A certain sword soul's infinite journey

Chapter 105 Tracking Tattoos

Chapter 105 Tracking Tattoos

Lin Yi frowned slightly, ignoring that he was still in the alley, he stretched out his hand and tore off the bandage on his left hand.

After the death of the mutant with a skull tattooed on his arm, he felt as if something suddenly disappeared on the back of his left hand, but now...


Lin Yi frowned tightly as he looked at the still-normal Swift Shadow Hand.

After thinking for a while, he dragged the two dead mutants into the alley, then took out his mobile phone, took pictures of their appearance, and sent them to Professor X according to the personal contact information on his business card.

After doing this, Lin Yi looked down at the two corpses at his feet.

Originally, Lin Yi didn't need to get a response when he asked a question, he just needed to induce the other party to think of the answer.

But because of Professor X's reputation among mutants, Lin Yi was worried that these two mutants would be wary of their mind-reading ability.

So at the beginning, Lin Yi deliberately interrogated the mutant with the rubber ability, just to let them relax their vigilance, so that Lin Yi could easily induce the answer he wanted.

But that answer forced Lin Yi to attack them.

"It's a pity, you two didn't have to die."

Lin Yi sighed hypocritically.

From the tattooed man, Lin Yi learned that the target of these two people was not himself, they actually came with Professor X, or in other words, the woman named Mora who pushed the wheelchair for Professor X.

As for the purpose, it is also very simple, just to know why Professor X, who has not been out of school for a long time, left school suddenly.

But what puzzled Lin Yi was that they came to this street more than an hour after Professor X left to inquire about Professor X's purpose.

But because of this, until Lin Yi came back, they couldn't find anything.

Therefore, it was Lin Yi himself who really made the two men with tattoos complete their task.

As soon as Lin Yi came over, he said, "It was Professor X in the morning, and now it's you again."

These words instantly made the tattooed man understand that Professor X came here to meet Lin Yi.

Knowing this, Lin Yi knew that if they were put back, the mutant brotherhood currently dominated by Mystique would definitely target him.

If they were targeting the Avenger Sword Soul, Lin Yi would definitely not care.

But this tattooed man had met Lin Yi somewhere, and knowing Lin Yi's background and identity, Lin Yi could only say one word of embarrassment.

Coupled with their status as the Mutant Brotherhood, Lin Yi didn't have the slightest burden in his heart to kill them.

"It's always a trouble to put it here, let's find a way to deal with it... And, next time you pretend to be aggressive, remember to think about it."

Looking at the corpse at his feet, Lin Yi laughed at himself while taking out the metal sword hilt from his arms.

"I didn't expect that, with such a powerful purple lightsaber, I didn't kill the living, but the dead first..."

Lin Yi sighed, and a blue light blade popped out from the hilt of the lightsaber in his hand.

With a single swipe, the two corpses were completely frozen.



When I returned to the martial arts hall again, 10 minutes had passed.

During these 10 minutes, Lin Yi walked on the roof and the path, and quickly arrived outside Santiao Street.

He originally planned to completely destroy the corpse, but later thought that if the two of them evaporated next to the martial arts hall, it would definitely cause some troubles in the martial arts hall.

Although Lin Yi didn't think they could threaten Lin Shuwu and others, the abilities of mutants were all kinds of strange, and there might be some very troublesome existences.

After careful consideration, Lin Yi chose to throw the two frozen corpses into the trash can three streets away.

This distance is neither far nor close. It can not only put aside the relationship with the martial arts school, but also use the corpse as bait to hang the people behind the scenes.

After returning to the martial arts gym, Professor X also called back.

"Mr. Lin, I'm very sorry."

As soon as he got on the phone, Lin Yi heard Professor X's apologetic words.

"If my predictions are correct, these two people should be the trouble I brought..."

"is it?"

Although Lin Yi already knew, he still decided to pretend first.

"You know their identities?"

"That's right." Professor X's wry smile came from the other end of the phone, "The one whose body can become rubber is called Stilwell, and the other one with tattoos is Orison. Both of them should be Mystique. Mutants recruited."


Hearing this name, Lin Yi suddenly thought of the strange feeling when he killed him.

"I want to know, what is Olison's ability?"

Lin Yi asked aloud.

"If my information here is not wrong, he is immune to radiation, and can also transfer his tattoos to other people through close contact with other people, and then track them by sensing his own tattoos."

As he spoke, Professor X could not help but sigh.

"My guess is that he should have transferred the tattoo to Mora, and then used this to perceive our position."

"I see."

Lin Yi was suddenly stunned when he heard the words.

It seems that his left hand should be in the same situation. As for the timing of getting the tattoo, it should be when he first stunned the tattooed man.

As for why Jianxin didn't perceive this, the main reason was that after the guy woke up, his mind was full of how to escape, and the only other thoughts were induced by Lin Yi.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi was even more thankful that he had decisively killed these two people.

If they were really let go, wouldn't they be completely tracked directly?

Moreover, the abilities of these mutants are really strange, even the ability to track tattoos.

Of course, what troubled Lin Yi the most was that even a swordsman like him couldn't detect the transfer of this thing.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi couldn't help asking.

"Professor, I want to know, if Orison dies, will his tracking tattoo disappear with it?"

"...It should be like this." Professor X's tone was still gentle, "I checked Mora urgently just now, and I didn't feel any signs of being tracked, and the tattoos that were planted have disappeared."

Urgent inspection...

Lin Yi admitted that he might have worn colored glasses, so everything he listened to felt quite colorful.

Professor X is still talking: "Orison and Stilwell are both radicals among mutants. They were wanted by the government as early as last year, but they do not represent all mutants. Wen's subordinates, the Brotherhood of Mutants have become much more gentle..."

Professor X didn't finish, but Lin Yi already understood what he meant.

Both of these guys are bad guys, if you kill them, you kill them, I have no problem, and neither does Xavier School, but there is still a chance for other mutants to be good...

Although he knew that this was the case, Lin Yi felt inexplicably sad when he heard the professor pleading for mutants who did not agree with his ideas.

For Professor X's ideas, and for his hard work over the years.


If you don't pursue it, it doesn't mean I don't pursue it.

Lin Yi shook his head secretly, and said calmly.

"Professor, if you can, send a message to the Mutant Brotherhood for me, saying that the one who dealt with these two people was the Soul of the Avengers. If they want revenge, come to the Avengers Building."

After speaking, Lin Yi hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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