I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 783 The Power of the Sea (I wish everyone a happy Year of the Ox)

Chapter 783 The Power of the Sea (I wish everyone a happy Year of the Ox)
"It seems that you are also a mutant, but I am not a mutant. This guy is your companion. By the way, who are you? Why are you here? Are you also looking for Atlantis? After hearing Namor's words, Johnny Blazer pointed to Logan beside him and introduced, "You should have heard of this guy's name. This guy is still very famous. His name is Wolverine..."

"Are you here to find Atlantis?" After hearing Johnny Blazer's words, Namor's pupils shrank suddenly, and then a surge of anger filled his heart, looking directly at Johnny Blazer and Luo Gen, directly waved the golden trident in his hand!

With a sound of "hum!", following Namor's actions, the entire ocean seemed to change, and the surrounding sea water began to repel Logan and Johnny Blazer. The strong pressure seemed to want to directly crush the two into one. Fragments are average!
But fortunately, Logan and Johnny Blazer are not easy people. Their strongest point is not how much their fighting power is against the sky, but that they are almost immortal existences!

Needless to say, this guy Logan already possesses a strong self-healing ability, and after being strengthened by Apocalypse at this time, he obtained the transformation of Adamantium alloy. It is extremely difficult to kill him.

The same is true for Johnny Blazer, Johnny Blazer is a Ghost Rider, who also has an immortal body. Killing Johnny Blazer is also impossible!
Therefore, when the golden light surged from Logan's body and the flames on Johnny Blazer's body re-ignited, they withstood the pressure around them, but to completely break this pressure, Logan and Johnny Blazer They can't do it yet, because they found that the power from the sea has become stronger and stronger!

"No! What are you doing? Why did you attack us suddenly?!" Johnny Blazer's voice was full of doubts and dissatisfaction, because he didn't feel any crime on Namor, so he subconsciously thought that , Namor is a good person, but at this time, Namor suddenly shot at them, making Johnny Blazer wonder why for a while.

"Anyone who wants to invade Atlantis must die!" Namor's eyes flashed coldly, and he looked at Johnny Blazer and Logan and said in a deep voice, "Even if you have great power, You shouldn't be targeting Atlantis either! You have provoked an existence that shouldn't be provoked!"

"Wait! Are you from Atlantis? How is it possible? You don't look like that at all!" Johnny Blazer couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, "You may have misunderstood something, we are not To invade Atlantis..."

"Hmph! I know exactly what you humans look like. The discovery of the existence of Atlantis will definitely stimulate your ambitions. If you want to continue to study the existence of Atlantis, you may even go to Studying the people of Atlantis, I will never let this happen!" Namor didn't have any intention to stop because of Johnny Blazer's words, he looked at Johnny Blazer and Johnny Blazer coldly. Logan said in a deep voice.

"It's really a misunderstanding. Since you know about human beings, you should know about the Avengers, right? We are the Avengers of the Avengers. We came here this time without any malice..." Johnny Blazer said in the voice There was a hint of helplessness in his heart, because he could tell that this Namor shot at them out of the protection of Atlantis, and it seemed that Namor or Atlantis was obviously still under attack. It has been influenced by humans, which makes Namor not very good for human senses!

"I came here before because we found that the hammer of the fearful serpent Kool landed here. That hammer will give the host power and let the host be controlled by the fearful serpent Kool, so I will solve him..."

"The discovery of Atlantis was also accidental. We came here with a friendly attitude. We, the Avengers, want to know whether we can communicate with each other on the premise of being friendly..."

"Hmph! What Avengers alliance? It's not a good organization at first glance! I've seen many organizations like yours!" Namor snorted coldly when he heard the words, with a powerful force of law surging in his body, mobilizing his surroundings once again The sea water put pressure on Johnny Blazer and Logan.

"Since there is an organization behind you, let's get rid of you first, and then get rid of the organization behind you, so that no one will disturb our Atlantis again!"

Namor's character can be described as extremely stubborn. No matter what Johnny Blazer explains, Namor has no intention of listening.

However, there was no way to do this. After all, Namor was not a pure human being, and he himself looked at the problem from the perspective of an Atlantean.

Not to mention that Namor doesn't know what kind of organization the Avengers is. Even if Namor knew, he wouldn't easily believe Johnny Blazer's words, because the Avengers is a human superhero organization, isn't it? Their Atlantean superhero organization!

"Crack! Crack!" After Namor unleashed even more powerful power, Johnny Blazer finally couldn't bear it any longer. The hellfire on his body seemed to be extinguished, and even his bones had begun to crack. There was a clicking sound, and it seemed that some could not bear the power from Namor.

Perhaps it would be difficult for Namor to kill Johnny Blazer directly, but it is not too difficult for him to break Johnny Blazer into bones. After all, this is also a vast The vast ocean is the territory of Namor!

Johnny Blazer on this side couldn't bear the power from Namor, and the golden light surging on Logan on the other side didn't mean to dissipate, but it was faintly dim, which symbolized that at this time Namor The power displayed by Mo has faintly reached the peak of the sub-celestial father, and even reached the level of the heavenly father!

"Warning! The pressure at this time is too high. Logan and Johnny Blazer's wristwatches have been damaged, and the connection has become unstable!" At the same time, in the Avengers Building, the silly girl's warning sounded, causing The faces of the Avengers became more serious.

Namor's attack was so fast that even the Avengers thought that Johnny Blazer's words would make Namor stop, but they didn't expect that not only did Namor not have the slightest intention to stop, but he even strengthened his own attack. strength!
If things go on like this, I'm afraid Logan and Johnny Blazer, the two immortal beings, will be trapped in the sea even if they don't die...

(End of this chapter)

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