A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 178 [Automatic Block]

Chapter 178 [Automatic Block]

After the old celestial master left, Lin Yi found a handwritten classic on refining weapons.

This is the weapon refining technique he engraved from Yuan Tao with Jian Xin's ability.

To Lin Yi's surprise, this is actually a book of purple quality exercises!

In this way, with three more books, Lin Yi will be able to collect all the high-quality refining classics.

Moreover, judging from the battle performance of Yuan Tao and the idiot, this classic book should belong to the kind with a lower threshold, and there is no requirement on the material. After all, the material of the water gun magic weapon that the idiot took out is just ordinary plastic.

If there is no accident, if Lin Yi wants to complete the [First Artifact Refining], he may have to start with this classic.

After opening the classics, Lin Yizai looked through them carefully.

He is not in a hurry now for Feitian Daye. After all, it will take a week to analyze the metal, and he will probably only stay in Longhu Mountain for another four or five days.

Lin Yi has always hated doing things intermittently.

So he decided to find a complete time and finish it in one go.

Now, let's take a look at the refining tool first, and try to learn skills that I didn't have a clue about before.

at the same time.

Everywhere leads to the company's infirmary.

A woman covered in bandages slowly opened her eyes.

"Xiaohua, you're awake!"

Beside the hospital bed, a girl with long pink hair came over in surprise, stood by the bed and helped her to slowly straighten her upper body.


Looking at that familiar delicate face, all the memories in Zhijinhua's mind came back.

Lu Linglong's eyes were slightly red, and she held Zhijinhua's slender hand wrapped in bandages.

"You finally woke up."

"...Did I sleep a long time?"

Zhijinhua turned her head slightly, looking at the mobile phone placed by the bed.

"Less than a day, not a long time."

Lu Linglong took the mobile phone beside the bed and lit it up for her to see.

"It's just that the doctor said that you were stimulated by extreme emotions, your mind was exhausted, and you might be in a coma for a long time... I thought you were going to be in a coma for three or four days!"

Zhijinhua forced a smile, then looked at the surrounding environment.

"This is where?"

"This is the company's closest infirmary to Longhu Mountain."

Dragon Tiger Mountain...

Zhijinhua nodded, and then said softly.

"Then I faint..."

Speaking of this, Zhijinhua's voice stopped abruptly, and her slender and white palms trembled a little.

Seeing this, Lu Linglong bit her lip, tightly held Zhijinhua's palm with both hands, and comforted her.

"It's okay, Quan Xing has all been arrested, and Brother Lin killed all those monsters who besieged us."

Looking at Lu Linglong who was comforting her, Zhijinhua suddenly felt ashamed.

The same young man and the same girl, how could Lu Linglong be so calm and brave, yet she behaved so unbearably?

But when she heard the monsters besieging them, Zhijinhua couldn't help but speak.

"Can you tell me what happened after the coma?"

Lu Linglong nodded, and told Zhijinhua everything since Lin Yi saved them.

Zhijinhua bit her lip, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

"...So, Brother Lin brought me back in the second half?"

"Yeah, I'm really out of strength."

Lu Linglong scratched her head, then she seemed to suddenly remember something, opened her big eyes, and looked at Zhijinhua curiously.

"By the way, Xiao Hua, how did you know that?"

"what do you know?"

"Brother Lin! When you saw Feijian, tell me it's Brother Lin."

"This is it."

Zhijinhua pondered for a while, then spoke softly after organizing her words.

"Actually, I guessed it too. After that match, Xiaoxue once complained to me. She said that brother Lin's qi was like a hedgehog with fried hair. Just touching it made her hand stabbed so hard that she couldn't handle it. It's very strange to me."

"Because qi is actually a very abstract concept. Ordinary people can't see it with the naked eye. Only strangers can see it, but strangers can only see qi. Only through special exercises can qi be transformed into An existence that can be touched on a physical level."

"It's like the golden light curse of Tianshi Mansion."

Lu Linglong said thoughtfully.


Zhijinhua nodded, and continued.

"But even if it is the golden light spell, in front of Xiaoxue's food qi, it will degenerate from golden light into primitive qi balls, so the qi that Brother Lin showed physical effects is actually just his own original qi balls, only some are more special. Only by using the cultivation method can you treat your own original qi group."

"For example, Brother Ergou's Flowing Rainbow!"

Lu Linglong's eyes gradually lit up.

Zhijinhua smiled slightly: "This kind of exercise has a very distinctive feature, that is, it will show the unique characteristics of the exercise on the original qi ball, such as the color of the rainbow that represents the color of emotions."

"But none of the abilities shown by Brother Lin can match Xiaoxue's description, so at that time I wondered whether Brother Lin would have a very sharp ability in addition to the things he had already shown. ..."

Saying that, Zhijinhua turned her head, looked at the ceiling, and said in a trance.

"So... when I saw the silver light on the flying sword, the first thing I thought of was Brother Lin's qi."

"No wonder!"

Lu Linglong nodded with a dazed expression, then took Zhijinhua's hand and pressed it to her face.

"As expected of a little flower!"

Lu Linglong said sincerely.

Zhijinhua came back to her senses upon hearing the words, glanced at Lu Linglong, and smiled slightly on her slightly pale lips.

Seeing that Zhijinhua seemed to have regained her previous self-confidence and calmness, Lu Linglong felt a little relieved.

Then she joked with a grin.

"But having said that, Xiaohua, you pay so much attention to Brother Lin, do you fall in love with him?"


Zhijinhua blushed when she heard the words, she turned her head and looked at the ceiling again, unconsciously the scene of the battle of the flying swords that Lu Linglong described just now appeared in her mind.


Zhijinhua murmured softly.

"I seem to like him."


Lu Linglong looked dull.




Two more days passed.

The old master sent over the second and last batch of refining classics.

At the same time, there were also classics promised by Zhang Chulan and the company.

But different from the previous ones, most of this batch of classics were selected from stolen goods seized by private and companies, so the quality is average, almost 90.00% are white quality, and there are not even a few blue ones.

Fortunately, the company still has a purple-quality classic, which somewhat comforted Lin Yi's dissatisfaction.

There is another purple tome, now only one powder and one orange are missing and the goal of completing the first refining tool.

In the past two days, Lin Yi felt that he had returned to the state of the main world.

In addition to looking through Yuan Tao's weapon refining classics, it is to learn the skills in the system.

To Lin Yi's surprise, when he had no clue about refining weapons, the system's skills had made a breakthrough.

After combining [Wu-Seo Sword Qi], a skill that Lin Yi had no clue about in the past, he learned it easily!

[Automatic block]!
[Skill Level: Lv1 (231/1000)]

[Skill description: Sword energy spreads all over the body, when the attack is imminent, block with the instinct of a swordsman]


(End of this chapter)

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