I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 866 Thor's Strength

Chapter 866 Thor's Strength

In Muspelham, Thor took Jane Foster to travel the Nine Realms and came to this world. At this time, Jane Foster was no longer a mortal.

Not to mention that Jane Foster briefly became the host of the Reality Gem before. During the period when she was possessed by the Reality Gem, her body had already mutated and gained extraordinary power. Among Asgard, she became the new queen of Asgard, and she also received the blessing of Asgard's power.

The most important thing is that Jane Foster became the queen of Asgard, and also won the god of Asgard, just like Loki, who was not originally an Asgardian, won the god of evil , just as being able to receive the blessing of divine power, Jane Foster also received the blessing of the divine position.

It is worth mentioning that Jane Foster's final god is not the female Thor, because Thor's god has been bound to Thor, and Jane Foster has become the same Valkyrie as Valkyrie. The Valkyrie Legion will be nominally controlled by Jane Foster. In Asgard, the Valkyrie Legion once again appears!
"Jane, this is Muspelham. There are powerful flame giants living here. At the beginning, my father fought with the boss of the flame giant Surtur here. In the end, my father won the final battle. won the eternal flame, and Surtur died at the hands of my father..." At this time, Thor was telling Jane Foster about the glorious history of Asgard.

After all, in Thor's view, Jane Foster is already the queen of Asgard, and regarding Asgard's previous glory, Jane Foster should also be honored.

"Thor, are you sure, that what Surtur is dead?" Jane Foster couldn't help being stunned when she heard Thor's words, she looked at Thor with some hesitation and asked.

"Naturally, he died. How could Surtur survive without the Eternal Flame? You should have seen the Eternal Flame. It's in Asgard's treasure house of Asgard..." Thor subconsciously answered Jane Foster, but as he spoke, Thor suddenly realized something was wrong, because the temperature of the surrounding air instantly increased a lot!

You know, this is Muspelham, which originally existed like a purgatory, but now the temperature has risen a lot, which is simply unimaginable. Even many substances on the earth are placed in Muspelham. Here, they will all spontaneously ignite!
"Huh? Flame giant? No! Could it be that you are Surtur?!" Thor soon noticed a giant in flames rushing towards him in the distance, and Thor frowned. He frowned, and the next moment the Storm Ax came into his hands instantly, and a powerful aura emerged from Thor's body.

There was a sound of "嗤!", and just as Thor hit the storm axe, Surtur, who was rushing over on the other side, suddenly stopped the car. He didn't feel too much from Thor's body. The threat, but with the appearance of the storm battle axe, everything will be different!

A life-and-death crisis emerged in Surtur's heart. Surtur felt such a life-and-death crisis once, that was when Muspelham fought Asgard last time.

At the beginning, facing Odin, who was at the peak of the Heavenly Father, Surtur was not in vain, because he thought that he possessed the eternal fire, and no one could kill him.

However, Surtur underestimated Odin too much, and overestimated his Eternal Flame too much. If the Eternal Flame was really powerful, Odin would not just put the Eternal Flame in the treasury of Asgard so casually Among them, there is no meaning to pay attention to at all.

Of course, this is not powerful, and it is relative to Odin. After all, even the existence of space gems, Odin can directly abandon it. It can be seen that for Odin, these so-called treasures are external forces. It doesn't make any sense.

And precisely because of Odin's strength, Surtur was defeated in the end, the eternal flame became Odin's trophy, and Surtur died suddenly on the spot.

That is to say, Surtur has possessed the Eternal Flame for too long. In the endless years, Surtur has already possessed part of the characteristics of the Eternal Flame, so Surtur barely survived.

But even if he survived, Surtur's fate is not good. He is no different from the king of the frost giants, Laufey. Both his realm has dropped significantly, and he has even gone through endless years. Surte Ercai returned to the sub-celestial parent level through the law of fire that he had comprehended originally, and he had only just entered the sub-celestial parent level.

Therefore, after seeing Thor bursting out with all his strength and taking out the storm axe, Surtur turned around and fled here without saying a word, because Surtur knew that if he didn't flee here quickly, I am about to die suddenly on the spot!

And this sudden death, maybe there will be no chance to do it again, especially after I recognized Thor's breath, the breath of the Asgardian king...

"Want to leave? How can it be that easy?" Seeing that Surtur was about to escape, Thor naturally disagreed. He threw the storm ax directly in his hand, which contained the power of thunder, and the surrounding The flame breath was completely suppressed, and it slammed in the direction of Surtur!
"No!" Surtur exclaimed. At this moment, the life-and-death crisis in his heart became more intense, which made Surtur's body tremble uncontrollably!
"Shua!", but just when Surtur felt the crisis of life and death, and he had no way to avoid it, and was about to explode with all his strength to resist, a figure appeared between Storm Ax and Surte. the middle of Er.

"Buzz!", and with the appearance of this figure, the Storm Axe, which originally possessed a mighty momentum, seemed to have entered a quagmire, its speed dropped suddenly, and the thunder power above it was completely blown away suppressed.

The next moment, Storm Ax was suspended in mid-air, completely losing the ability to move, and Thor's pupils shrank suddenly, and subconsciously shouted at the figure next to Storm Ax: "Who are you?!"

"It's me..." The person who came here was naturally none other than Huang Wen who was going to look for Surtur. He turned around, looked at Thor and nodded with a smile, and said softly.

"Mr. Huang Wen?" Both Thor and Jane Foster's eyes widened. They looked at Huang Wen with some puzzlement, because they didn't understand why Huang Wen appeared in such a place, and most importantly, They didn't quite understand, and Huang asked why he took the shot to save Surtur.

(End of this chapter)

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