A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 214 The Principal's Office

Chapter 214 The Principal's Office

Entering the gate, you will be greeted by an empty and spacious foyer, with gorgeous crystal chandeliers hanging on the high ceiling, statues and burning torches everywhere on the stone walls.

Walking on the marble floor, Lin Yi felt a little weird.

Before seeing the interior of the castle, Lin Yi thought he would be very excited, but in fact he was much calmer than he imagined, and most of the excitement in his heart was because of the name Hogwarts.

After all, this is the magic school he had always fantasized about when he was a child...

Lin Yi glanced lightly for a week, and his eyes swept over the walls shining with fire. With his eyesight, he could clearly see every particle and ashes of the flames.

To be honest, this doesn't quite match his aesthetics.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced behind him.

"Where's Mr. Hagrid?"

"Hagrid has gone back, there are still some things he needs to take care of in the hunting grounds."

Dumbledore looked at Lin Yi with a smile on his face, and then suddenly slapped his head.

"Ah, forgot to introduce—the lady next to me is Minerva McGonagall, vice-headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, head of Gryffindor House, a very respectable professor. "

"Nice to meet you, Professor McGonagall."

Lin Yi spoke fluent English and stretched out his right hand at the same time.

Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore looked at each other in surprise.

"Me too, dear Mr. Lin."

Professor McGonagall smiled and shook hands with Lin Yi, who was also fluent in Chinese.

Lin Yi was not surprised, after all, it was a real wizard standing in front of him, not an actor playing a wizard.

"There is a saying in the East that when you come to the country, do as the Romans do. Since I'm here, let's communicate in your language."

With that said, Lin Yi turned his head and looked at Dodo beside him.

"And this little guy needs such an environment to learn English."

"good idea."

Dumbledore smiled, and immediately led Lin Yi to the marble staircase leading directly to the upper floor.

"Where are the students from your school?" Lin Yi looked around.

"If I remember correctly, they should be in Potions class now." Dumbledore said with a smile, "By the way, Severus Snape is the Potions Professor, that's why he didn't come to pick you up s reason."

"Well, I forgive him."

Lin Yi shrugged, not paying attention at all.

In fact, even if there was no class today, Lin Yi didn't think Snape would come to pick him up.

After all, when they met for the first time, he had mentioned the "Boy Who Lived" incident. With Snape's temperament, he must be very wary of him...

"Did Heavenly Master tell you about me?" Lin Yi asked softly.

"...just a small part."

Dumbledore's tone was brisk, but he couldn't help but glance at Lin Yi.

It was indeed only a small part, but this small part was enough for Dumbledore to take it seriously.

As one of the most knowledgeable wizards in the West, Albus Dumbledore naturally knew the world quite well.

In this world, the eastern practice of qi and the western magic are the two most systematic.

Based on Dumbledore's understanding of Eastern Qi training, most of these Eastern Qi training practitioners like to cultivate themselves, so their physical fitness and melee combat ability are generally amazing. In addition, most of them will also practice one or two very strange and difficult special power.

In Dumbledore's memory, the most prominent representative of the Eastern Qi practice is the old heavenly master who followed the leader to visit Europe.

To be honest, when he first saw the ability of the old celestial master, Dumbledore was astonished by the simple but extreme power, thinking that he had seen the ultimate that the Eastern Qi practitioners could achieve.

After that, he discussed with the old master in private.

The result was exactly as he thought. Within a hundred meters, Dumbledore had almost no room to fight back. The pressure brought by the speed of the old celestial master was too strong, which not only affected his spell casting, but also affected the strength of his spells. Accuracy.

To put it bluntly, at close range, Dumbledore's spell could hardly hit the old master.

Since then, he has had a clear understanding of the two major systems of the East and the West.

A wizard who came out of a magic school may have profound knowledge and comprehensive abilities, but once he gets close to an ordinary oriental spirit practitioner, he will be killed instantly by the other party.

Of course, pros and cons are relative. An oriental spirit practitioner who has achieved the ultimate in a certain aspect may also be tricked by a first-year Hogwarts freshman with the most basic spells.

Unless he can achieve both offense and defense like the old master, and he is flawless from far and near.

But this is not so easy!

After living for more than a hundred years, Dumbledore has only seen an old celestial master.

Therefore, Dumbledore was shocked when he saw the old master's introduction to Lin Yi's strength.

It never occurred to him that the young man serving tea he saw at Longhu Mountain was actually a super genius who was stronger than the old heavenly master, and he was also a sword fairy who could control flying swords in oriental legends.

Dumbledore didn't care how much destructive power Lin Yi could cause when dealing with objects. After all, no matter how much damage he could cause, it was definitely not as good as some amazingly destructive magic.

What he cared about was Lin Yi's most basic strength and speed.

A sword fairy with great strength and fast speed will be the nemesis and nightmare of every wizard.

Even Voldemort...

The corners of Dumbledore's mouth curled up slightly.



When he came to the hideous and ugly stone beast, Dumbledore yelled "Lemon Ice Cream", the huge stone beast immediately jumped aside, and the wall behind it also cracked, revealing the spiral staircase inside the wall that spiraled up like an escalator .

This is the headmaster's office at Hogwarts...

Lin Yi led Dodo, and followed Dumbledore up the spiral staircase.

Professor McGonagall stood beside the stone beast and smiled at Lin Yi, obviously not planning to come up with him.

Lin Yi nodded, then looked at Dumbledore beside him.

"Lemon ice cream...this is the sweetest command I've ever heard."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Dumbledore smiled, and by the way, winked at Dodo beside Lin Yi.

At the end of the stairs, an oak door opened quietly. Dumbledore walked into the office first. Lin Yi led Dodo and followed behind. When passing the gate, Dodo touched the griffin on the door curiously. A brass knocker in the shape of a beast.

Lin Yi didn't pay attention to Duoduo's movements, and his eyes were on the shedding bird in the circular room.

The feathers of this bird are fiery red, but the feathers on the back of the body have been lost. The golden claws stand weakly on a gilded branch, and the bird's eyes are full of human sorrow.

"Is this Phoenix?"


Hearing Lin Yi's words, Dumbledore walked up to the phoenix.

"Fox's Nirvana Day in a few days and most of the time it's beautiful..."

"What a coincidence."

Lin Yi felt a little regretful.

He knew that the phoenix in this world did not match the powerful phoenix in his impression, but a phoenix is ​​a phoenix, no matter what version of the phoenix, it was a magical creature that Lin Yi could only dream of in the past.

Dumbledore sat down behind the table and looked at Lin Yi with his hands crossed.

"Lin, where are you living now? A Muggle hotel?"

"Well, it's near the Leaky Cauldron."

Lin Yi nodded, and sat in front of the table without seeing anything, staring at a tattered and crumpled hat on the shelf behind Dumbledore.

The sorting hat...

Lin Yi thought to himself.

"Muggle hotels are too inconvenient, why not move to Hogwarts for a while." Dumbledore warmly invited, "It just so happens that we still have a spare room in the teachers' dormitory."

"is it okay?"

"Of course, Hogwarts always welcomes his friends."

"Thank you very much." Lin Yi nodded his thanks, and then said with some hesitation, "Professor, I plan to rent a store in Diagon Alley these days at Hogwarts, you have a way to help me deal with my identity Proof or something like that?"


Dumbledore frowned, then shook his head regretfully.

"Sorry, I'm afraid it will be difficult, especially for a short lease period of less than one year... Are you planning to sell something in Diagon Alley for money? If so, there is no need to open a store. Every store in Diagon Alley is also It has the functions of an oriental pawn shop."

Also know the pawn shop...

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched, then he shook his head and said.

"That's not the case. I think the purpose of opening a shop is actually to practice..."


"You should know that there is a kind of person in the east called a craftsman, right?"

"I know." Dumbledore looked at him with some surprise, "Are you still a refiner?"

"Every sword fairy is a craftsman." Lin Yi said without hesitation, "But compared to traditional craftsmen, I still have a lot to hone, so I plan to practice crafts, While selling circulating funds..."

Dumbledore was suddenly taken aback when he heard the words. After he pondered for a while, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Lin, I don't know how long you plan to stay here. If it's more than one semester, I can decide to let you serve as a visiting professor at Hogwarts and offer a one-semester elective course for the children. In this case, Hogwarts Gewarz can pay you, and you can also sell the refined instruments to the school, and the school will provide you with raw materials."


The corner of Lin Yi's mouth twitched slightly.

This old fox, it sounds like he was thinking about him, but in fact, Hogwarts only paid a little salary, and got the services of an oriental refiner for nothing.

This craftsman not only wants to turn Hogwarts' raw materials into magic weapons, but also to teach his skills to the students of this school... What a good plan!
Lin Yi rolled his eyes in his heart, but there was a helpless expression on his face.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I am not interested in teaching, and I don't think I have the ability to teach so many children. If you are willing, I can accept the latter condition and sell the refined magic weapon to Hogg Watts in exchange for raw materials—professor, what do you think?"


Dumbledore folded his hands and pondered slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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