Chapter 239 Showdown
In the ward of the school hospital.

Three figures were standing in front of a hospital bed, silently looking at the girl with a stiff body on the bed.

"Another attack has occurred."

Professor McGonagall's voice broke the silence in the ward, and her tone was surprisingly gentle.

"This time it was your sister who was attacked. She was attacked next to the men's bathroom on the seventh floor at noon. Do you know why she appeared there?"

Seventh floor... washroom...

When he heard these two words, Danas instantly thought of everything.

These days, he has quietly come to the eighth floor almost every day and entered the Room of Requirement. His younger sister Hannah must have noticed his strange behavior and was curious for a while, so she quietly followed him up the stairs. Thinking of bumping into the basilisk just by the bathroom on the seventh floor.

Fortunately, when he was ten years old, he gave his younger sister a set of magic contact lenses, which helped her develop the habit of wearing them. Otherwise... it would not be as simple as being petrified!

Looking at his sister's stiff face like a sculpture, and her eyes that lost their spirit, Danas's hands hanging by his sides were tightly clenched into fists, and the veins on the back of his hands were swollen.


Professor McGonagall called out worriedly.

Danas came back to his senses, and shook his head calmly.

"I don't know, I don't know, Professor."

Seeing Danas's expression, Professor McGonagall sighed, took his hand and comforted him softly.

"Don't worry, child, Hannah is just petrified. Professor Sprout told me this morning that the mandrakes will be ready for harvesting in a month. By then, all petrified people will wake up." .”

"Yes, I know."

Danas nodded slightly.

Professor McGonagall patted the back of his hand and said worriedly.

"Danas, let me escort you back to Ravenclaw."

"No need, professor." Danas shook his head. "You'd better go to the common room to announce the news. The frequency of attacks on students has increased. This is not good news."

"...Yes, you are right."

Professor McGonagall looked stunned, and then frowned slightly, a little worried.

"But are you all right by yourself?"

"it does not matter."

A smile appeared on Danas's face.

After turning around again, the smile on Danas's face gradually faded.

"The basilisk..."

Danas narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked out of the hospital expressionlessly.



In Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

The three of Harry were arguing quietly.

"how is this possible?!"

Hermione frowned, and let out a low cry.

"If Tom Riddle is really Voldemort, how can the school keep his special contribution award?"

"Of course it's because merit is merit and demerit is demerit!" Ron shrugged. "Hogwarts has always distinguished merit and demerit. I know this best, don't you Harry?"


Harry nodded too.

"And I don't think Danas will lie to me on this kind of issue, it won't do him any good..."

"Unless he is the Slytherin Heir to the Chamber of Secrets!"

Hermione suddenly said something.


Harry and Ron looked at each other and frowned.

"It is indeed possible." Harry nodded, then shook his head, and raised the black book in his hand, "But our top priority is to quickly find the person who left this book behind!"

"How do you find this?" Ron had a headache.

"Remember that scream?"

"Remember, it was a girl, and then?" Ron shrugged noncommittally, "You don't want to say it's Ginny again, do you? Stop kidding, it's not funny at all!"

"But that's what it is!"

While Harry was hesitating, a calm voice came from outside the bathroom.

The three hurriedly looked towards the door vigilantly, and then saw Danas' calm face.


Harry and Hermione were slightly taken aback, and Ron was also taken aback, but then he reacted, glared at Danas angrily, and shouted.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Ginny even has one..."


Danas' faint voice sounded, and Ron's voice stopped abruptly. Although his mouth was still opening and closing, he could no longer make a sound.


Realizing that he had been cursed, Ron's eyes widened, and he angrily took out his tattered wand that had been broken into two pieces and could only be held together with tape and glue.

"Except your weapons!"

A red spell shot out, knocking down the wand in Ron's hand.

Seeing this, Harry and Hermione quickly took out their wands and looked at Danas warily.

"Relax." Danas glanced at them, and said in a flat tone, "I'm just afraid that he will hurt himself by swinging his staff indiscriminately... Believe me, I have no malice towards you."

With that said, Danas put the wand back in his arms, indicating that he did not mean any harm.

Harry and Hermione exchanged glances at Ron's battered, frequently malfunctioning wand - it had to be said that the reason was quite convincing.

Ron's eyes widened, looking in disbelief at Harry and Hermione who put down their wands.

At this moment, Danas' voice sounded again, drawing Ron's attention back.

"Listen, Ron, the original owner of this notebook is indeed Ginny. If you don't believe me, you can ask Luna Lovegood, a first-year Ravenclaw, who once saw this notebook from Ginny. Books, and by the way, she's also Ginny's friend."

After speaking, before Ron could retort angrily, Danas changed the subject.

"However, owning this book does not mean that she is the heir of Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets. She is just a poor little girl affected by this matter. The real heir of the Chamber of Secrets is actually someone else."

Hearing this sentence, both Harry and Hermione were taken aback, and the anger on Ron's face gradually disappeared.

Hermione frowned slightly, and asked tentatively:

"You know the Slytherin Heir of the Chamber of Secrets?"


Danas nodded.

The eyes of the three of Harry lit up instantly.

"who is it?"

Harry couldn't help asking.

Danas looked down and said calmly.

"It's the diary in your hand."


The three of them were slightly startled, and all looked at the notebook in their hands.

" this just a book?"

Harry's face was full of puzzlement, but Danas's expression didn't change at all.

"As I said before, the original owner of this book, Tom Riddle, was a mysterious man in his student days. If you look carefully at the cover of this book, you will find that there is a Muggle bookstore written on the cover. name……"

Harry and Hermione nodded in unison, they had already figured this out.

"That's right, Tom Riddle is not a pure-blood, his father is a Muggle, so the mysterious man is very disgusted with the name Riddle, which belongs to Muggles, so he reorganized his name and changed a brand new one for himself. name--"


Harry couldn't help but say the name.

"That's right." Danas glanced at him and said calmly, "Few people know this, so that's why I'm sure that this book really belongs to the mysterious person... I guess, he may be in this book A spell that can manipulate the minds of others is left in the book, such as the Imperius Curse, one of the Unforgivable Curses."

The three of Harry opened their eyes wide and looked at each other.

But Danas still said to himself: "Only a talented person like him can find the secret room left by Slytherin, and only a person like him who can understand Parseltongue can control the secret room." Basilisks attack people everywhere."

"Wait, Basilisk?"

Harry frowned at Danas.

Danas nodded: "The Basilisk, also known as the Snake King, is a huge monster with a long lifespan, and it also has deadly fangs and a pair of magical eyes. Any creature that looks at it will be would die instantly."

"The turned out to be a basilisk!"

A look of excitement and bewilderment suddenly appeared on Harry's face.

"Anyone who looks at the basilisk will die immediately, but Colin saw it through the camera, so he was petrified, but the film in the camera was burnt, and Mrs. Norris..."

Thinking of Filch's cat, Harry paused, but Hermione let out a low cry.

"Water! It's water!" Her eyes were full of amazement, "Myrtle threw water all over the place that day, Mrs. Norris must have seen the reflection of the basilisk in the water!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Harry was overjoyed, and Ron had a smile on his face too, but he couldn't make a sound yet.

But after being happy, Harry and Hermione thought of Danas in front of them.

The two turned their heads and stared at Danas with a slight frown.

" know everything?"


Dana nodded calmly.

"Then why didn't you tell us or the professor at the school?"

Harry's face was full of confusion.

"Because I don't want to get into trouble." Danas shook his head, "The chamber of secrets is a trouble, the basilisk is a trouble, the three of you are also a trouble, and the mysterious man is a huge trouble... I just want to live in peace Live my Hogwarts life and don't want to get involved with any trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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