I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 755 The Battle of the Red Hulk

Chapter 755 The Battle of the Red Hulk
"You mean, the enemy this time may be the Sub-Heavenly Father or even the Heavenly Father-level powerhouse?" Tony Stark raised his brows and asked Logan with some surprise.

"That's right, and my perception tells me that this matter has something to do with Asgard!" Logan nodded affirmatively, and said, "These hammers, whether it's their power or the way they land, Both are very similar to these two hammers in Asgard, and I remember the boss said that Thor and Loki have a sister who has never appeared..."

"Hella! Do you suspect that Hela did these things?" Steve Rogers thought of what happened in another parallel universe, asked subconsciously, and then suddenly thought of something, couldn't help muttering, " No, in another universe, I remember they talked about Hela, Hela doesn't seem to have so many hammers, right?"

"Is the difference between our two universes so small?" Tony Stark shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I think what Logan said this time is right, we have to pay attention, let's take a look at Hulk and the others first. What happened over there, let’s see if there are any accidents, if not, we will directly notify Huang Wen and let him go out!"

"Okay!" Steve Rogers and Logan looked at each other, nodded, and agreed with Tony Stark's proposal. In the absence of Huang Wen, the three giants of the Avengers made a decision. Basically, no one will refute it.

A little later in time, in a military base, General Ross was digging out the power in his body, and at the same time, he still had no intention of stopping the research on Gamma warriors.

At this moment, the alarm of the entire military base suddenly sounded. Although the technological level of the military base was not as good as that of the Avengers Building, after the Chitaurisian technology was continuously researched, the military base also gained more cutting-edge technology. Technology.

Therefore, when the hammer thrown by Kuhl was about to hit the military base, the military base's alarm sounded and the trajectory of the hammer was discovered.

"Meteorite? Hammer?" General Ross jumped up after a short thought, his body filled with a strong sense of power. He actually wanted to use his own body strength to forcibly block the hammer so as not to damage the military. Base hits.

There was a "hum!", but what General Ross didn't expect was that when he jumped up, he felt a huge shock to his consciousness, and then his body began to lose control. The hand that was obviously clenched opened directly, and directly grasped the hammer in the midair.

"Boom!" Soon, General Ross fell to the ground, and a gust of air circling around General Ross made the surrounding soldiers dare not approach, because they had all studied Gamma warriors, and they had no idea about Ross. The general's state of being out of control at this time is all too familiar.

"Roar!" General Ross let out a roar, and started to wreak havoc with the hammer in his hand.

"General!" The soldiers around hurriedly dodged, and at the same time kept calling General Ross's name, trying to wake him up, but unfortunately, their actions did not achieve any effect.

"Let the Gamma Legion take action, we can't let General Ross destroy the military base like this!" Soon, the adjutant came up with a solution, and he decisively issued an order, "Shoot, I will bear all the consequences! "

At this time, the adjutant is ready. After this incident, he will either be punished by General Ross or go to a court-martial, but the adjutant can't just watch General Ross hand over the military base they have built with great difficulty. Demolished.




But unfortunately, the adjutant's idea was pretty good, but the reality taught him a lesson. None of those gamma fighters were even the enemy of General Ross, not even the gamma fighters at the legendary level.

Not to mention that General Ross with the hammer has obviously become stronger. Even if General Ross does not have a hammer, these gamma fighters who have diluted their strength cannot compare. If they have enough energy to be absorbed by General Ross, General Ross's strength can be improved all the time, just like an angry Hulk.

It's just that Hulk's angry power comes from himself, but General Ross needs to rely on external power. This is where General Ross is inferior to Hulk.

At this time, the hammer in General Ross's hand endowed General Ross with double power blessings, not only the power of Kuhl, but also the energy contained in the hammer, which General Ross absorbed into his body, so the strength of General Ross became Extremely scary!
With a sound of "hum!", just as the entire military base was being continuously destroyed by General Ross, a blue light appeared in the military base, and then two huge figures walked out of the light.

It was none other than the Hulk and the Red Hulk. There was no way. When it was discovered that the place where the hammer landed was the military base where General Ross was located, how could Betty Ross sit still?She directly transformed into the Red Hulk, clamoring to come to help General Ross, at least to see that nothing will happen to General Ross.

"Betty, leave it to Hulk!" Just as the Red Hulk was about to rush towards General Ross, Hulk found the gamma warriors lying around on the ground, so he quickly pressed the Red Hulk's shoulder and said.

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, you have to be careful..." The female red Hulk frowned, and finally stopped, and then looked at Hulk with some anxiety, just when Hulk thought that the female red When Hulk was concerned about him, the female red Hulk continued to ask, "Don't hurt father, just find a way to take his hammer back!"

"Hulk... Got it!" The corner of Hulk's mouth twitched slightly, and finally nodded helplessly, then rushed towards General Ross.

However, General Ross's body suddenly swelled up, because at this moment, Kuhl strengthened his strength, so General Ross exploded with a force far beyond Hulk's imagination!

With a sound of "Boom!", the hammer in General Ross's hand collided with Hulk's fist, and Hulk's body flew upside down without using all his strength because of what the female red Hulk said, completing every battle he had. The fate of being beaten out.

"Hulk!" However, the Hulk who got up got angry instantly, and he didn't bother to care about what the female red Hulk said just now. He decided to teach General Ross a good lesson before venting his anger!

(End of this chapter)

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