A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 232 The So-called Banned Book

Chapter 232 The So-called Banned Book

"……All right."

Danas forced a smile, swallowed, and looked at the hills in front of him.

The one at the front is a pile of dilapidated furniture. All kinds of furniture are stacked together, and it looks a little crumbling. With a cursory look, you can see some chairs with missing legs, a broken Tables with holes, wardrobes with completely broken doors, and even some charred wood frames that were charred...

Danas looked more and more wrong, he widened his eyes, and only saw traces of being damaged by magic from the broken marks of the broken furniture—well, I finally know why Hogwarts dormitory buildings are always furnished disappeared!

The corner of Danas's mouth twitched, and his eyes swept aside the pile of furniture.

The tall piles of furniture are constrained by the magic spell floating in the air to form a mountain. Although it looks a little loose, it is actually very firm. The same is true for other hills. Between the restrained hills, there are strips Regular roads like streets and alleys.

On both sides of the streets and alleys, there are book mountains piled up with thousands of books randomly, there are glass mountains piled up with various glass bottles and glass instruments, and there are some messy mountains made up of magical items. There are also several winged slingshots and flying saucers hovering around the top of the mountain.

Danas turned his gaze, tried his best to divert his attention away from these dazzling forbidden objects, and looked along the streets and alleys to the piles of debris in more remote corners.

There are old wizard hats, dusty cloaks, dusty silk carpets and many rusty metal products piled up there. Not only that, on top of the pile of debris, there is also a rusty iron handle. Sword and blood-stained axe.

Hmm... Harry should have found it from a deeper place, right?
Danas stepped forward while recalling the description of this episode in his previous life memory.

"Wait a moment."

Lin Yi called out to Danas, and handed him a ball when he turned around.

"Master Ball?"

Hearing Danas' slightly puzzled words, Lin Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and said expressionlessly.

"...This thing is a phagocytic capsule made by Ma Xianhong. I don't need to explain its function, right?"

"Of course!"

Danas accepted the pouch with both embarrassment and joy, and then——

He paused, and raised his head in a daze.

"Brother Yi, this thing... how should I use it?"

He has no qi!
Lin Yi smiled slightly and said softly.

"You wizards are born with strong spirits. Even the young wizards can easily leverage the power of the rules by relying on the correct spells. Since you are so good at reciting spells, why don't you try to read them directly?"

"What do you read?" Danas asked subconsciously.

"For example...receive."


Danas widened his eyes and looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

"Don't doubt, just believe in yourself."

Under Lin Yiman's encouraging eyes, Danas turned around half-believingly, picked up the pouch in his hand, pointed it at a dilapidated wardrobe among the pile of furniture in front of him, concentrated as much as possible, and read a sentence while holding his breath .


As soon as the words fell, the two-meter-high tattered wardrobe was twisted and sucked into the sac.

Danas' eyes lit up when he saw this, he quickly concentrated and shouted again.


The tattered wardrobe suddenly appeared in mid-air in front of the sac, and immediately fell straight to the ground, making a loud bang, and the tattered wardrobe, which was not very strong, suddenly fell into a pile of tattered wood.

Danas opened his eyes wide, and quickly turned to look at Lin Yi, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"How could this be?"

After Danas put it away in the tattered wardrobe, Lin Yi rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Hearing Danas' question at this moment, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"This is actually easy to understand. Although the forms of expression of the Eastern Alien World and the Western Magic World are different, their fundamental rules are actually the same. Compared with the Eastern Alien who pays more attention to training and controlling themselves, you The magical power of a wizard will be more active, and it will be easier to integrate the spirit with the rules. The so-called incantation is actually just a superficial manifestation, and what really works is your spirit, as well as the magic power and rules that are pried by the spirit."

Danas nodded lightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Seeing that Lin Yi closed his mouth at this moment, Danas subconsciously asked.

"and then?"

"Then it's up to you to think for yourself..." Lin Yi glanced at him lightly, "I won't tell you the more fundamental things, because this will be one of your greatest pleasures in the future—— How could I have the heart to deprive you of your fun?"


Danas hesitated for a while, and his lips squirmed several times, but in the end he still didn't say the request on his lips.

"It seems that the sorting hat didn't assign you to the wrong school."

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the literal mountain of books.

Danas glanced at his back with an inexplicable expression, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he turned and walked towards the pile of debris.

When he came to the pile of books, Lin Yi squatted down and reached for a thick brown book on the ground with his right hand.


Lin Yi frowned. Instead of touching the books on the ground, he touched a very solid air wall.

Immediately, he moved the sword energy, and the silver-white vertical pupils changed. Looking at it again, sure enough, a series of suspended spells were blocked between his palm and the book, forming a double-layered barrier of magic and physics.

What the hell?

Lin Yi was a little puzzled.

In the original book, Harry and others can clearly touch the collections of these other people, why can't they... Is it because this room knows that they are not from Hogwarts?

Then why does it respond to its own request?

Lin Yi couldn't understand it.

But if you want him to return empty-handed just like this, it is definitely impossible!
So... A silver-white light appeared from Lin Yi's palm.


The spell suspended in the air was cut apart like a fragile piece of paper, and the palm wrapped in silver light easily touched the book with the brown cover.

The defense is perfect, but unfortunately...

His [Wu-Seo Sword Qi] is also a dual-level existence of physics and rules.

Lin Yi took out the book, opened it with interest, and——


Lin Yi looked at the vivid and fragrant dynamic erotic pictures in the book with a dazed face, and his heart was filled with an indescribable sense of absurdity - this was hidden in the Room of Response by the original owner, and was cursed by so many levitation spells The thing guarding is actually a pornographic book?

He widened his eyes, flipped through several pages in a row, and then turned to look at the cover.

"30 Days of Living with Veela..."

A bad feeling suddenly flashed in Lin Yi's mind, he quickly looked at other books, and easily took out the books from those protective spells with his palm wrapped in silver-white light, and then flipped through them one by one. with.

Sure enough, just as he had just imagined, among the books hidden in the Room of Requirement, there are not only underground adult story collections of wizards, pornographic magazines of Muggles, but also love letters of lovers before they broke up. The student diary with a little secret, and some books that Lin Yi couldn't understand why he hid them.

Fortunately, among these thousands of books, there are still some truly banned books.

For example, the book "Secrets of Cutting-Edge Black Magic" in Lin Yi's hands contains a lot of advanced black magic that involves the soul, and even Lin Yi's top-notch black magic - Horcruxes.

"This should be the forbidden book that Dumbledore took from the library."

Lin Yi flipped through it casually, and then put it into the inventory.

Turning his head to look at the mountain of books towering in front of him, Lin Yi could not help but sigh.

With a harvest rate of less than one percent, Lin Yi has lost interest in them.

"Let's look elsewhere..."

Lin Yi thought so, turned and walked towards another small mountain.

At the same time, Danas on the other side was a little lost.

(End of this chapter)

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