Chapter 19 Gendry

The farther you go north, the more travelers you meet, until a certain important node, the crowd suddenly decreases.

In this regard, Yoren could only raise the team's vigilance.

He understood what this meant—the convoy was getting closer and closer to the battlefield.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, led Arya to the end of the convoy.

Gendry was surprised by this, he asked Arya once and only got the answer that this weirdo was teaching her how to sword.

After getting this answer, Gendry was even more strange.

Why teach her how to sword?Why Ali?

Every time she heard such a question, Arya didn't answer, and couldn't answer.

Her identity is still a secret in the team, not even Gendry, the current best friend.

But soon enough.

Arya easily stalked behind the convoy, with mysterious steps on her feet, breathing long and strangely.

Ever since Lin Yi taught her this breathing method for traveling, Arya felt that her body was getting lighter and lighter, and she didn't feel strenuous in walking for a day.

She even had the illusion that she could fly off the ground with a single tiptoe—in fact, she did the same, but the reality told her that the illusion was just an illusion.

Under Lin Yi's teaching, Arya practiced gossip steps and swordsmanship every morning, and had a matching breathing method when walking and sleeping. Her life was quite fulfilling and pleasant.

But Lin Yi didn't think so, he just found it weird.

There is nothing difficult to understand, if you can see someone muttering "Qianyuan Henryzhen, the hero soldier of Duize" in his mouth every day, stepping on the gossip step, with "Qinglong probing claw" and "immortal guiding the way" in his hand White little girl, you'll find it weird too.

But one thing has to be said, this girl is indeed a bit talented in Chinese Kungfu, or the water dancer's foundation is indeed very good.

Lin Yi was already thinking about whether to abduct a few more water dancer children to establish a moral order in this world.

While Lin Yi was thinking wildly, the convoy stopped.

This is a somewhat populated village, and there is an old hotel in the village.

Yoren glanced at the supplies he was carrying, then counted the copper coins on his body, then turned and said.

"It's still the old rule, we live outside, but there is a bathroom here, and those who want to take a bath can do it themselves."

Arya's eyes lit up when she heard the words, but then dimmed again.

Although she smells sour all over now, she doesn't dare to take a bath with everyone. There is no way, the night watchman doesn't want girls.

So she could only watch as Hot Pie and Gendry joined the shower line.

Of course, like Arya, there were many people who didn't plan to take a bath, and Lin Yi was one of them. He walked into the hotel counter with You Lun and ordered a few beers.

Lin Yi also paid for three glasses of beer, and asked You Lun to give them to the three people in the prison car.

Although they were released from the cages, their feet were still shackled and chained to the side of the prison cart.

Arya leaned against the wall, glancing at the three over there with her sharpening eyes.

If they wanted to run away, they could get in the carriage and drive the carriage at this moment, but no matter which handsome prisoner with red and white hair, or the two beast-like villains, they had no intention of running away.

Those two beast-like guys seemed to know how powerful the teacher was. Every time Lin Yi approached, they were as docile as kittens huddled in the corner.

Thinking of this, Arya couldn't help but envy her master.

Although Lin Yi didn't take a bath on the way, he didn't have the sour smell of other people at all.

It was as magical as magic to Arya.

She also asked Lin Yi how he did it, but the answer she got made her both disappointed and hopeful.

Lin Yi said that when she turned her strength from light to dark, and refined it into details, she would be able to make the dust fall and the mosquitoes and flies would not stick to her body.

After the guys got out of the shower, everyone huddled around the hotel eating pie and baked apples.

"I had a younger brother who also wore black, but that was many years ago."

The innkeeper sitting next to Yoren sighed.

"He was a waiter, but one day he was seen stealing pepper from your lord's table. Well, he liked the taste, so he stole a handful, but Ser Malcolm is a hard man. You on the Wall Is there any pepper?"

Yoren shook his head.

"That's a pity, he just likes that."

The hotel owner shook his head, and then looked at everyone's motorcade.

"Are you still going north?"

Yoren drank a glass of beer: "Of course..."

"It's impossible to go north." The boss shook his head, "Now the fire in the north is in full swing, and even half of the farmland has been burned. .”

"Tch, it doesn't matter if he is a Tully or a Lannister, he has nothing to do with the Night's Watch." Yoren said nonchalantly.

"It's not just these two families, there are also barbarians from the Mingyue Mountain Range. You should go talk to them and see if they will give face to the night watchman." The hotel owner said contemptuously.

"There is also the Stark family's share. I heard that the young wolf lord also came here on a wolf."

Said the yellow-haired man who was also a traveler next to him.

Young Wolf Lord?
Is it Robb?

Arya pricked up her ears, but then they hurt.

Arya turned her head quickly, and then saw Lin Yi's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Want to take a shower?"

Before she could speak, Arya heard the words that touched her heart.

"The study progress in the past few days has been good, this is a reward. Yoren, I will take this kid to take a bath."

Lin Yi turned his head and said something casually, then dragged Arya towards the bathroom.

At this time, there were very few people in the bathhouse.

As long as Lin Yi blocks her in the corner, outsiders will not be able to tell whether she is a man or a woman with the shriveled body of a nine-year-old girl.

Arya has long been treating Lin Yi as a teacher, and her body has been squeezed by Lin Yi when Lin Yi confessed her bones, so she will not feel shy in front of Lin Yi.

In other words, the desire to take a bath has already surpassed the indifferent and extremely shy.

Lin Yi's expression became more calm. He wore a black towel that he did not know where he got around his waist, and he was humming a soothing song.

Arya listened to it while washing it. She knew it was the mysterious language the teacher taught her, but she hadn't learned the lyrics.

Sooner or later you will learn!
Arya thought so, rubbing her skin with callused little hands.

After leaving the Red Castle, her skin finally came into contact with the outside air again, which made Arya feel a burst of joy in her heart.



While Lin Yi was taking Alia to take a bath in the bathroom, a group of unexpected guests came from outside the hotel.

Looking at the six horses parked outside the hotel, Yoren frowned.

"Golden robe?"

They were six city guards wearing black armor and golden wool cloaks, one of them was an officer, with four gold plates on his shoulders.

"There is trouble."

Yoren took a deep breath, and casually pulled "Green Hand" Romy aside.

"Go get that masked guy out of the bathroom."

Romy nodded, glanced at the golden robe at the door with some fear, then turned and left.

"Hey! Guy in black."

The leading officer stepped into the hotel, and the others dismounted and followed behind him.

"I have orders to find a boy."


Yoren picked up his sword and walked over with an air of indifference.

"What boy are you looking for? All the brothers here are Night Watchmen, and there is no boy you want."

"Old guy, the person who wants him is the queen mother, you'd better not meddle in your own business."

The officer snorted coldly, then pulled out a ribbon from his waist.

"Look carefully, this is the imperial seal of the Empress Dowager."

Yoren curled his lips, took the ribbon, and touched the golden beeswax impression on it.

"Well, it's pretty." Yoren threw it back casually. "But, now that the kid has joined the Night's Watch, whatever he's done in the past is now wiped out."

"Do you think the Empress Dowager cares about this?" The gold-robed officer laughed, "I just want to inform you, without asking for your consent. I have to take this child away today."

"You don't want to take anyone away." Yoren sneered.

The gold-robed guard suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist and sneered.

"It's not up to you."

"Isn't it just a sword?" Yoren looked at the gold-cloaked officer, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he patted the hilt on his waist. "It just so happens that I have one too."

"Old man, there are six of us."

"Hey!" Yoren laughed. "We have thirty."


The gold robes looked at each other, then pointed at the guys in tattered clothes all over the hotel and laughed.

"Just because of this kind of stuff?"

The gold robes laughed.

But what they didn't expect was that these people holding knives, sticks, hammers, and even stones surrounded them one by one, and even the fat Hot Pie didn't flinch.

But those golden robes still didn't take them seriously.

"It's really scary~ Put down those rocks and sticks, I'm about to be scared to death!"

A golden robe laughed loudly.

"You should be afraid."

A childish voice came, attracting the eyes of the golden robes.

The officer looked up and down Arya who was holding a sewing needle, and said with a smile.

"Put down the sword, little sister, we don't kill women and children."

"I'm not a girl!" Arya yelled.

She obviously didn't realize that after taking a bath, her face became more delicate again.

The golden robes were still laughing, and Arya took a deep breath, holding her sewing needle and swaying.

"Come on, if you want to take me away, it depends on whether you can do it."

"Take you away?" The gold-cloaked officer shook his head, raised his sword and pointed at Gendry, "Whoever wants to take you away, I want him!"

 PS: Let me make a joke. In the original novel, there are only six golden robes who catch up, but in the play there are only two. This is actually a bit illogical.Gendry was not recruited by Yoren, but was stuffed into the team with money. The gold robes have clear information that Gendry is in the Night Watch team, so it is impossible to send only two people to chase the Night Watch recruit team .

  Moreover, Yoren let go of the golden robes knowing what the consequences would be. If there were only two golden robes, it would be a logic bug, because Yoren could have killed the two golden robes by himself, and they were already close to God's eyes. It was a lake, and it was very close to the front line. There would be no splash if you were dead. It would take much longer to kill those two golden robes than to let them go. There was no need for him to take such a risk.But if it was a six-member cavalry squad in the original book, it would be much more reasonable, because even if you count the rotten fish and rotten shrimp in the team, he is not sure to keep all six of them.

(End of this chapter)

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