I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 855 Wade's restricted consciousness

Chapter 855 Wade's restricted consciousness

With a sound of "Pfft!", Donald Pierce didn't even have time to recover, he felt a chill on his neck, and the next moment, Donald Pierce saw a headless corpse blocking the ground, and then completely lost consciousness .

Donald Pierce's experience fully demonstrated one thing, that is, during the battle, one must not be distracted by other things, let alone look at other people!
"Is it so hard to hit a guy who is almost an ordinary person?" Tony Stark glanced at Wade's direction and couldn't help but said, "He wanted to block those bullets with a sword before, he was serious Is it?"

"He's really serious!" Logan looked at Wade and nodded, and said with his eyes flickering slightly, "Wade's previous sword skills were very powerful, not to mention these few bullets, but Ten times more, he can still block it, but now it's really stretching his hips..."

"As for ordinary people, they are not so easy to deal with. I have lived for so many years, and even when I was immortal, I fell under the hands of ordinary people. Until I met the boss and my strength improved by leaps and bounds, It never happened again…”

"So Tony, this is my advice to you. Don't underestimate any ordinary person, especially if you don't know his details. This is the only thing I can teach you as an uncle!"

"Get out!" Originally Tony Stark listened to Logan's words and looked thoughtful, but when he heard Logan's last words, Tony Stark glared at Logan angrily and said.

"Boom!" Just as Wade had just dealt with Donald Pierce, the bickering between Logan and Tony Stark on one side, and the battle between Wanda and Selenegalio on the other, had reached its climax. Different forces collided constantly, until both of them were a little out of control, and the sub-tian father-level power broke out completely!
With a roar, the island began to shake violently, which was bigger than Hulk's before, even much bigger!

Because the entire island is already on the verge of collapsing!
"Damn it! What a profound power, the background of this power is actually stronger than my magic power of tens of thousands of years?" Selenegario's eyes froze, she stared at Wanda, her eyes flickered After a bit of unwillingness, she wanted to devour Wanda's vitality and soul directly, but unfortunately, she couldn't do this.

"Then change the target, otherwise, I may not be able to take her down, the exuberant vitality, um, this one in the red uniform, and this monster named Hulk are good, I hope the strength of the two of you Can help me go further!"

With a sound of "hum!", following Selenegalio's thoughts, a new power burst out of her body.

As the oldest mutant, Selenegalio's abilities are not the magical powers that are shown now, enough to compete with Wanda's chaos magic. These are just her continuous absorption and learning from others for tens of thousands of years power.

Selenegalio's true mutant ability is to absorb the vitality of others and devour their souls!

This kind of power is actually somewhat similar to Sebastian Shaw, and also somewhat similar to Apocalypse's ability, but this is the power that belongs exclusively to Selenegalio, and it has supported her to live up to now, for tens of thousands of years source!

Selenegario knew that this mutant ability would not be able to take effect on Wanda before defeating Wanda, so Selenegalio set his sights on Wade and Hulk!
With a sound of "hum!", the two mutant powers were connected to Wade and Hulk by the way, and Wade and Hulk's bodies flew up uncontrollably, heading towards Selenegalio.

"Be careful!" Logan's pupils narrowed slightly, and he quickly flew towards Wade's direction. Although he didn't know what happened, Logan subconsciously wanted to save Wade.

Logan's reaction was not unpleasant, but it was still a step slow. A visible black line connected Selenegalio, Wade and Hulk together. The vitality and soul of Wade and Hulk were being destroyed. Selenegalio absorbed it.

"Stop her!" Logan yelled at Wanda while flying towards Selenegalio's body.

"I tried my best!" Wanda was filled with crimson chaos magic at this time, but it was not so easy to easily break through Selenegalio's magic defense.

At this time, the bodies of Wade and Hulk began to shriveled faintly. This is a manifestation of a large loss of vitality. Even though they both have the ability to be almost immortal, they still can't keep up with Selenegalio to absorb their vitality. speed.

And if the vitality of Wade and Hulk is finally absorbed, then the two of them will die instantly and turn into powder!

"Shoot!" Seeing this scene, Zeus frowned slightly. Wade is not an avenger, but it's okay to say that Zeus knows about the Hulk. He is Huang Wen's apprentice. If something really happened to the Hulk, Huang Wen I'm afraid he won't let Selenegalio go, and Huang Wen probably won't let Selenegalio go if he just didn't stop Selenegalio from the side, so Zeus is ready to make a move without any hesitation!

"What?!" However, just as Zeus was about to make a move, Selenegalio suddenly exclaimed, her eyes widened, and she looked in Wade's direction in disbelief. A little crazy, the magical power on his body became extremely unstable, and even the black line connecting Wade and Hulk was broken!
When Selenegalio absorbs the vitality of others, he can remember the life course of the victim. Obviously, there is nothing abnormal on Hulk's side. The problem lies in Wade. In De's consciousness, he saw something he shouldn't know!
That was Wade's forbidden zone of consciousness breaking the fourth wall!
This world is a fictional world, everything is fake, and the tens of thousands of years that Selenegalio lived are all fake...

"No! Impossible! I don't believe it!" Selenegalio's power burst out by the way, and Wanda was directly shocked back, and the whole person flew into the sky.

At this time, Selenegalio's aura has become extremely disordered, as if she had absorbed the life force of tens of thousands of years, and her soul and power are in conflict...

"Huh? This guy is crazy..." Zeus's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked at Selenegalio with some surprise and muttered in a low voice, "What happened? Isn't she absorbing the vitality of these two people? How could it be?" become like this?"


The follow-up subscription has increased a little bit, but it's only a little bit, it's better to update normally...

(End of this chapter)

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