Chapter 133

It was discovered!

And it's the most troublesome Guigu Linyi!
The man in the black suit subconsciously glanced at his companion, thinking quickly about countermeasures.

Among the contestants in this conference, apart from Feng Baobao and Zhang Chulan, they were most concerned about the descendant of Guigu who was born out of nowhere in front of them, so they also tried to collect information related to Lin Yi.

But Lin Yi's appearance was so abrupt that it was impossible to find out just by the two of them.

Therefore, the known information is only what Lin Yi showed.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the two people in front of him, and said with a light smile, "You came here sneakily in the middle of the night, with a telescope in your hand... You two don't look like good people at first glance." ah!"


The corner of the man's mouth twitched, then he smiled and bowed to Lin Yi.

"It turned out to be the famous descendant of Guigu. The two of us are members of the Yaoxing Club. We are here..."

"Yao Xing Club?" Lin Yi interrupted him with a look of surprise, "Isn't it Quan Xing?"

The two looked at each other in astonishment, and the man in the black suit said with a wry smile.

"Of course not! We all entered Longhu Mountain with our true identities, how could we be full-sexed people?"

"Yaoxing Club..." Lin Yi pondered for a moment, then shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

The man in the black suit said with a smile: "We are a non-profit public welfare organization established in recent years, mainly engaged in the rescue of aliens and information consulting services within aliens..."

"Sorry." Lin Yi looked at the two of them indifferently, "I'm more interested in another matter than the Obsidian Club you mentioned—you two were following Baobao Feng just now, right?"

He did hear it!

The man in the black suit frowned.

The woman in a suit beside her quietly clenched her fists, the muscles under her clothes tensed, and she was ready to strike at any time.

"If I'm not wrong."

Lin Yi looked at the two of them indifferently, and faint silver-white light spots began to diffuse around his body.

"You guys...should have noticed something special about Feng Baobao, right?"


The woman in the suit caught the word keenly.

At the same time, looking at the silver-white spot of light beside Lin Yi, the man in the suit was startled, thinking that Lin Yi had already started to make a move.

no solution anymore!

The man in the suit had a fierce look in his eyes and let out a loud drink.


Almost at the same time as he yelled, the man in the suit arched forward, his feet kicked hard, his solid thigh muscles suddenly swelled, and the expensive trousers were suddenly split into strands of cloth.

The woman in a suit at the side had no choice but to get up in an instant, and with a wave of her hand, three flying needles as thin as a cow's hair shot towards Lin Yi.

Looking at the two men who were filled with murderous intent, Lin Yi shook his head slightly.

"Then there's nothing to talk about."

While speaking, those pitch-black eyes instantly turned into silver-white vertical pupils.

"……This is???"

The man in the suit shrank his pupils, and a strong sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

In the next second, two silver-white sword qi with black borders shot out from Lin Yi's eyes.

not good!

As soon as this thought came to the man in the suit, his vision went dark, and he lost consciousness.

The silver-white and black-edged sword energy pierced the eyes of the man in the suit, pierced through the back of his head, and then pierced through several trees one after another without exhausting his strength.

Lin Yi turned sideways gently to avoid the man's body that was rushing towards him. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and caught three thin needles in his fingers.

The woman in the suit was startled when she saw this, she flicked her sleeves, then turned around and wanted to run away without even looking at it.

The densely packed fine needles wrapped in a faint qi, attacked Lin Yi overwhelmingly.

"Quite decisive."

Lin Yi sighed in admiration, stretched out his arms, spread his five fingers, and a round of silver-white sword energy in the shape of a full moon appeared in front of Lin Yi immediately.

【No Self Sword Qi·Moonlight】

"Ding ding ding--"

The thin needles collided with the moon-shaped sword Qi one after another, but none of them could break through the thin layer of moonlight.

The remaining thin needles passed by Lin Yi's side, and sank into the tree trunk and the ground with a sound of duk duk.

Withdrew the magic sword and energy shield in front of him, Lin Yi looked at the rapidly withering vegetation at his feet.


Lin Yi frowned slightly, raised his hand and looked between his fingers.

Sure enough, a faint black air spread on Lin Yi's fingertips, and in just a moment, it was clear that the skin on the fingertips was slowly turning black.

Lin Yi quickly mobilized the sword qi in his body, but before the sword qi went over to encircle and suppress, the black energy on his fingertips quickly dissipated.


Lin Yi stretched out his five fingers, looking at his fair fingers suspiciously.

That's it?

Lin Yi lowered his arms a little speechlessly.

There is no way, the poison resistance is too strong, so it is so lonely.

Looking up, the woman in the suit who threw the needle had already run a hundred meters away.

"If you can run away from a distance of several hundred meters, I will eat all these poisonous needles on the spot!"

Lin Yi snorted coldly, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

While running wildly in the valley, the woman in the suit set up traps casually, terrified in her heart.

what did she see?
That guy actually shot two sword qis from his eyes!
And that kind of sharpness and penetrating power killed her companion in an instant.

Coupled with Lin Yi's performance at the meeting during the day, the woman in the suit came to a judgment almost instantly.

This man is absolutely invincible!
In the forest, Lin Yi's figure roared past surrounded by air currents, the speed was even faster than the triggering speed of the trap.

Hearing the non-stop triggering sound of the traps behind her, the running woman in the suit secretly thought that something was wrong.

Lin Yi's strength far exceeded her expectations.

But she has to escape no matter what!
At least report the information about Feng Baobao and Guigu Linyi to the president!

The woman in the suit clenched her teeth, and several long needles glowing with black light appeared in her right hand. With the dancing of her fingers, several long needles were quickly inserted into several big holes on her chest.


The woman in the suit felt her head buzzing, and a violent qi surged out of her limbs and bones in an instant, rushing and rushing through the energy channels in her body, filling her whole body with an unprecedented sense of power, and a faint blood mist flowed from her body. Seeping out from the pores of his body, dyed the qi surrounding his body with a trace of blood.

This is an extremely powerful power, but the price of this power is her innate energy and life.

The woman in the suit gritted her teeth, stomped hard, plowed a long ravine on the ground, and forcibly stopped her figure.

As soon as he turned around, a violent airflow roared from the forest.

Lin Yi's figure appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye.

"Don't run away?"

Lin Yi's face remained calm, and his unwavering expression proved that this level of speed did not burden him at all.

"go to hell!"

She didn't intend to talk to Lin Yi at all. After inspiring this state, every second of her remaining time was precious.

The figure of the woman in the suit jumped suddenly, her bloodshot eyes were like nails, and there was a faint black light on the sharp fingernails, grabbing Lin Yi's eyes and throat fiercely.

"as you wish."

Lin Yi said lightly, and at the same time pointed to the sword, and tapped lightly in front of him.

[Without Self Sword Qi]!
call out--

There was a rapid sound of piercing through the air, and the silver-white sword energy with black borders passed through the distance between the two in an instant.

The incomparably sharp sword energy broke through the qi in her body after a slight stagnation, and then unscrupulously rushed into her body, crushing her heart, cutting off her qi veins, and finally came out from behind her body.


The body of the woman in the suit fell to the ground, drawing a line of blood on the ground by inertia, and then stopped in front of Lin Yi.

Kneeling down, looking at the pair of eyes that lost their spirit, Lin Yi sighed softly, and the image that Jian Xin perceived just now flashed in his mind.

"It's also a poor person..."

 Thanks for the reward of 200 coins from the thief of the country.

(End of this chapter)

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