I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 746 Positive God System and Negative God System

Chapter 746 Positive God System and Negative God System

"Huh?" As if feeling the aura of the Goddess of Death from Hela, or because this subsidiary dimensional space was completely exposed, Kuer's eyes gradually surged with divine light, and he looked at In the direction of Hella.

"Little Hella?" After staring at Hela for a while, Kool recognized Hela's identity. Not only Hela had seen Kool, but Kool had also seen Hela when she was a child. At that time, Hela had already It is the goddess of death, just like Thor was already the god of thunder when he was born.

It was also because Hela was already the goddess of death when she was born, so even though Kur didn't know what Hela looked like now, he still recognized Hela's identity from Hela's Goddess of Death.

"Kol." Hela frowned subconsciously when she heard Kur's name. Hela was naturally a little dissatisfied with this name, but she still endured it when she thought of cooperating with Kur. , he looked at Kur and nodded, and called out Kur's name.

"Why did you come here? Hmm? Odin's aura has disappeared. Is that guy Odin dead, or?" Kuer looked at Hela who was asking a question, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something. He subconsciously Glancing in the direction of the sky, he asked with a gleam in his eyes.

"This old guy should have left this universe..." Hela nodded, and said softly, "Theoretically speaking, that old guy's lifespan hasn't really ended yet, and since you're still alive, you can It proves that you are bigger than that old guy, and the most important thing is that you were suppressed here by that old guy, and your lifespan was consumed far more than him..."

"Yeah, I didn't even think that one day I would grow up like this!" Kuer looked away with some emotion when he heard Hella's words, and said sighingly, "Judging from your performance at this time, I at least Has it been sealed for thousands of years?"

"To be honest, I can't remember the exact date. Not a hundred years after you were sealed, I was also sealed..." Hela shook her head, a cold light flashed in her eyes and said.

"Hahahahaha!" Kur heard Hela's words, and suddenly laughed wildly, "As expected of Odin, not only sealed his brother me, but also sealed his daughter you..."

"So, why did Odin seal you? You want to snatch his position as the God King? No, no, no, your strength is not bad, but compared to Odin, there is still a gap... ..."

"Not to mention Odin, who became the king of gods, even when we were as old as you, our strength was stronger than yours. To be honest, at your age, you should be about to become a heavenly father. , not so high or low..."

"If I hadn't been sealed by that old guy, I would have already reached the level of Heavenly Father, and the throne of Asgard would have been mine long ago!" Hela's eyes flashed with anger, and she looked at Kur Chen Said loudly.

What Hela said was not a lie. The reason why Hela was sealed by Odin was not only because Hela wanted to usurp the throne, but more importantly, Hela's growing strength had really made Odin feel Here comes the threat!

Hela can be regarded as the most talented god in the history of Asgard. From the perspective of objective performance alone, Hela's talent is far above Thor. Even though Odin always thought that Thor's potential would be stronger, he would Hella's talent cannot be denied!

You know, Hela reached this level before she was a hundred years old, and she even directly wanted to replace Odin, because Hela knew that if she became the God King of Asgard, it would not be long before she became the god king of Asgard. , you can achieve the level of the heavenly father, and even surpass Odin!
And do the math, what was Thor still doing when he was a hundred years old?I'm afraid he still cares about playing games with Loki or wanting to become a Valkyrie.

Even the current Thor is not necessarily stronger than the hundred-year-old Hela at the time. Hela could have such a powerful strength at that time, and she had already fully awakened the Goddess of Death.

At this time, Thor was more than 1000 years old, and even a fraction of it was already more than Hela!
This shows how powerful Hela's talent is!

Of course, the reason why Odin sealed Hela may have a lot to do with Kur. Odin saw with his own eyes that after becoming the God King of Asgard, Kur, who had a negative pantheon like the God of Fear, It has become tyrannical directly, so what will happen to Hela, who is already warlike and possesses the throne of the goddess of death, after becoming the king of Asgard?

I am afraid that it is precisely for this reason that after Odin adopted Loki at the beginning, he did not want Loki to become the god king of Asgard, because the evil god and the god of mischief are not positive gods either. .

"So, who is sitting on the throne of the king of Asgard now? Odin has left, and there is a brand new king of God in Asgard after all. Could it be that person is the prophecy? Thor who wants to die with me?" Kur raised his brows after hearing Hela's words, looked at Hela and asked with a smile.

"That's right, it's Thor, Thor!" Hella nodded, with a flash of disdain in her eyes, and said, "I can feel that he has just fully awakened the god of Thor, that is to say, this The guy is old enough to reach his current level, he is really too weak!"

"Such a weak guy, can he die with me? Such a weak guy can also become the god king of Asgard?" Kur narrowed his eyes slightly, and then sneered, "Odin, he sent Asgard from me. The throne of God King Gad was taken away, and passed on to such a waste?"

"Does Odin really think that the God King of Asgard is destined to belong to the gods of the so-called positive gods? Don't we gods of the negative gods have such qualifications?"

"Maybe, he really thinks so?" A trace of mockery flashed in Hela's eyes, and then she said with a smile, "You know, that old fellow Odin has renamed the power of the god king in Asgard to Odin's power is gone, I'm afraid he just wants to show how powerful he is and how orthodox his divine power is!"

"Fucking fart!" Kul became furious when he heard Hela's words, "If I hadn't voluntarily given up the divine power from Boer and was taken advantage of by Odin, how could he have defeated me and become God King of Asgard?!"

"Hmph! Now that Odin is gone, I want to see who else can stop it. The seal here has been completely loosened and can no longer trap me. My fearful snake, the god of fear, is back again!"

(End of this chapter)

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