I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 796 The Power of Reality Gems

Chapter 796 The Power of Reality Gems

"Since you have said so, and the silly girl seems to be a little impatient, then this matter can already be moved up the schedule..." Huang Wen couldn't help but hear Wanda's confident tone. He nodded with a smile and said softly.

"Then don't waste time, Reed, let's start directly!" Tony Stark heard the words, without the slightest hesitation, turned his head, looked in the direction of Reed Richards and said.

"I can do it anytime, no problem!" Reed Richards nodded with a smile, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes. To be honest, Reed Richards felt that it was also a matter of creating a new life. Challenging job!

Soon, the two smartest scientists of the Avengers came to the laboratory. They came together with the rest of the Avengers. Most of the Avengers did not quite understand Tony Stark and Riley. Only a small part of De Richards' operations, such as Bruce Banner, Huang Liang, and Peter Parker, can keep up with the thinking mode of the two of them...

Soon, under the joint efforts of Tony Stark and Reed Richards, with the help of the technology of Thor and the accumulation of technological knowledge of Tony Stark and Reed Richards, a The simulated robot appeared on the laboratory bench.

As for the appearance of the simulated robot, it is naturally exactly the same as the image displayed by Sha Niu, because everyone has already acquiesced that this is the image of Sha Niu, and it is also what Sha Niu looks like in their minds.

In this regard, Sha Niu is not the same as Jarvis. Even Jarvis's intelligence is not weak, but Jarvis only has his own independent voice and thinking, and has not really condensed his own image.

This is why, in the movie universe, Jarvis eventually became the core software of Vision, but Vision is not one of the reasons why Jarvis is not...

"This is basically exactly the same as my image, but, as Tony said before, it is not a real life, it is just a robot with a body, such a robot, in fact, at my level, You can also make it yourself..." Sha Niu's image appeared in front of the simulated robot that was very similar to her, and said softly.

"So, the next thing depends on Huang Wen and Wanda!" Tony Stark shrugged. According to the general artificial intelligence requirements, the simulated robot at this time is already in line with the requirements, but unfortunately , this need was put forward by Sha Niu, a super artificial intelligence, and only extraordinary abilities can meet Sha Niu's demand!

With a sound of "hum!", as Tony Stark's voice fell, Huang Wen took the Reality Gem out of the ring. At this time, there are three gems in the Avengers, namely the Space Gem. , Reality Gem and Mind Gem.

Among them, only the space gem is in the Avengers Building, and the Avengers have researched how to use it, helping to realize the ability of space teleportation.

As for the Mind Gem and the Reality Gem, they are both in Huang Wen's ring, and they have no intention of using them, because they are different from pure space power, whether it is the powerful spiritual power contained in the Mind Gem, or the Reality Gem is enough to modify reality. Abilities are not things that can be easily studied...

"The Reality Gem..." Wanda looked at the Reality Gem floating in front of her with flickering eyes. Unlike other movie universes, Wanda in this world has had superpowers that are not comparable to an Infinity Gem like the Mind Gem from the very beginning. It doesn't matter, so Wanda doesn't have much feeling for the Mind Gem or the Space Gem.

But at this time, when facing the Reality Gem, Wanda felt a faint touch in her heart, because she felt the power contained in the Reality Gem, which has many similarities with her Chaos Magic, and even the Reality Gem It seems to be able to point Wanda to some ways forward...

This is something that the previous Wanda did not feel, because the previous Wanda did not experience being controlled by the god of the underworld, Sithorn, and her strength is far inferior to the reality gem.

And now, Wanda has reached the level of the Sub-Heavenly Father. At this level, she can already use the power of the Infinity Gem initially. It is precisely because of this that Wanda can feel the real power contained in the Reality Gem!

It is also the power contained in the Reality Gem that can really help Silly Girl to obtain a body that can truly come back to life!

"Be careful, if there is anything wrong, tell me right away, you know?" Huang Wen took a deep breath, and with a thought, the Reality Gem slowly floated to Wanda's side.

With a sound of "snap!", Wanda grabbed the Reality Gem without any hesitation. She had already foreseen what happened at this time. For Wanda, all this was just another experience!
With a sound of "Buzz!", Wanda's body surged with a powerful chaotic magical atmosphere, and a powerful force also surged in the Reality Gem. These two kinds of power, one is crimson, and the other is red. Dark red, whether it is the power attribute or the way it is displayed, is very similar!

"Wanda's power is indeed very similar to the power of the Reality Gem!" Huang Wen felt the power from Wanda and the Reality Gem, and a thought flashed in his mind, "However, Wanda's power comes from Ming God Sithorn, and the power of the Reality Gem is one of the Infinity Gems, why are their two powers so similar?"

"Could it be that there is still any connection between this god of the underworld, Xithorne, and the Infinity Stone? Is there a connection only with the Reality Stone, or is there a connection with all six Infinity Stones?"

"If it's just the former, I'm not that afraid, but if it's the latter, it's not that simple. I want to compete with the power of six infinite gems, especially if I deal with six infinite gems stacked together. It's still too difficult..."

Huang Wen had to think about the strength of the god of the underworld Sithorn, because Wanda was Huang Wen's apprentice, and last time, when the god of the underworld Sithorn attacked Wanda, Huang Wen had already fought with Ming God Sithorn has fought against each other, and the two sides have already had a grudge, so it will not be so easy to resolve...

However, no matter how powerful the god of the underworld Sithorn is, Huang Wen has no intention of being afraid at all. Even if Huang Wen can't resist the combined power of the six infinite gems at this time, Huang Wen believes that as long as he gives himself enough In time, whether it is the god of the underworld Sithorn or the infinite gems, they will be completely surpassed by Huang Wen!
(End of this chapter)

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