Chapter 764

"Afraid that you will kill me? Are you overestimating yourself?" Huang Wen looked at Ku Er with a faint smile and shook his head. The brand new Xuanyuan Sword with an epic level appeared in Huang Wen's hands. The Ku'er that Huang Wen faced was not a member of the demons, but the strength of the Xuanyuan Sword could also cause huge damage to Ku'er.

Even if Xuanyuan Sword's damage to demons and monsters is removed, Xuanyuan Sword is still an artifact that is not inferior to any heavenly father-level weapon!
"Huh? Is this your confidence? What's the difference between this sword and the last one?" Kuer quickly came to his senses, and the battle ax in his hand once again slashed at Huang Wen's. In the direction, the endless power of fear erupted instantly, fused with the surrounding fear barrier, and suppressed Huang Wen!

Xuanyuan Sword was instantly flung out by Huang Wen with his divine power. With the appearance of Xuanyuan Sword, Huang Wen's vast and powerful divine power finally came into play.

With a sound of "Clang!", the Xuanyuan sword collided with Kur's battle axe, and even knocked the battle ax and Kur out. If it weren't for the presence of fear barriers around, Kur's sudden blow would probably To fly out directly.

"How is this possible?!" Kuer didn't quite understand why Chen Yi changed a sword, as if he had changed suddenly. However, before Kuer could react, Thunder, Water and Fire, Tathagata Palm Waiting for a variety of forces, they directly attracted Kur's attention.

It doesn't matter whether Kuhl wants to pay attention to these powers, because these powers are too powerful, and each power contains a not-weak law power, even the law power of the heavenly father!
That's right, this is the result of Huang Wen's retreat in the world of Quantum Realm during this period of time. All the abilities he possessed have been brought out by Huang Wen to a whole new level.

Of course, being able to possess such a level, whether it was the former Qixindan or Yin Ruozhuo's enlightened body, was of great help to Huang Wen. Without these two abilities, Huang Wen would not have been able to get away so quickly. get to this point.

"It's impossible!" Kuro couldn't believe what happened at this time. He didn't even understand why a heavenly father-level powerhouse could possess so many abilities at the same time, especially Kuro remembered that Hela said before However, Huang Wen is just a rookie who has just reached the Heavenly Father level, how can he have the time to cultivate so much power?

With a sound of "Puff!", as Kuer was distracted, a powerful palm of the Tathagata hit Kuer's body. Perhaps, for Xuanyuanjian, Kuer was not a member of demons and ghosts, but for Buddha As far as the law of God is concerned, Kur, a god with the power of fear, is also incompatible with the power of the law of Buddha.

Therefore, this blow of Tathagata God's Palm did a lot of damage to Kur, and even directly blasted the surrounding fear barrier, allowing Huang Wen and Kur to return to Asgard again. .

"Ask, as long as you're fine..." When Huang Wen and Kuer just appeared, Belle's worried voice sounded out. After all, Huang Wen and Kuer disappeared at the same time just now, which naturally made Bei'er My son was a little worried.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, this guy, I'll take care of it soon..." Huang Wen smiled and shook his head at Belle, and shouted softly.

Originally, Huang Wen left so many rules unused, just to use them as a trump card to attract enough of Kuer's attention, so that he cut out the sword 23 and killed Kuer directly.

But Huang Wen didn't expect that just now, by mistake, Tathagata God's Palm directly hit Kuer out of the barrier of fear, and also opened enough distance for Kuer, which made Huang Wen want to take the opportunity to cut out the sword 23 The plan to kill Kur fell through.

"Damn it! Hela! Continue to create fear, I need to become stronger to be his opponent!" Kuer covered his chest at this time, and shouted loudly in Hela's direction.

Of the three battlefields at this time, the battlefield between Kur and Huang Wen, Huang Wen naturally has the absolute upper hand, and on the other side of the battlefield between Hela and Thor, Hela also has a great advantage. As for the skeletons in the third place In the battlefield with the Avengers, the Avengers have almost no pressure.

That's right, after Hela turned some of the people of Asgard into undead skeletons, the avengers took action one after another. Under their hands, these undead skeletons are no different from ordinary people, not even Avengers It didn't take much time for our one-sided enemy, and those skeletons and undead were directly solved!
"Do you think it's that easy?" Hela glared at Kur with some dissatisfaction, then knocked Thor away with a palm, and shouted in a deep voice, "If I knew this was the case, you should have listened to me from the very beginning." The plan is now a success!"

"What's the use of saying this now? Aren't you able to steal the power of Asgard? Don't keep it anymore, so what if Asgard is destroyed? You still have your hell dimension, give up Asgard Everything about Garde, you can make a comeback, but if you die here, you will have nothing!" Kuer's eyes flashed a bit of displeasure, but he still quickly shouted at Hela.

"Hmph! I don't need you to teach me!" There was a flash of struggle in Hela's expression, and a cloud of death black air appeared on Hela's body for a while, and then disappeared quickly.

"What did you do?!" Thor's face changed suddenly. Although he didn't find anything abnormal, Hela definitely did something. Thor was still very worried about Hela's behavior. Because he was really afraid, Hela destroyed the whole of Asgard just as Kur said.

If that is the case, for the entire Asgard, it will undoubtedly be the twilight of the gods...

"Do you want to know? It seems that your control over Asgard is still too little. If I can become the king of Asgard, the entire Asgard will already be under my control at this time." I'm in the middle, how could I do this to you?" Hela smiled disdainfully at the eager Thor, and said softly.

"Damn it! What did you do?!" Thor gritted his teeth, swung the storm ax in his hand and rushed to Hela's side again, asking in a deep voice.

With a sound of "Clang!", the sword of death easily blocked Thor's attack. When Hella didn't have a real magic weapon, she was still able to rely on the power of her own laws to condense an attack not inferior to the Storm Axe. With such a weapon, Huang Wen couldn't help but look sideways at it with such an ability.

"It's a bit interesting..." Huang Wen raised his eyebrows, and gave up his plan to kill Kuer directly. He planned to practice on Kuer again!

(End of this chapter)

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