Chapter 24 Tyrion

As you go forward, there are more and more small rivers, and the rivers are like shining silk, dotted on the grass-green land.

But beauty is beauty, this road is not so easy.

The shallows along the river were full of reeds, not to mention mosquitoes and flies, and Arya even saw several water snakes.

Children like Arya naturally hated this place, but Yoren was very happy.

"God's Eye Lake is ahead."

You Lun walked beside Lin Yi, his tone became a little more relaxed, and when he arrived at the God's Eye Lake, he was not far from the Trident River. .

"We are now on a tributary extending from the south of God's Eye Lake, Nuo, which is the position at the base of the tadpole's tail."

God's Eye Lake is an important landmark near the Trident River. When they arrive at God's Eye Lake, they will have several directions to choose from.

You Lun spread the map on the carriage, pointed to the map and said to Lin Yi.

"Go east along the east bank and you will return to King's Road, so my original plan was to go west first. There is a wooden bridge that is not too big. After crossing the bridge, you can walk along the west bank of God's Eye Lake. Bypass God's Eye Lake and arrive at the town of Heron."

"It's a good plan, but why is it the original?" Lin Yi asked.

"Because there is still a war on the west bank..." Yoren sighed, "When I passed the farmland before, I spent some copper coins to buy news from the farmer. I heard that the army from the north had already crossed the Luancheng River."

Lin Yi frowned, and looked at the map carefully.

The Luancheng River is on the Trident's tributary [Green Fork River]. To the south of it is the Riverlands, which is where the Northern Territory is currently fighting with Lannister.

Lin Yi looked at the map for a while, then suddenly asked.

"Can Harrenhal go?"

Yoren thought for a moment, then nodded.

"It should be possible. It is the territory of the Countess of He'an. She has always been a friend of the Night Watchman."

"Then is there a way to borrow or buy a boat around here?" Lin Yi asked again.

"...It should be possible." Yoren nodded. "There is a small town nearby. Although it is only the territory of a small nobleman, there will definitely be ships there."

Lin Yi nodded.

"We can go there, sell the valuables, and then buy a few boats to cross God's Eye Lake and arrive at Harrenhal, which is fast and safe..."

In fact, it is not safe at all, but there are many crocodiles in this lake.

You Lun complained in his heart, but when he thought of Lin Yi's strength and the six fine steel swords he had seized, he suddenly became a little moved.

"Okay! That's it. Let's continue walking north along the river bank, and we will reach the small town before dark."

Lin Yi nodded, led a war horse, got on the horse's back and went forward as a scout.

The further north you go, the more farmland there is on both sides of the river.

After all, water is the source of life, and the land around God's Eye Lake is very fertile. Even if those farmers farm randomly on this land, they can still have a very good harvest in a year.

Of course, the so-called random farming is just random farming in Lin Yi's eyes. In the eyes of these Westeros natives, their farming skills and harvests are already very good.

But in Lin Yi's eyes, these people are just taking advantage of the fertile land and high-quality seedlings.

Looking at China, which dynasty's farmers did not use more than 10 times the land utilization rate of the Western world at the same time.

No way, stupid people have stupid blessings.

Lin Yi muttered in his heart.

Lin Yi casually glanced at the people standing on the edge of the farmland, and passed by them on a horse.

There are more and more farmland, and there are more and more people guarding the farmland. Some of these people are farmers and some are soldiers, but everyone regards the farmland behind them as very important.

As soon as Lin Yi passed by, they stared closely at them. There were even a few guys with bows and arrows on horses who opened their bows and kept aiming at him until he went far away.

But this is all good, there is no special danger, even these people who guard the farmland should not do anything to the 30-person convoy, they should be eager for the convoy to leave quickly.

After running for a long distance, Lin Yi planned to return, but suddenly, Lin Yi found a small military camp ahead.

To say he is small is actually only compared to the real military camp.

Looking at the camp, there were at least [-] or [-] soldiers, and there were only five Lannister soldiers outside the camp, and two of them had broken an arm or a leg, and they looked seriously injured.

"This is the army that has retreated from the front line." Lin Yi was a little surprised, "How sympathetic is Tai Wen to the soldiers?"

When he watched dramas before, he only knew to look at Tywin from the perspective of Tyrion and Stark, but he really didn't care about Tywin's attitude towards soldiers and subjects.

"By the way, the flag..."

Lin Yi suddenly heard this, he was very skilled and daring, and then he rode his horse forward and approached the camp.

The flags planted on the campsite gradually became clear.

It was a very conspicuous flag, with a crimson background, and a golden roaring lion embroidered on it.

Lion family?Lannister?
Looking at the flag fluttering in the wind, Lin Yi was a little surprised, but then opened his eyes wide.

"Wait! I remembered!"

At this time, James was captured, and Tywin was worrying about the restless daughter in King's Landing, so he sent his second son back to King's Landing to replace him as the Hand of the King!



"It's alright..."

Tyrion lifted the flagon and filled the fine goblet in front of him, studded with gems and diamonds.

"It's just a flesh wound."

Bronn shook his hands indifferently, picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it in one gulp, then looked at this luxurious wine glass that he could never afford in his life, thought for a while, and put it in his arms.

"Back to King's Landing, there will be countless gold and girls who can't sleep forever."

Tyrion didn't care about Bronn's actions at all, and drank glass after glass of wine. Now he just wants to go back to King's Landing quickly, and return to the life of drinking and drinking.

Whenever he thought of the words his father had said to him in the army camp, Tyrion felt chills in his heart.

When Tywin said "Because you are my son" to him, Tyrion hated his smart and wise brain so much for the first time.

If he didn't have this head, he might be so moved by Tywin's words, immersed in the warm and false family trap, but...

Things are always so funny.

In order to be recognized by his family, Tyrion cultivated a head full of books and worldly affairs.

But it was this head that perfectly played its role at such a node that didn't need it, and once again disillusioned Tyrion's illusions about family affection.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, before that, Tywin had never really admitted that he was his son in front of him.

When he said this to Tyrion, Tyrion knew that he had given up on James who was captured in the enemy camp.

Because James had been acquiesced to be a dead man, Tywin began to face up to this son who had been neglected in the past.

How could he be willing?

At the moment when he wanted to understand, Tyrion really wanted to cut open Tywin's chest with a dagger to see if the heart inside was really made of gold as the commoners said.

Tywin was reluctant in his heart, he was just the last choice of Tywin.

Lannister needs a legacy, and all he has left is Tyrion.

Tyrion stared blankly at the sky beyond the tent with his slightly misshapen face.

(End of this chapter)

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