I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 791 Stealing Civilization and Surveillance

Chapter 791 Stealing Civilization and Surveillance

Just like what Namor said in the Avengers Building, most Atlanteans don’t like the humans on the ground. The Atlanteans and the creatures in the ocean have an impact.

Therefore, when they heard Namor mentioning human technology at this time, these scientists subconsciously pointed out the shortcomings of human technology development.

"Don't talk yet, let's see if there is any signal from this thing..." Namor didn't mean to be angry because of the attitude of these scientists. These scientists are crucial to the development of Sri Lanka.

With a sound of "snap!", as Namor's voice fell, the watch that Tony Stark gave him was thrown onto the experimental table aside.

"By the way, we won't be discovered, right?" In the Avengers Building, Logan looked at Tony Stark and Reed Richards with some hesitation and asked.

"Don't worry, this watch is a subroutine of Sha Niu. Before Huang Wen took Sha Niu to Xandar, do you think that Sha Niu has not made progress?" Tony Stark's voice contained a strong Confident, said with a smile.

"You know, the Nova Corps of Xandar is already a relatively powerful civilization in the universe. Even if the civilization of Atlantis is strong, it is impossible to be so strong. Otherwise, Atlantis It has already rushed out of the earth and walked into the universe!"

"It's not necessarily..." But this time, Reed Richards on the side gave a different opinion, and said with a slight movement of his eyes, "The civilization of Atlantis must be far superior to ours. Otherwise, human civilization would not regard Atlantis civilization as a legend..."

"As for the reason why the Atlanteans stayed on the earth, I guess it has something to do with their racial defects. If it is difficult for them to leave the ocean and go ashore, then their civilization is destined to prevent them from Leave the earth and enter the sky!"

"However, based on my understanding of Silly Girl's intelligence, it is actually impossible for Atlantis to surpass her. After all, we use quantum communication, and it is extremely mature..."

"Ding! No signal source has been detected!" Sure enough, after Reed Richards' voice fell, the artificial intelligence of Atlantis rang.

But unfortunately, sometimes, the problem is not detected, but it is the biggest problem!

Especially when Namor left the Avengers Building before, Tony Stark asked Namor to contact him through the watch...

"No?" Namor frowned, walked to the side of the watch, picked it up, and tapped the buttons on the watch.

"Ding! Welcome to the Sha Niu watch, it is starting up..." The voice of the Sha Niu subroutine rang in Namor's ear, but it was just a voice to confuse Namor, because the Sha Niu subroutine had long been When Atlantis was inspected, it had already begun to invade Atlantis' intelligent system.

In just a short period of time, Sha Niu copied all the civilization achievements of Atlantis for thousands of years, and at the same time fully figured out the specific situation of Atlantis.

"Now, check the signal source!" Namor always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he could only frown and give a new order.

"Discover the signal source, the signal source target, New York..." Soon, the artificial intelligence of Atlantis gave a new answer again. This answer seemed to make Namor feel relieved, but he felt that things were still a little bit different. Not quite right.

However, the Avengers didn't pay much attention to the matter on Namor's side, because their attention was all on the information sent back by the silly girl, especially Tony Stark and Reed Richards , the minds of the two of them were all on it.

Judging from the information sent back by the silly girl, Namor did not lie before, at most it was concealed. The ocean, or in other words, they are used to the environment in the ocean. Most of them are just upset and have no intention of doing anything with humans.

And it is worth mentioning that the physical quality of the Atlanteans is far superior to that of humans, even counting them, they are not much worse than the Asgardians, otherwise they would not be able to survive in the deep sea Come down, the environment in the sea is still very harsh, whether it is the natural environment or the threats to all kinds of life in the sea...

Of course, there is another key reason why the Atlanteans do not want to attack humans. After the Atlanteans leave the ocean, their strength will decline rapidly, just like Namor.

Even Namor is considered good. After the Atlanteans leave the ocean, they are probably not much better than those large marine creatures caught ashore by humans. Not only will they quickly degenerate to the level of ordinary people, but Will become weaker and weaker due to lack of water...

As for the technological level of Atlantis, it is indeed very high, even considered to be unique. Their technology is basically related to water, whether it is every aspect of life or various weapons, all of them are controlled by people. Developed from water research.

The people of Atlantis can make perfect use of water resources without wasting a penny and realize the recycling of water resources. This is a kind of touch and direction for Tony Stark and Reed Richards.

At the same time, in Atlantis, after hearing the voice of artificial intelligence, Namor looked at the watch in his hand slightly and said: "The next task for you is to decipher this watch, whether it is The intelligent program, or the external structural metal, understand?"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" It was the first time for the scientists to see Namor looking so serious, and they responded one after another, becoming more serious in their hearts.

But it is a pity that these scientists soon discovered that the Adamantium alloy is not so easy to study thoroughly, and no matter what method they use, they cannot pose the slightest threat to the Adamantium alloy that makes this watch, let alone Don't say it's cracking the silly girl subroutine.

Now, these scientists finally dare not underestimate the civilization and technology from the ground. They began to conduct research through various methods, but the Avengers don't care about these things anymore. Atlantis, if Atlantis has any intention of attacking humans, the Avengers will find out immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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