I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 813 Control and Beheading

Chapter 813 Control and Beheading

"Is there really such a bug?" Tony Stark frowned, glanced at Ajax suspiciously, then turned to look at Logan and asked.

"For the owner of the immortal body, the most important thing is his own willpower. It can be seen that this guy's willpower is also extremely strong, especially he has the mind control ability from Charles..." Logan Spreading his hands, he explained softly.

"As long as we have an immortal body like this and don't want to die, it is very difficult for us to be killed. Of course, sometimes, even if we want to die, it is not so easy. On this point, you learned from Wade, You should be able to see it..."

"Huh? No!" Tony Stark suddenly shrank his pupils slightly when he heard Logan's words, and hurriedly turned his head to look in the direction of Ajax.

And Tony Stark's reaction was already a little slow, because the ice layer on Ajax's body had begun to disappear gradually, and even the ice flame suddenly turned to the side of the Avengers, as if to give the Avengers Frozen in general!
"Charles' mind control! John is under control!" Tony Stark exclaimed, his figure retreated violently, and a powerful barrier was released from Tony Stark's armor , and then enveloped all the surrounding Avengers in it, resisting the ice flame power from John.

"Little wolf wolf, deal with him like me!" At this moment, Wade, who had been watching the battle for a long time and was still lying on the ground, suddenly reminded Logan. Obviously, Wade, who had been tortured for a long time, also had some Unbearable.

"Huh?" Logan couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard Wade's words, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed directly in the direction of Ajax, and slammed the Adamantium alloy steel claws in his hand at Coming out of the ice, Ajax's neck!
The sound of "Shua!" did not mean to stop, Ajax's Adamantium alloy reserve was not so sufficient, so he replaced all the bones in his whole body with Adamantium alloy, so he Logan chopped off his head directly, and fell heavily to the ground.

And Ajax's headless body went limp. Even though Ajax had an immortal body, he lost control of his body the moment his head left his body.

Similarly, what Ajax lost was not only the control over his body, but also the control over John's mind. At this time, John recovered instantly.

"Damn it!" After John came back to his senses, his complexion sank suddenly. Originally, today was his chance to show his strength, but he didn't expect that he had just shown his strength, and before he had time to get excited, he directly Being controlled by the enemy, and almost attacking his own people, this made John extremely upset.

"Hey, hey! John, can you put away your ice flame first? My energy consumption is really a bit high!" Tony Stark stood where he was when he saw John swearing, and hurriedly shouted at John.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" John's face was stunned, and he quickly put his ice flame away again.

"Relax, John, you should know how unpredictable Charles' ability used to be..." Logan shook his head and comforted John, "After all, you don't have this ability, and you don't have this ability. With experience, it is normal to be recruited..."

"Don't worry, Uncle Wolf, I'm fine, but is this guy really dead? Why do I think he still has signs of life?" John looked in the direction of Ajax and changed the subject asked.

"Wade, after I chopped off your head, did you survive?" Logan turned his head to look at Wade and asked, "I thought at the time that if you cut off your head, your body would be damaged." You also fell into the bunker, you should be dead, but now it seems that it doesn't seem certain, right?"

"That's right, in theory, I didn't die. After you left, I picked up my head and came back to life. However, I didn't know what happened later, and my consciousness left me directly. body, and then I was reborn..." Wade spread his hands, looked at Logan helplessly and said softly.

"So, this guy must not be dead yet..." Logan nodded clearly. Although they all have the same immortal body, Logan has never been beheaded. Before the alloy, Logan did not experience such a thing. After getting the Adamantium alloy, if he wanted to chop off Logan's head, he had to ask the axis vertebra made of the Adamantium alloy to agree!

"So, what should I do to completely kill this guy?" Steve Rogers and others stepped forward and asked Ajax, looking at the detached body and head on the ground.

"Let's freeze him first, freeze him separately, it's safer..." Logan shrugged, and said softly, "I remember, the boss once told me that my immortal body is the most powerful The strength lies in the fusion of me and Adamant, as long as the Adamantium alloy in my body cannot be completely destroyed, I will be able to live..."

"Now, the Adamantium alloy in this guy's body is not too much, but it still exists. I am worried that this guy will have the same situation as me. It will be a little troublesome to kill this guy..."

"Is it frozen? Good!" After hearing what Logan said, John's eyes lit up suddenly, and he hurried forward to prepare for action.

"No, you can wait a moment! Can't you save the child? Little wolf, you didn't realize that I was in pain all the time?" At this moment, Wade hurriedly stopped John from shouting road.

"Huh? I found out, you think you like this look, and, don't you just want to die? The pain is unbearable, how did you die?" Logan looked innocently at Wade and said softly. asked.

"You've changed, little wolf wolf, you cut it now, it's definitely black!" Wade's mouth twitched slightly, and he was so stunned by Logan that he almost didn't know what to say. Found the belief to live, is this reason enough?"

"Barely enough..." Logan shrugged, looked at Ajax and said, "This guy passed out, and you are still lying on the ground and can't get up. It seems that some small device will You made it like this, not because of his ability..."

Soon, Logan found a small button on Ajax's body, and after turning off the switch on it, Wade instantly escaped from the pain...

(End of this chapter)

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