I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 811 Logan's Repression and Helplessness

Chapter 811 Logan's Repression and Helplessness
"It seems that Logan is more suitable to deal with such a person with mutant ability!" Tony Stark touched the chin of his metal helmet, and looked at Logan who blocked the shock wave and couldn't help muttering, " Even for a guy with multiple mutant abilities, Logan's abilities are unsolvable!"

"Yes, the Ajax in front of you is very powerful and rich in abilities, but he has not reached the level of the sub-celestial father, let alone the level of the heavenly father. None of his abilities can break Logan. He was transformed from Edman alloy, so he can't be Logan's opponent..." After hearing Tony Stark's words, Sha Niu nodded in agreement and said softly.

"Damn it! How is it possible? Wolverine? Is the whole body really made of King Kong?" Ajax obviously knew Logan's name, and even had a variant of Logan's ability in his body. Except that the three bone claws have become a longer bone claw.

However, like Wade, Ajax did not know that Logan was no longer the original Logan at this time. At least, there was a world of difference in terms of combat effectiveness between the two sides!

"The whole body is made of Edman alloy! That's even better! I can deal with you more easily!" But soon, Ajax came back to his senses, and he suddenly thought of something, and went directly in the direction of Logan With a wave of his hand, a powerful magnetic force emerged from Ajax's body and rushed towards Logan!
That's right, even among those experimental subjects, some people inherited the ability from Magneto. As the leader of these people, how could Ajax not inherit this ability?

However, what Ajax didn't expect was that when his magnetic force came to Logan, it disappeared directly, and it didn't have any impact on Logan!
That's right, the golden light on Logan's body is still there, and he possesses the ability from the original Vajra Immortality. Before the golden light dissipates, Logan will not be controlled by any external force, let alone be repelled!

This is also the reason why Hulk still has nothing to do with Logan after breaking through to the sub-celestial father at this time. The combination of Logan's abilities is really incomprehensible!
"No! This is impossible! How could my magnetic control fail?" When Ajax found that his magnetic control had no effect on Logan, he couldn't help but exclaimed, and then subconsciously Waving his hand in the direction of Tony Stark, Tony Stark's body flew up instantly.

That's right, this is why Tony Stark hates magnetic control and metal control. His set of nano armor does not have an anti-magnetic device.

Fortunately, Tony Stark's reaction was not unpleasant. He directly put away the nano-armor. As for the micro-manipulation of metal at the nano-level, it is not something that Ajax can master at this time, especially Ajax. There is still time to face a strong enemy like Logan!
With a sound of "Puff!", Logan directly pierced the Adamantium alloy steel claw into Ajax's body at this time. The sword piercing into Wade's body didn't make any difference.

With a sound of "clang!", almost subconsciously, after his body was pierced, Ajax subconsciously stabbed the Edman alloy sword in his hand towards Logan's body, but unfortunately, his The Adamantium alloy long sword did not get an inch, but was directly blocked by Logan's hard Adamantium alloy transformation.

There used to be a fable about a man who has the sharpest spear and the hardest shield. His spear can pierce through anything, but his shield cannot be pierced by any spear. In the end, no one knows whether his spear is sharp or his shield is strong...

At this time, on Logan's body, this question has already been answered. His Adamantium alloy transformation, even the Adamantium alloy long sword, is also impenetrable!
With a sound of "hum!", since the Adamantium alloy long sword did not cause any damage to Logan, Logan didn't even feel it at all, and a layer of flames instantly surged on his Adamantium alloy steel claws The light exploded in Ajax's body!

With a sound of "Pfft!", Ajax's chest and stomach exploded with a big gash, looking extraordinarily embarrassed.

However, there was no painful expression on Ajax's face, and his injury was slowly recovering. For the existence of Ajax who had removed the pain-sensing nerve, the self-healing ability of the immortal body is really amazing. Couldn't be more suitable!
However, even if Ajax was not directly killed by Logan, his injuries quickly recovered, and he attacked Logan again!
"Clang!", but nothing changed. His attack still couldn't cause any damage to Logan. Ajax's Adamantium alloy long sword pierced Logan's body. A series of sparks, but no effect.

"Damn it! How could you be like this! What kind of transformation did you go through to become the monster you are now?" Ajax found that he couldn't break through Logan's defense at all, and the magnetic field control had no effect on Logan. At this time, Ajax gritted his teeth and looked at Logan and asked in a deep voice.

"So, why did you take these patients away? Where did you get so many of everyone's abilities?" Logan didn't mean to explain to Ajax, but waved his hand to release the flame power Edman's alloy steel claws looked at Ajax and asked in a deep voice.

"Do you think you've won? Go to hell!" Just before Logan finished speaking, Ajax yelled violently, and directly grabbed Logan's head with both hands, a powerful heart Power surged out of Ajax's body, wanting to directly control Logan!

From Ajax's point of view, Logan is so powerful at this time, if he can control Logan and join forces with him, then the surrounding Avengers will not be a problem at all!
"Poof!", but Ajax did not expect that Logan was still not affected by the spiritual power he released, and the Adamantium alloy steel claws in his hand surged with the power of flames again, piercing through the Ajax's body, and directly burned a big hole!
"To be honest, it's the first time I've been so bothered by the immortal body. I may have realized what kind of mood I faced with those enemies before..." Logan looked at him and was recovering from his injuries. Ajax couldn't help but shook his head and said helplessly.

Although Logan at this time is powerful and possesses almost incomprehensible abilities, he has no good way to face his own immortality, just like the enemy had no way to deal with Logan before...

(End of this chapter)

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