A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 236 The Chaotic Potion Class

Chapter 236 The Chaotic Potion Class
In Potions class that afternoon.

Recalling Lin Yi's expression before, Danas always felt a little weird, but he couldn't say exactly why it was weird... After thinking about it, maybe it was because Lin Yi's attitude was a little too gentle.

Based on Danas' understanding of Lin Yi these days, facing the basilisk in the secret room, he should calmly show disdain. How could he push all the basilisk matter on Dumbledore like just now? ?

Could it be... what plan does he have with Professor Dumbledore?
While thinking, Danas stirred the cauldron in front of him.

The potion to be brewed in this lesson is swelling potion. Its main ingredients are dried nettles, puffer fish eyes, and bat spleen. The whole brewing stage is divided into two steps, and the longest one is the first step .

Because this step requires heating the mixed potion in the crucible for a full 60 minutes, such a long period of heating caused countless water vapors to rise from the crucible, submerging the entire classroom in a vast expanse of white smoke.

Snape patrolled the classroom in such a thick smoke, roughly criticizing the work of the Gryffindor students, while the Slytherin students gloated and even winked through the smoke.

Seeing this scene through the smoke, Danas could not help but click his tongue twice, and observed a few seconds of silence for the Gryffindor students.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from Slytherin—the swelling potion in front of Goyle suddenly exploded.

Numerous swelling potions splashed all around, and all the students screamed.

Danas quickly came back to his senses, and then focused all his attention on the splashing soup in the air. At the same time, he quickly took a step back, avoiding all the splashing soup with precision.

While backing away, Danas even reached out and grabbed his sister beside him.


Hannah Abbott screamed, and was dragged back several steps by Danas.

After screaming, Hannah stared in shock at the hot swelling potion on the ground, couldn't help but patted her chest with her right hand, turned around and hugged Danas.

"Great! Thank you for giving me a hand!"

"It's okay, hurry up and see if there is any stain on the clothes."

"oh oh!"

Hannah let go of her hand quickly and checked her clothes.

They all escaped the splashing swelling potion, but the other students were not so lucky. When Danas raised his head again, all the students had already suffered, and the Slytherin students closest to Goyle were the most most.

Malfoy was the first to bear the brunt of being poured on his face, his nose and cheeks immediately swelled up, his handsome little face turned into a pig's head in an instant, and he was screaming in panic at the moment.

Not only him, but the other students also looked panic-stricken. Everyone was screaming in panic, and few of them were in the mood to appreciate this scene.

What a pity...

The corners of Danas's mouth curled up slightly. Fortunately, he has been practicing the technique of Qi guidance in "Divine Mechanism" these days, and his physical fitness and reaction ability have improved a lot. Otherwise, perhaps some of these screaming students There is one of him!

"Quiet! Quiet everyone!" Snape's cursed loud voice overwhelmed all the noise, "All the students who were splashed by the swelling potion, come to me to get the anti-swelling potion, come one by one, Don't squeeze!"

Malfoy and the others rushed towards the direction of the sound, but because the eyelids were swollen like sausages, there was only a thin gap left in the field of vision, so Malfoy could only clumsily stretch out his hand while Fumble and move forward.

Seeing this scene, Danas quickly shifted his gaze, so he didn't laugh out loud.

After retracting his gaze, Danas took the opportunity to look around.

Sure enough, Hermione had already taken advantage of the chaos and slipped out of the classroom. Although Ron knew that Harry was going to be funny, he still couldn't escape the attack of the swelling potion, and at this moment, he was holding his mallet-like arm towards Snape. go over there.

Only Harry, fighting back a smile, stood intact behind his cauldron.

Then, the eyes of the two met as a matter of course.

Seeing Danas who was also intact, Harry was taken aback for a moment, and quickly restrained the smile on the corner of his mouth, but what he didn't expect was that Danas pointed at Malfoy's back, and then heyed at him Laughed.

Harry was startled again, and then came back to his senses, with a knowing smile on his face.

So, separated by a thick white mist, the two laughed tacitly amidst the intense screams of their classmates.

At this time, Hannah had already helped her bewitched female best friend to walk in the direction of Professor Snape. Danas was a little worried about his sister, so after thinking about it, he followed.

Before leaving, he put his hand beside the cauldron and gave Harry a thumbs up.

Harry smiled slightly, accepting Danas' praise without humility.

After seven or eight minutes, the commotion in the classroom finally ended. Everyone drank the anti-swelling potion, and now they were gathering together in small groups, each silently facing Snape's gloomy gaze.

Harry also remained silent. He glanced at Hermione's position out of the corner of his eye and found that she had returned there before slowly letting go of the big stone in his heart.

Standing in front of Goyle's cauldron, Snape used the crucible tongs to grab a mass of black ashes from the crucible, then lifted it up, his sharp eyes slashed across everyone's faces like knives.

This thing is called Fierce Fireworks, which is a magical firework that will be ignited when it touches water.

So when the thing fell into a cauldron filled with a thick potion of swelling, the aftermath...

"Once I find out who threw it... I will definitely not let him go!"

Everyone could hear the hint of anger in Snape's deep voice.

Naturally, Harry was no exception. He couldn't help swallowing when he heard the words that seemed to be squeezed out between his teeth.

But it was a pity that Snape was still staring at Harry, as if convinced that he did it.

This made Harry flustered, but fortunately, the class was over soon. After class, Harry and the others hurried out of the classroom, and then came to the bathroom where Myrtle was.

"Snape, he must know it's me!" Harry said in a panic.

"He doesn't know, he just doesn't like you." Hermione comforted Harry a little, "Your movements are so subtle that I didn't even notice them, let alone other people!"

"Who said that!" Harry was a little anxious, "Danas saw it!"

"Then you don't have to worry!"

Hermione pouted, and threw the two remaining materials into the cauldron without stopping.

"Although Danas didn't intend to join us, he must hate Malfoy and Slytherin even more. How could he tell Snape about you?"

"I'm not worried about Danas, Hermione." Harry said sadly, "I'm worried about Snape, he will never let me go just like that!"

"He has no evidence, no way to prove it."

Ron couldn't help but comfort him.

While the three of Harry were boiling Polyjuice Potion and discussing in low voices, a petite figure was staggering past the corridor outside the washroom.

She has long hair like flames, she is not tall, but her eyes are big, her chin is also pointed, she looks like a sweet and lovely little girl next door...but unfortunately, that photo should have On the small face with a shy smile, at this moment, there was a faint viciousness and hostility that made one's heart chill.

"Damn it! There are so many roosters in the common room of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff!"

The petite girl clenched her teeth tightly, and a trace of blackness flashed in her big brown eyes.

"It's not right, someone must have noticed it!"

"Is it Dumbledore? Or that oriental guy who came out of nowhere...Damn it, why are there always some ungrateful guys jumping out to stop me before I'm about to succeed?!"

At this time, at the end of the corridor behind her, a figure with white hair and white beard quietly appeared there.

Ginny Weasley... I see!
Dumbledore narrowed his eyes slightly, his old eyes sized up Ginny carefully, then he suddenly raised his wand, a white spell shot out silently, hitting Ginny from behind. Ginny's head.

The next second, a white light appeared in the corridor, and the pupils of Ginny, who was still whispering, shrank suddenly, and the blackness in her eyes faded away like a tide.

Dumbledore smiled slightly, and as he waved his wand, his tall figure gradually disappeared.

The moment he just disappeared, Ginny, who was stunned in place, trembled all over, and she suddenly woke up.

"I... just now... I..."

Ginny's eyes widened, and the strange and vicious look of herself just now flashed in her mind. She was frightened and took two steps back, then raised her right hand tremblingly, and looked at the seemingly ordinary man in her hand. black leather notebook.

that's it!
That is, it has been controlling its own actions!
Ginny's eyes widened, and the notebook in her hand seemed to be getting hotter.

Finally, Ginny couldn't bear it anymore, and after screaming loudly, she threw the black leather notebook into the bathroom next to her with all her strength, and then ran downstairs without looking back.

 Thanks for the 100 coin reward from Zhonghua Yimin
(End of this chapter)

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