Chapter 204: True
Looking at the figure nailed to the carriage, Zhang Chulan, Xia Liuqing and the others were startled.

This is a man wearing a green jacket. He is tall, his hair is almost shaved, his scalp is full of green scum, and his blue eyes are full of viciousness and indifference.

Lin Yi walked up to the man, took out his right hand from his pocket, and said calmly.

"Why...don't you tell me?"

The man snorted coldly and stared at Lin Yi coldly.

Lin Yi clicked his tongue and waved his right hand lightly, and the four long swords instantly emitted a silver-white light.

The man let out a scream immediately, but he still gritted his teeth fiercely and didn't say a word.

"Tell me who sent you."

Lin Yi asked calmly while arousing Jian Qi.

The pain came in waves like a tide, the man's face was flushed, and even his facial features were tangled together, but even so, he still gritted his teeth, staring at Lin Yi silently and angrily.

It's a pity that Lin Yi doesn't need him to speak, he just needs to induce this guy to think of the answer he wants.

Sure enough, under the continuous questioning, the image of accepting the order inevitably flashed in the man's mind.

But the moment Lin Yi captured that scene, he was suddenly stunned.

This feeling... so familiar!
Lin Yi froze in place, and the long sword that originally exuded silver-white sword energy also restrained its light.

If he remembers correctly, he has seen this kind of third-person view that seemed to be forced into his head before...

Looking at the man who was sweating profusely and panting non-stop, Lin Yi's gaze went from slightly startled, to stunned, and finally to uncontrollable joy—this guy is actually from the Obsidian Club!

It's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

Lin Yi couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Even if these people don't come, Lin Yi is planning to find them!
Lin Yi naturally couldn't do things like modifying Chen Duo's memory and physical body, but he knew who could do it.

Needless to say, in terms of memory, Lu Liang who was let off by him before is the best choice, because this guy not only has some connections with him, but also knows Lin Yi's methods. Lu Liang, he would never dare to play tricks.

But the physical body will be more troublesome. For now, Lin Yi can only think of two ways. One is to go to England to find Dumbledore and see if he can do anything. The other is to find the hand behind the Obsidian Club. .

When he killed the two Obsidian Club employees in Longhushan, Lin Yi discovered that the person behind the scenes manipulating them was very subtle, not only subtly modifying their souls, but also completely modifying their appearance .

So when Lin Yi made that promise, he thought about going to the Yaoxing Club afterwards.

In the end, before he could start to act, these people actually came to the door by themselves!
When Lin Yi felt slightly joyful, Zhang Chulan walked over.

"It looks like he won't say it."

Looking at this ferocious-looking man, Zhang Chulan frowned slightly, and looked at Lin Yi slightly questioningly.

"Brother Lin, why don't you hand him over to the company, maybe the company can find something out of him..."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Lin Yi came back to his senses.

"Oh, then pass it on to the company."

Lin Yi waved his hand casually.

Anyway, he had already obtained the information he wanted, and this person was no longer valuable to him.

Seeing Lin Yi's cooperation, Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked with a smile.

"Brother Lin, how did you find him?"

Hearing these words, Xia Liuqing and Baron also pricked up their ears.

Especially Barron, he didn't notice that there were people hiding nearby at all.

"Discovered?" Lin Yi frowned upon hearing this, and then shook his head, "You don't need to find out, just use your brain to figure it out, since these people dared to attack and kill the company's convoy on this road, how could they leave something behind? If I'm not mistaken, this guy should have stayed to silence the aftermath."

As he spoke, Lin Yi looked at Xia Liuqing and Baron.

"The two of you stumbled into him by accident and alarmed him, so he had no time to examine the corpse properly, so he had to hide... In a sense, you can be regarded as the saviors of this brother on the ground."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, both Xia Liuqing and Baron looked at the silent employee on the ground.

"Is he still alive?"

"Well, still alive."

Zhang Chulan nodded, then winked at Lin Yi.

The two walked aside immediately, Zhang Chulan said in a low voice.

"Brother Lin, something is wrong."

"I know." Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Ma Xianhong's escort route should be kept secret, and the only people who know about it are you and the people on the ground, and only some senior executives of the company are left."

"Yeah." Zhang Chulan nodded, with a dignified expression, "Brother Lin is right, Sister Baoer and the others should be fine, and the dead ones on the ground must be fine, so..."

"The problem is within the company." Lin Yi glanced at him, "There is an insider in your company, and their status is not low."

Zhang Chulan nodded solemnly.

Lin Yi reached out and patted his shoulder.

"When the people from the company come, you have to be careful not to let that brother die unexpectedly..."

Zhang Chulan nodded, he could naturally hear Lin Yi's voice.

Lin Yi went on to say: "In addition, you'd better keep these two people, they came for Granny Jinfeng who was taken away by Ma Xianhong. In terms of interests, you are the same. If the company comes If there is really something bad about them, they can help."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan was slightly taken aback, he could already hear something was wrong.

"Brother Lin, where are you going?"

Lin Yi patted him on the shoulder when he heard the words, and looked indifferently at the member of the Obsidian Club who was still nailed to the car.

"Take a look around, they may not be the only one behind."



There is an earth mountain [-] kilometers away from here. The earth and rocks are piled up on the mountain, not a single grass grows, and it covers a large area, and the mountain is also high and steep.

At this moment, a silver-white off-road vehicle stopped at the foot of this dirt mountain.

The car door opened, and a tall woman stepped out of the passenger seat.

She has fair skin, a high nose, and slightly thin lips. She is wearing a black sweater and trousers. Under her short light pink hair that is casually scattered, there is a pair of indifferent bright red eyes.

After getting out of the car, she went straight to the trunk of the off-road vehicle.


A white-haired man whose whole body was restrained and his eyes were covered was grabbed out of the trunk by her.

If Zhang Chulan and Lin Yi were here, they would find that the man who was caught from the trunk was Ma Xianhong who had just been robbed before.

The woman glanced at Ma Xianhong indifferently, and then gave instructions to the car.

"Look outside."


A calm voice came from inside the car.

The woman nodded, then looked left and right, and walked towards the tall and steep dirt mountain with Ma Xianhong in her hand.

It is worth mentioning that after the woman opened her mouth, Ma Xianhong, who was still struggling, did not move.

At the foot of the mountain, the woman put down Ma Xianhong, put her hands on a large rock as tall as a person at the foot of the mountain, and then——


Accompanied by bursts of rumbles, this seemingly slender woman actually pushed aside the stone that was much larger than her entire body.

Pushing away the stone, a cave as tall as a person suddenly appeared in front of him.

The woman grabbed Ma Xianhong again, stepped over the very clear scratch on the ground, and then put Ma Xianhong in her hand on the raised square platform in the cave.


Only now did the woman remove all the restraints on Ma Xianhong's body.

Seeing the outside light again, Ma Xianhong subconsciously squinted his eyes, and then sat up from the table.

He slightly moved his arm, which had been restrained for a long time, and looked at the woman in front of him with a sigh.

"You didn't actually have to save me...Sister."

(End of this chapter)

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