I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 835 Huang Wen's Advice to Wade

Chapter 835 Huang Wen's Advice to Wade
"Well, Master, it was because Uncle Wolf didn't have time to pay attention to this annoying guy that Tony locked him in the battle armor..." After hearing Huang Wen's order, Huang Liang looked at Huang Wen helplessly and reminded him in a low voice. Said, "Also, Steve didn't think to pay attention to this annoying guy..."

"Uh, no, why did you leave this guy here?" Huang Wen looked at Huang Liang's helpless look, suddenly thought of something, looked at Huang Liang and asked, "Could it be that this Deadpool joined the revenge team?" Is it an alliance? Shouldn't it? Everyone won't agree..."

"Wade did not join the Avengers, but he is relying on Uncle Wolf and the Avengers Building to stay here. In addition, he and Uncle Wolf are old acquaintances, and he is immortal. He has no other way..." Huang Liang spread his hands, sighed softly, and looked even more helpless.

"What do you mean by not leaving? What is he going to do here?" Huang Wen frowned, and asked a little puzzled, "Just because Uncle Wolf is here, so he just lingers? Don't you have any other family or friends?"

"Yes! He has a girlfriend named Vanessa..." After hearing the question asked by Huang, the silly girl on the side pulled out the information and replied, "At the beginning, Wade, that is, the dead waiter that the boss said There is no cure for cancer. In order to cure cancer, Wade tried his best, and finally fell into the trap of Ajax and became the experimental subject of Ajax..."

"As he said, Wade successfully resolved the impact of cancer on him, and even obtained the same immortality as Logan before, but you have also seen, boss, Wade's appearance at this time is really too ugly. Now, Wade didn't want to see Vanessa with such a face, so he directly stayed in the Avengers Building, wanting us to help him solve his appearance problem!"

"Solve the problem of his appearance? What is he joking about?" Huang Wen subconsciously scanned Wade's physical condition with his spiritual thoughts, rolled his eyes angrily and said, "His current situation has been ruled by his own The more he can record it, even if his entire face is cut off, the new one will still look like this..."

"This is the price for his survival. At this time, the cancer cells and self-healing factors in his body have reached a delicate balance. Not to mention that there is basically no way to attack his cancer cells and self-healing factors, even if he can do so, As long as the cancer cells and self-healing factors in his body are slightly adjusted, he may collapse on the spot..."

"That is to say, if Deadpool loses the self-healing factor in his body, he will be killed directly by the cancer cells, and if he loses the cancer cells, he will be killed by the continuous regeneration of the self-healing factor!"

"Is it so serious?" At this moment, the Avengers looked at each other when they heard Huang Wen's words, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"It seems that this guy is really hopeless!" Huang Liang and the others glanced at each other. To be honest, although Wade is an annoyance to the Avengers, the Avengers have no idea what happened to Wade. Still very sympathetic, they also hope to help Wade.

However, since Huang Wen had given Wade the final judgment at this time, the Avengers also felt that they might really be unable to help Wade.

"Besides, he should be very clear about whether he can really recover. He is just escaping..." Huang Wen finally shook his head and said softly.

Wade, who was trapped in the armor, had his eyes flickering slightly at this time. Originally, the armor was completely soundproof, so that no matter what happened outside, Wade would not know, and Wade spoke no matter what inside. , the outside world will not be affected, so that the influence of Wade's most annoying mouth can be completely eliminated...

And since Huang Wen probed Wade's situation with his divine sense just now, Huang Wen quietly opened a hole in the armor, so that Wade could hear what he said with the Avengers outside.

Of course, during this period, Wade also couldn't say a word, because the law that Huang Wen blessed Wade's mouth still existed, and Wade still couldn't make a sound at this time.

After Huang Wen finished speaking, he didn't mean to stay any longer. After that, he had to rely on Wade himself to comprehend. After all, Wade's most outstanding features, other than his immortal body and annoying mouth , is his ability to break the fourth wall.

Therefore, from Huang Wen's point of view, Wade should finally be able to see that at this moment, he is his normal image in the future, and he will definitely be able to adapt to it in the end.

Besides, in Wade's own personal movie, didn't Wade himself finally come out?It doesn't make sense that in such a comprehensive universe, Deadpool can't get out, and there is no external object to interfere with Wade.

"By the way, bring that Vanessa here, this guy should be able to recover faster, let's say the Avengers found this guy..." Huang Wen stayed behind before disappearing with Belle's body One word, and then completely disappeared.

"Bring Vanessa here?" Huang Liang and the others looked at each other, their eyes lit up slightly. In their opinion, this is indeed a solution!
After all, the reason why Wade is like this is because Wade cares too much about Vanessa in his heart. If Vanessa is brought here, Wade will face it if he doesn't face it.

At that time, whether Vanessa chooses to leave Wade or ends up with Wade, for Wade, it will be considered a result, and Wade will not have to worry about his face here.

"No!" Wade heard what Huang Wen said when he left in the battle armor, and he shouted in his heart, but unfortunately, Wade's voice could not be uttered at all. A law still hasn't disappeared, what Wade shouted, only he can hear it in his heart.

Huang Liang and John acted very quickly, because Sha Niu directly found where Vanessa was, and then used space teleportation technology to teleport Huang Liang and John to the door of Vanessa's house.

"Hello, is this Vanessa's house? We are from the Avengers!" Huang Liang and John didn't mean to force their way in, and they didn't even teleport directly to Vanessa's house, but knocked on the door, Open your mouth and say.

"The Avengers?" At this time, Vanessa opened the door with a haggard face. She looked at Huang Liang and John with a surprised expression. She didn't quite understand why the majestic Avengers would come to her house find her.

(End of this chapter)

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