trustworthy avengers .

Fitz and Simmons were already shocked and speechless.

"My God! Coulson, I know you have applied to the headquarters for help from the Avengers before, but I didn't expect you to actually—" Fitz coughed twice, stopped his chatter, and then turned to Lin Yi stretched out a hand and said calmly, "Hello, Mr. Juggernaut, my name is Leo Fitz, and I am very glad to work with you."

Lin Yi smiled and shook hands with him.

"Hello, Mr. Fitz, I heard Coulson talk about you. He always said that you are a genius second only to Tony..."

"is it?"

Fitz opened his eyes wide and looked at Coulson.

"It's just a metaphor." Coulson smiled awkwardly.

"Then I am very grateful, after all, I am not as good as Mr. Stark, he is almost an all-rounder!"

Simmons next to him also found a gap, and quickly shook hands with Lin Yi.

"My name is Jemma, Jemma Simmons, nice to meet you, Mr. Juggernaut."

"Me too, and... Mr. Juggernaut is too long, just call me Yi."

"Is it really possible?"

"of course."

When Lin Yi shook hands with Simmons and Fitz and had a conversation, Skye on the side widened his eyes, raised his hand somewhat mechanically, and pulled Agent Ward's clothes beside him.

"what happened?"

"Pinch me and let me see if it's true."


The corner of Ward's mouth twitched, and after looking up at Lin Yi, he said in a low voice.

"It's nothing to be surprised about. You work in S.H.I.E.L.D. There's always a chance you'll meet the Avengers."

"I know, but I didn't expect it to be so fast... It's only been a week!"

"That means you really don't know this officer. He was the liaison officer for the Avengers."

"Of course I don't understand, I was still on your wanted list a week ago!"

Hearing Skye and Ward's low-pitched quarrel, Lin Yi glanced at them, and then calmed down the mood of the two in front of him gently. To be honest, Lin Yi felt that they were more like groupies than science consultants.

"Fitz, Simmons, I'm very happy to meet you, and I really want to visit your scientific research room after the mission is over, but before that, shouldn't this be resolved first?"

Lin Yi raised his right hand, and then let it go.


A tiny buzz sounded, and the sand on the ground instantly began to vibrate.

He clenched his fist again, and the vibrating sand calmed down again.

Seeing this scene, Coulson, Fitz and others quickly left Lin Yi.

Only then did they know that the weird force field just now still exists!

Lin Yi just raised his right hand like this, and a silver-white light came out from between his fingers.

"Now I have sealed this stone with my own power, but I can't stop it from releasing that position, unless I destroy it directly, but I think you should need this device, so... Fitz, Simmons, maybe You need to shut it down."

Lin Yi looked at Fitz and Simmons.

Fitz and Simmons looked at each other, then nodded, picked up the instrument in their hands and started debugging.

After some adjustments, Lin Yi finally felt that the power of resistance in his hands had weakened.

He spread out his right hand again, this time, there was no abnormal vibration on the ground.

Coulson and the others breathed a sigh of relief and leaned over again.

"...Is it just a stone?"

Simmons tested the stone in Lin Yi's palm with an instrument.

Fitz had already gone to get the mechanical pliers, and they didn't dare to touch the stone with their bodies yet.

Lin Yi raised his brows suddenly, signaling Simmons and others who were still observing to look up.

Then he held the stone again, exerting a little force.

After a crisp sound, Lin Yi let go of his hand, and saw a tiny transparent ball lying on the gravel in Lin Yi's palm. The ball was covered with two intersecting metal rings, and there was a small ball in the center of the transparent ball. Black particles that are constantly fluctuating.

Fitz opened his eyes wide in a daze, and took it out of Lin Yi's palm with mechanical pliers.

"What's this?" Skye asked suspiciously.

"...not sure." Coulson looked at the ball solemnly, "but it must be something very important."

"That's right, it should be the culprit that caused all this."

While talking, Fitz put it into a suitcase-like container.

Just as he closed the lid, Lin Yi suddenly made a sound.

"Wait a moment!"

Coulson and others, including Fitz and Simmons, all looked at Lin Yi.

"I might know what it is."

Lin Yi walked over slowly, opened the container that Fitz had just closed, took out the transparent ball, and placed it in front of Simmons and Fitz.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be gravitonium."

"Jian...Mr. Yi, you said this is gravitonium?"

Simmons opened his eyes wide in shock, Fitz also stared blankly at the ball in Lin Yi's hand, and murmured.

"Gravityonium, of course this is gravitationalium! Why didn't I think of it..."

"Dr. Hall is right! Such a thing actually exists!"

Seeing the excited faces of Fitz and Simmons, Coulson, Skye and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

The corner of Ward's mouth twitched: "Speak humanly, thank you!"

Simmons said: "Gravityonium is a rare element that has not been discovered... or has not been discovered before. Its atomic number is extremely high, and the conditions for its formation and distribution are so harsh that most people do not believe it exists. "

"To be honest, I didn't believe in his existence before today." Fitz said with some disbelief, "The gravitonium can destroy the gravitational field inside it, forming a fluctuating and amorphous form...that is, the little one in the middle. Clusters of particles moving around."

Following Fitz's explanation as simple and understandable as possible, everyone's eyes were on the small group of black particles that were fluctuating in disorder in the transparent sphere.

"Once activated by an electric current or something, the gravitonium can manipulate the gravitational field around it... yes! The gravitational field, I think I know what's going on with that transporter, it's the thing that controls the gravitational force around it , lifted all the vehicles into the sky, and then terminated the control of gravity, causing those vehicles that flew into the sky to fall down again!"

After figuring this out, Fitz quickly restored the scene of the previous attack. Coulson, Skye, Ward, Melinda and others were stunned, but they barely understood. Fitz meant it.

Coulson took the thing from his hand and asked lightly.

"You mean, this thing can manipulate gravity?"

"That's right." Fitz nodded affirmatively.

"Then why are you talking so much?"

Ward made a speechless remark.

"Because this is gravitonium!" Fitz opened his eyes wide. "Particles that can control gravity, extremely rare or even unproven elements, Dr. Hall has been researching and pursuing for decades!"

Hearing the last sentence, Coulson and the others froze suddenly.

Coulson frowned and raised his head to look at Fitz.

"What did you say?"

"...What did you say?"

Fitz was a little puzzled, and Coulson continued to ask.

"Is this something Dr. Hall has been working on?"

"Yes." Fitz nodded.

"Dr. Hall told us about this when we were in college." Simmons also said.

"He also published a paper on gravitonium after he left his job. I also read it, but I didn't think this kind of thing really existed at the time. Looking at it now, the truth is really in the hands of a few people."

"Yeah! I've also read that paper. His theory and logic are very exciting, but it's a pity that he lacks proofs. But now that he has this thing, next year's Nobel Prize in Physics must go to Dr. Hall!"

"I think so……"

Fitz and Simmons discussed each other sentence by sentence.

Coulson and Melinda looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Lin Yi knew what they were thinking, he patted Coulson on the shoulder and said in a low voice.

"It seems that the person who leaked the information and route has been found this time. Coulson, Dr. Hall must be captured. This matter is very important, so I will act together with you."

(End of this chapter)

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