I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 88 Teaching Kungfu (for collection, recommendation and investment)

Chapter 88 Teaching Kungfu (for collection, recommendation and investment)

The next day, the news broadcast a piece of news that made most New Yorkers happy. The two largest gangs in New York were all arrested by the police, and their leaders were shot dead on the spot. This is undoubtedly a huge improvement for the safety of New Yorkers.

That's right, the news is talking about the two biggest gangs. Most New Yorkers don't know that there are two big gangs in the dark world of New York, and one of them even has a plan to unify the dark world. ability.

Jack was also busy. After he ordered Max what to say, he started to promote his younger brother in the branch. As for the original branch chief, last night, he was arrested by the chief police officer Duke of the bureau. I personally brought people to arrest and investigate.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall was not very good. The main reason was that the relationship between the group of students who left to fight yesterday has grown by leaps and bounds, and even from the bottom of my heart, I thought that those students who left were deserters and were not qualified at all. Stay in Wing Chun martial arts hall to practice boxing.

Those students who left also felt the change in the atmosphere, and felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts, but there was no way out. Huang Wen did not intend to continue training all the students in the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall.

The relationship between Huang Wen and most of the students is like the relationship between the gym and the students. Only those who work hard or are particularly talented will Huang Wen pay a little attention. Of course, the students who stayed last night, Huang Wen will naturally pay more attention.

At this time, Huang Wen was teaching Huang Liang on the second floor. Last night, Huang Liang's performance was not bad, but the shortcomings were also obvious.

"Come on, attack me and use the tricks you used to bring down those gang members last night." Huang Wen looked at Huang Liang and said seriously.

"Yes!" Without any hesitation, Huang Liang directly punched Huang Wen's throat. He used this move yesterday to bring down at least five gang members.



Before Huang Liang's fist hit Huang Wen's throat, Huang Wen grabbed his fist directly, and then took advantage of his strength to fall, and Huang Liang lay on the floor.

"Now, do you understand?" Huang Wen asked, looking at Huang Liang who stood up while rubbing his back.

"Master, what do you mean? I don't quite understand." Huang Liang scratched his head with some doubts, "Is my reaction speed and strength not as good as Master means? Master wants me to practice reaction speed?"

"No, it's because your attack intention is too obvious. Attacking the key points is indeed the most effective attack method." Huang Wen shook his head and said seriously, "This kind of attack method is good when dealing with ordinary people, because They can't respond effectively to their vitals, just like those gang members."

"However, when facing an experienced enemy, your obvious attack intentions will make yourself vulnerable, so when facing an experienced enemy, you can't be the first to reveal your intentions, you have to look for the opponent. The exposed flaws, and then use the strongest means to knock down the opponent!"

"Of course, if, like yesterday, the strength gap between you and your opponent is too large, these moves are the most labor-saving and the fastest way to defeat the enemy..."

"I understand, Master." Huang Liang nodded thoughtfully, and took Huang Wen's words in his mind. People with real combat experience would not send their vital points to you to fight. If you can easily attack the opponent's vital spot, there is a high probability that it is a trap set by the opponent.

"Okay, it's going to be renovated in a few days, and I'm going to leave Chinatown to take a look around. Let me teach you some self-defense methods first. How's your fingering practice before?" Huang Wen's face became serious again. stand up.

"It's okay...it's okay..." Huang Liang nodded cautiously, in fact, he didn't know if he was good enough to practice.

"Well, let me see." Huang Wen nodded.

"Finger like a gust of wind! The force is like lightning!" Huang Liang used the fingering method taught by Huang Wen.

"The finger strength is not bad, and the speed is not bad. Have you memorized the map of the acupuncture points and meridians of the human body?" Huang Wen's eyes flashed with satisfaction. Huang Liang's talent is better than he imagined.

"It's clear!" This time, Huang Liang's tone was firmer than before. As a young genius at the academic level, Huang Liang is the best at memorizing things.

"Okay, then next, I will teach you internal strength. This is a different ability from Wing Chun. It is the way of ancient martial arts. I hope you can practice well." Huang Wen pointed to the floor beside him and motioned Huang Liang to sit. After getting down, he stretched out his hand and put it on Huang Liang's body.

"Remember the trajectory of the force I entered in your body!" Huang Wen's serious voice sounded in Huang Liang's ear, and then a weak internal force poured into Huang Liang's body, which was the nameless method of the Sunflower School. , This internal force is not even at the extraordinary level, and Huang Liang can also withstand it.

"Hi!" However, being able to bear it doesn't mean it won't hurt at all, and Huang Liang's complexion suddenly turned pale.

"Remember?" After a while, Huang Wen asked in a deep voice.

"It's still a little bit worse." Huang Liang gritted his teeth and said, "Please master again, I can do it!"

"Okay." Huang Wen nodded, and once again turned the weak internal force that belonged to Huang Liang's dantian. It was running in Huang Liang's body and helped to widen Huang Liang's meridians, laying a good foundation for him. .

In the end, that internal force was once again included in Huang Liang's dantian, but there was not much left.

However, this amount can just be used as the seed for Huang Liang to develop his own internal strength and complete the initial foundation-building task for Huang Liang. If there were more, Huang Liang's body would not only be unable to bear it, but it would be even more difficult to transfer the external internal power transformation in his dantian. for their own inner strength.

"Come on, drink it." Huang Wen walked out with a bowl of dark soup and handed it to Huang Liang.

"Ginseng, wolfberry, atractylodes..." Huang Liang, who owns a pharmaceutical company at home, smelled several medicines, and he knew that Huang Wen had given him a boost.

"Drink it, it's not just what you said, this is a unique secret method I created with a special proportion." Huang Wen motioned to Huang Liang to drink it while it was hot. Huang Liang knew that he couldn't avoid it, took the bowl and took a deep breath. All in one drink.

As the soup poured into his stomach, Huang Liang felt his body warm, and Huang Wen's voice sounded in his ears: "Sit down with your knees crossed, recite the exercises in your heart, turn the inner strength of the dantian, and strive to use the inner strength this time. Practice!"

"Yes!" Huang Liang responded, hurriedly sat down with his knees cross-legged, and started to act according to Huang Wen's instructions, silently reciting the nameless exercises, and turning around the inner strength left by Huang Wen in his dantian.

I don't know how long it took, Huang Liang felt a shudder in his dantian, and that trace of internal force began to travel in the meridians, and finally returned to the dantian, becoming even weaker, but this trace of internal force already belonged to Huang Liang himself!
(End of this chapter)

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