I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 815 Silly girl's mysterious behavior

Chapter 815 Silly girl's mysterious behavior

With a sound of "hum!", a blue light flashed across the Avengers Building, and the Avengers appeared here with a large group of people. Soon, the students on the second floor rushed over to help deal with those who were caught. Ordinary people, confirmed their identities, contacted their families and went.

"So, how should this Ajax and the things in the heads of their group of experimental subjects be resolved?" Steve Rogers looked at Wanda and asked after watching the ordinary people leave, "Wanda , can you help?"

That's right, Wanda didn't act with everyone this time, but continued to study the Reality Gem, and didn't hear anything until now.

"There are too many people. For me, the loss will be a bit high..." Wanda looked at the group of experimental subjects and thought for a while, then shook his head and said softly, "Their situation is not complicated, at least , medical means, it can be solved, just take out the little thing in their heads..."

"Medical means?" Tony Stark's eyes flickered slightly, and he stopped Steve Rogers, who was about to persuade Wanda, and said, "Okay, we know, medical means, we can solve it, wait It’s enough for me and Reed to study it…”

"What? You two, do you have medical education?" Steve Rogers asked with his eyes wide open when he heard that Tony Stark was going to do it himself.

"Are you kidding, how could we have that kind of thing?" Tony Stark rolled his eyes angrily, glanced at Reed Richards who was walking over and said, "We spend a little time on this kind of thing." Take a little time to study it, and it won't cause trouble to us at all!"

"Not bad!" Although Reed Richards didn't quite understand what Tony Stark was planning, he still followed Tony Stark's words, "Such a difficulty is easy for us, especially for us. With such cutting-edge technology, we have such excellent body control, and more importantly, we are geniuses! Super geniuses!"

"..." The experimental subjects looked at each other at this moment. To be honest, they were a little panicked, but this is the Avengers Building, and even if they wanted to leave, it was impossible.

As for using your mutant ability to fight out, that's a joke, don't forget how they were brought here.

"Okay, since you said that, they will leave it to you!" Logan shrugged. Since Tony Stark and Reed Richards have said so, they naturally have nothing to refute.

"Hey, hey!" Wade yelled in dissatisfaction after hearing Logan's words, "Little wolf wolf, why don't you just ignore us like this and hand us over to two laymen?"

"Well, this guy has the same immortal body as Logan. It seems that he can perfectly become our first experiment... Oh, no, he is the treatment object..." Tony Stark stroked his chin, looked Wade said with a smile.

"Hey! Big shit! Let me remind you, don't mess around..." Wade threatened Tony Stark with a vigilant expression when he heard what Tony Stark said.

With a sound of "Boom!", before Wade recovered, a set of battle armor directly wrapped him up, and then led him to the direction of the laboratory.

"The rest of you, come with me honestly. You stay at the designated position first, and you will be provided with food and drink every day, but your range of activities is only so big, understand?" Tony Stark looked at A group of experimental subjects asked.

"Are you Avengers trying to treat us as prisoners?" A test subject frowned and asked Tony Stark dissatisfied.

"Well, it's fine if you understand it that way, and I welcome you to sue me. If you succeed, oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, all extraordinary events are the responsibility of our Avengers, so, No one will allow you to sue me..." Tony Stark shrugged, looked at the talking test subject indifferently and said with a smile.

"Besides, you should be very clear why I made such a decision. Even if you stopped, you had to stand on Ajax's side before. That's right, what I said was The guys inside these two ice lumps!"

As soon as this remark came out, the experimental subject who spoke fell silent instantly, and the surrounding experimental subjects had no intention of continuing to speak, but followed Tony Stark's instructions and went to the safe room under the Avengers Building .

"What's your idea? Don't tell me, you want to hold these guys in your own hands?" In the laboratory, Reed Richards glanced at the man who was trapped in the mecha and screamed, but couldn't make any sound. Wade looked at Tony Stark and asked.

"Hehe, they are also worthy of being Avengers?" Tony Stark shook his head with a trace of disdain in his voice, and said softly, "Their abilities are indeed not bad, but among them, there are not many of them. A guy with a better heart..."

"So this time, we don't want to help them solve the means in their heads, but to leave the means of control, so that if they want to do something bad in the future, we can also solve it effortlessly. them!"

"What you said makes sense. The trust value of these guys is indeed very low..." Reed Richards thought for a while, finally nodded, and said in agreement, "If we do this, if they are not abnormal, we will Everyone is fine, and if they have problems, we have an easy way to fix them!"

"It's just that this guy is in trouble. After all, he is Logan's friend, and that weasel is also on our side for the first time. The two of them don't need to control them. Anyway, their strength is also very strong. Not too strong..." Tony Stark glanced at Wade, looking at Logan's face, and finally decided to let Wade go.

"So, what shall we do with this guy?" In the Avengers Building, Logan pointed to the two ice bumps on the ground, looked at the crowd and asked.

"I have a way, and it's very easy, but I can't say it..." Sha Niu glanced at the two ice lumps wrapped in Ajax and said, "Huang Liang, Max, you take him with me bring it on……"

"Okay..." Huang Liang and Max looked at each other, then nodded, and followed Sha Niu with two ice lumps in his arms.

"So mysterious? Did you go to the boss?" Logan looked suspiciously at the three silly girls who had gone away, and couldn't help muttering, "No, why is it so mysterious to find the boss?"

(End of this chapter)

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