Chapter 234

In the early morning, Lin Yi sat by the bed, looking helplessly at the sleeping Duo Duo.

The vigilance of this little guy was beyond Lin Yi's expectations. After hearing that sentence last night, she kept pestering Lin Yi and insisted on sleeping with him. It seemed that if she didn't do this, she would wake up the next day After that, Lin Yi will suddenly disappear.

In desperation, Lin Yi had no choice but to sit by the bed and let Duo Duo hold his hand and sleep all night.

He didn't close his eyes that night, and he didn't dare to take his hand away, because Dodo would wake up vigilantly every once in a while. In the end, Lin Yi couldn't stand it anymore, and used his sword heart to give Dodo a psychological hint. Only then did she really fall asleep.


Lin Yi sighed inwardly.

Originally, he just wanted to test it briefly, but he didn't expect that it would cause such a big reaction from Dodo... It can only be said that he underestimated the importance of himself in Dodo's heart, and also underestimated Dodo's importance to this matter. acuity.

In addition, Dodo will have such a big reaction, and it has something to do with Lin Yi's previous actions.

In the very beginning, Lin Yi, in order to help Dodo develop a normal three views, often mentioned her adoptive father and sister, in order to deepen Dodo's understanding of family affection, implying that she is someone who cares about her in this world.

Therefore, as soon as Dodo was born, she was entrusted with the entrustment of Liao Zhong and Chen Duo's relatives. Although such a move made Dodo's cognition and acceptance of emotions advance by leaps and bounds, it also deepened her vacancy and desire for related emotions. .

Especially family...

Ever since she was born, Dodo has known that there are two people who love her very much in this world, but no matter how strong such love is, no matter how true this kind of affection is, they will always be people who live in other people's mouths.

Compared with familiar and unfamiliar relatives, Master who is close at hand and within reach is more like a relative understood by Dodo. She is used to having such a safe haven that can shelter her from wind and rain. What would it be like to live without Master, so she subconsciously resisted such a situation.

After all, Lin Yi is the one who has been with Dodo since she was born. For Lin Yi, the time they spend together is only a few months, but for Dodo, it is a lifetime...

After understanding what Duoduo was thinking, Lin Yi only felt helpless and distressed.

But no matter what, the reality still has to be faced, because one day, he will leave this world.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and opened the task panel of the system.

The difference from the last time is that after completing the sub-professional task this time, the system did not urge Lin Yi to leave this world, nor did it leave him with a countdown to stay, it just gave him a big [Back] button, which seemed to According to the words, Lin Yi is allowed to stay in this world for the rest of his life.

But Lin Yi knew that this was definitely impossible.

Not to mention the people in the Marvel world that he cares about so much, the progress of the system skills alone makes it impossible for Lin Yi to stay in this world for a long time.

That's right, since he completed the sub-professional task, his skill progress has stagnated. Although new proficiency can still be obtained, the full proficiency cannot continue to be promoted.

Not only that, the prompt given by the system on the skill panel was not that the previous prerequisites were insufficient, but that it was clearly telling him that it was [the limit of the mission world].

So if Lin Yi doesn't want to be separated from Dodo, he can only take her out of this world.

But Lin Yi doesn't know whether the systematic time travel can bring another person, so he must be prepared that he can't take Dodo away, and at the same time prepare a plan B in advance for Dodo to stay.

Danas is part of Lin Yi's plan B, so after knowing the truth about Danas' "traveler", he still decided to support this little brother.

Of course, whatever he easily took away from Lin Yi, Lin Yi would ask him to return it to Duoduo ten times.

"There is one more thing that must be resolved..."

Lin Yi thought so in his heart, and immediately opened the refining panel.



Another week passed.

At the beginning, Dodo was still sticking to Lin Yi vigilantly every day, until she found that her life seemed to have really returned to the normal track, and then she reluctantly let her poor master go.

Lin Yi was a little helpless.

In fact, he doesn't intend to leave this world prematurely. After all, there are still many valuable things in this world, such as many powerful magical animals, and the rare materials on them...

Lin Yi will definitely not leave willingly until he finishes exploring these.

Of course, when there is plenty of time, it is time for Lin Yi to plan for a rainy day and start Plan B.

So, on this Wednesday night, Lin Yi called Danas and Dodo into the Room of Response.


In the magic training room opened by Danas, Danas and Dodo sat on the same chairs, and the two stared at each other, as if they were a little surprised.

Dodo turned her head, her emerald green eyes opened wide.

"Master, why did you call him here?"


Danas didn't speak, but the same meaning was in his eyes.

Lin Yi, who was standing by the bookshelf, glanced at them, turned around and said with a chuckle.

"Dodo, from today onwards, I will officially pass on your Sword Immortal skills. As for Danas... During the time we live in Hogwarts, he will be with you and learn from me The East practices Qi."


Duoduo blinked her big eyes twice, and her small mouth curled up slightly.

"Master, isn't Duoduo enough? You want to take on apprentices again?"

Seeing Duoduo's aggrieved appearance, Lin Yi only felt a little funny.

"What are you thinking, I didn't say that I wanted to take him as an apprentice... I just thought he had the aptitude of a craftsman, so I planned to teach him a little trick so as not to bury this talent."

"Is that right?"

Dodo suddenly became happy again.

Danas on the side didn't care about Dodo's attitude at all, or in other words, he didn't have time to care at all.

His eyes lit up completely after hearing the three words "artifact refiner".

"Yi...Mr. Lin, do you mean...the magic trick?"


Lin Yi nodded slightly, then ignored Danas who was full of surprise, turned his head to look at Dodo, and asked with a very serious expression: "Do Dodo, do you want to learn sword?"

"Of course!"

Dodo said without hesitation.

"Very good." Lin Yi smiled, "In this case, I will teach you the methods of the sword fairy one by one, the first is the art of controlling the sword and sword qi, which is the method of controlling and transforming objects in the Eastern Qi Realm , but each of these two methods requires years of long-term training, but I believe that with your aptitude, you only need to practice hard every day, and you will be able to successfully get started in a short time."

As he said that, a three-foot long green sword appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

This long sword was forged by Lin Yi and Ma Xianhong with thousand forging steel and primitive Gu that hadn't died at that time, so the entire blade has a hint of green color, which is really beautiful.

Dodo immediately accepted the blue long sword in pleasant surprise, and looked at its appearance carefully.

In addition to the green blade, the guard of the long sword is also a nine-petal lotus flower carved from sapphire, engraved with a magic circle that can isolate the inside and outside of the sword, and the hilt is wrapped with black cork, wrapped in soft sapphire silk The winding not only looks beautiful and elegant, but also fits perfectly when held.

Seeing Duoduo's happy appearance, Lin Yi showed a smile on his face.

"This sword was forged by me and Brother Ma while you were sleeping. Not only did the design of the shape and size perfectly fit your body structure, but also a drop of your heart and soul was added to the forging... How about it, Like it?"


Dodo nodded her head vigorously, her eyes were filled with joy.

Especially when she heard that the sword was filled with her own heart and soul, Dodo immediately felt that the long sword in her hand became more and more intimate, as if there was a vague feeling of common rhythm and blood connection.

Seeing this, Lin Yi smiled slightly.

From the point of view of imperial objects and transformation objects, it is true that Duo Duo is more suitable without it, but...

"There is one thing you must pay attention to."

Lin Yi looked directly into Duoduo's eyes, and said in a very serious tone.

"In addition to the sharp and strong material, there is also a kind of incurable poison hidden in this sword. Only your blood and energy can guide it out, so that the blade of the long sword is contaminated with its poison. , so if it is not necessary, you must pay attention to it, you must not let your blood and Qi appear on the sword at the same time, remember, remember!"

Seeing Lin Yi speak so seriously, Duoduo couldn't help showing a serious expression on his face.

"I understand Master!"

"Well, it's good to understand."

On the side, Danas swallowed subconsciously when he saw the master and apprentice singing together.

There is no cure for the poison...

Damn, they couldn't be talking about Primordial Gu, right?

(End of this chapter)

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