I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 744 Cynthia's Ability

Chapter 744 Cynthia's Ability
With a sound of "Shua!", Huang Wen brought the Avengers and Cynthia back to Tovinia. The neighbor who was originally at Cynthia's house and helped deal with Cynthia's funeral was completely confused at this time.

She just watched Huang Wen and others suddenly appear in Cynthia's home, then watched Huang Wen wave his sword and lead everyone to open a passage and disappear in place, and finally Huang Wen led everyone back into the room. Cynthia's neighbors couldn't accept the supernatural phenomenon.

After all, with Tovinia's backwardness, they don't know about the Avengers at all, let alone aliens and super powers. Huang Wen's abilities are like gods and demons in the eyes of Cynthia's neighbors , and even Cynthia's neighbors were already so frightened that they sat down on the ground.

Of course, Cynthia's neighbors couldn't see Cynthia's soul. After Cynthia's soul appeared, after reciting a spell on her previous body, the soul directly merged into her puppet body.

With a sound of "Shua!", Cynthia opened her eyes, a gleam flashed in her eyes, she stood up, walked to Huang Wen, and respectfully said: "Mr. Huang Wen, thank you for being so kind to me. Kedo's help..."

"It's all trivial matters." Huang Wen waved his hand and said softly, "Victor is also our companion. I can help with this little favor, so I will naturally help. Moreover, you can regain your life as if Come here, it's your own ability, it doesn't have much to do with me..."

"No, without Mr. Huang Wen's help, I'm afraid I would not be able to escape from hell. Although it seems inappropriate to use escape, I have indeed come back to life from endless pain..." Cynthia shook Shaking his head, he looked at Huang Wen with a firm expression and continued.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, do you have any plans in the future? You are already dead to the place of Tovinia. If you continue to stay here, it seems a bit inappropriate?" Huang Wen suddenly thought of it What, looked at Cynthia and asked.

"Is there anything Mr. Huang Wen can use me for?" As expected of a witch who has lived for many years, Cynthia immediately understood what Huang Wen meant, and she looked directly at Huang Wen and asked in a low voice.

"Well, Wanda, although your strength is much stronger than that of Ms. Cynthia, being a witch in your own line should be of some help to you. At least it will allow you to have a wider range of magical attainments..." Huang Wen turned his head, glanced at Wanda, then looked at Cynthia and said.

"If possible, you can go to the Avengers with us. If there are people in the Avengers who are suitable to learn your abilities, you can also teach them, how?"

"I am willing to do things for Mr. Huang Wen and repay Mr. Huang Wen's kindness!" Cynthia nodded with a smile without any hesitation, and said softly, "In this way, I can not only be able to be with Victor Staying together, more importantly, I can show my strength, I don't need to hide anymore..."

"Thinking about it, the Avengers Alliance already has a master like Mr. Huang Wen, so they shouldn't discriminate against a witch like me, right?"

"Don't worry, Mom, everyone in the Avengers Alliance is capable. They all have their own extraordinary abilities, and they are powerful. No one will look at you with strange eyes..." Wei Wei on the side After hearing what Cynthia said, Ke Dovon Dum hurriedly spoke.

Although, at the beginning, for Victor Von Dum, it was difficult to accept that his mother was a witch, and she had even died a long time ago, but at this time, his mother can stand in front of him again, which is more important than anything else. More importantly, Victor Von Dum didn't think about anything else.

"So, let's go back..." Huang Wen nodded with a smile, and was about to wave his hand and lead everyone back to the Avengers Building.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Huang Wen..." At this moment, Cynthia stopped Huang Wen, looked at Huang Wen apologetically and said, "Mr. Time? If we leave like this, Jesse might be terrified..."

The Jesse that Cynthia was talking about was none other than her neighbor's name. However, what Cynthia was talking about was not a guy. If Cynthia, Huang Wen and others left like this, Jesse would really go crazy.

In particular, Jesse has seen too many things that she shouldn't have seen. It is still unknown how much impact this will have on her psychology. If Jesse tells all this, it is hard to guarantee that people around People are treated like crazy, and Jesse will be crazy if he is not crazy.

"No problem..." Huang Wen waved his hand, glanced at Jesse, who had already collapsed on the ground, and saw Cynthia standing up, and said that he was so frightened that he couldn't speak for a long time.

With a sound of "hum!", as Huang Wen's voice fell, Cynthia chanted another series of spells, and then a magical power poured into Jesse's body, and Jesse slowly closed his eyes , lying on the bed, the brows that were originally tightly furrowed gradually loosened.

"I made Jesse forget about meeting Mr. Huang Wen and you. From Jesse's point of view, she handled my funeral alone, and you didn't show up..." Cynthia explained softly, which is very important for Jesse It should be the best choice.

"So, let's go back..." Huang Wen waved his hand, and everyone turned into spots of light and disappeared into the room, returning to the Avengers Building.

In the room, Jessie woke up leisurely after a while. Looking at the surrounding environment, she sighed softly and said in a low voice, "I must have missed Cynthia so much that I fell asleep in her room... "

On the other side, in the Avengers Building, Cynthia was obviously a little uncomfortable facing the high-tech buildings. What Tovinia was behind was not only technology. mobile phone will be able to see it.

However, after all, Cynthia was an experienced witch, and she quickly adapted to the surrounding environment without showing too many abnormalities.

"Victor, it's up to you to bring your mother to familiarize yourself with these things here. By the way, remember to remind her that there are some places where you are not allowed to trespass, otherwise, you will be easily injured..." After Huang Wen glanced at Cynthia , looked at Victor Von Doom and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang Wen, I will pay attention..." Victor Von Dum nodded hurriedly. At this time, his gratitude to Huang Wen was full of heart, because he knew that if it wasn't for Huang Wen, Cynthia Impossible to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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