I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 735 End of the Nine Worlds Connection

Chapter 735 The End of the Nine Worlds Connection
"It's as if you are very good at fighting. When we fought just now, we didn't seem to see you. We didn't even notice the power of Thunder..." Logan couldn't bear to hear Thor's words. I couldn't help curling my lips and muttering in a low voice.

"Look, you didn't show your strength in battle, so you should show your value elsewhere..." Jane Foster smiled and took Thor's hand, and walked into the Avengers Building.

"Well, this magician..." After seeing the end of the matter, Reed Richards looked at Strange who was not far away, organized his words a little and said, "The things you put away before Those space battleships..."

"Put it here?" Strange asked Reed Richards after looking around.

"Um..." After hearing Strange's question, Reed Richards subconsciously looked at Steve Rogers. After all, the Fantastic Four had just become regulars, and they became part of the Avengers. Even the Fantastic Four are not very familiar with the configuration of the Avengers, so Reed Richards does not know where these space battleships should be placed.

"At the bottom of the Avengers United Building, there is a huge base space. You just need to place the space battleships there..." Steve Rogers hesitated, looking at Reed Richards and reminded.

"However, don't forget that you promised Huang Wen that you would help Sha Niu to study the horse-faced Thor. Therefore, I advise you to settle the matter between Huang Wen and Sha Niu first, and then study the matter of space battleships... ..."

"After all, it's not just because this is Huang Wen's mission, we can all feel how much silly girl desires for a body..."

"Is it true that nothing will happen to an artificial intelligence with a body?" Reed Richards frowned when he heard the words, and subconsciously lowered his voice and asked.

"If it was another artificial intelligence, we would naturally not be so relieved, but this is a silly girl. Besides, isn't there Huang Wen..." Steve Rogers spread his hands and said confidently.

"Okay, I see..." Reed Richards thought for a while, and finally nodded, indicating that he understood.

Soon, the Avengers got busy, and eight space battleships were placed underground in the Avengers Building, which made Tony Stark and Reed Richards feel itchy, but they finally held back and went Instead of running to study the space battleship, he concentrated on the technology from the body of the horse-faced Thor.

As for Jane Foster, she has not been idle, she has developed a device that can stabilize the space, and can minimize the impact of the Nine Realms connection on the earth.

As for the other avengers, it is natural to maintain social stability and prevent people from panicking because of the connection of the Nine Realms.

Soon, with the full cooperation of the Avengers, some areas on the earth were temporarily blocked, and the nine worlds were connected, which did not cause much impact on the earth, but only affected some of the human beings living on the earth. .

Moreover, this kind of influence is extremely short-lived. When Jane Foster instructed Thor to install all the devices he had researched, the influence brought about by the connection of the nine worlds was completely eliminated.

"Thor, the God King is about to lose his hold..." Just as the Nine Realms Connection ended, Thor heard a voice from Heimdall, which made the corner of Thor's mouth twitch slightly.

After all, Thor can't understand what is going on with Odin now, and what Odin can't hold on, can only deceive the Valkyrie Valkyrie.

However, Thor also knew that when Heimdall contacted him at this time, the most important thing should be to start his enthronement ceremony, and his own Storm Axe. After this period of time, Storm Ax should also Production is complete.

Therefore, Thor's heart faintly looked forward to it. Even, Thor knew that his Storm Ax was definitely more powerful than the parallel universe fat house Thor's Storm Axe.

Because Odin has not left at this time, he can still use his powerful divine power to turn the Storm Ax into the weapon of the god king in Asgard, even on an equal footing with the Eternal Spear!

You must know that although the Storm Ax in the parallel universe is powerful, it has not been blessed by the power of Odin, because there is no such thing as Mjolnir who would be infinitely heavy without qualifications, or the Eternal Spear thrown out. Inevitable hit ability.

And the Storm Ax in this universe must possess a miraculous ability!

"Okay, I see..." Thor quickly came back to his senses, he looked at the direction of the sky and nodded, he knew that Heimdall was looking at him in that direction, "I'll go back and ask Huang Let me know, sir, he said he would bring the Avengers to my coronation ceremony!"

"Mr. Huang Wen? Okay, I understand." Heimdall was stunned for a moment, and quickly said, "So, I will wait for you and Mr. Huang Wen to come..."

At this time, Huang Wen is not in the Wing Chun Martial Arts Academy, no, or in other words, Huang Wen is not in the conventional world, at this time Huang Wen is in the world of the Quantum Realm.

Moreover, not only Huang Wen is here, but Belle is also here. The reason why he is here is naturally to use the time difference between the quantum realm world and the outside world for cultivation.

Of course, for Belle, this is a practice, and for Huang Wen, this is an opportunity to develop a brand new Tathagata Palm.

The brand-new Tathagata Palm did not bother Huang Wen, and Huang Wen deduced a more powerful Tathagata Palm without even spending too much time. In Huang Wen's view, perhaps only the Tathagata Buddha in the mythical world This deity is able to have the palm of the Tathagata that is stronger than himself.

"Shua!", at this moment, Belle opened his eyes, a golden light flashed in his eyes, as if he had seen something far away.

That's right, this is the ability of clairvoyance. Huang Wen thought for a while about the epic item lottery obtained by killing Malekith this time, and then exchanged this epic item lottery for Qixin Dan, and then gave it to Belle. up.

After all, the mission this time was too easy to complete. Based on Huang Wen's previous speculation, I'm afraid this mission will not yield anything good, so it's better to help Belle improve her strength.

More importantly, it is naturally the ability to coexist with the sun and the moon attached to Qixindan. Now, Huang Wen doesn't need to worry about Belle's longevity, even if Belle stays in the Quantum Realm world for a long time. time, and don’t worry about longevity or getting old.

Moreover, the ability of the gourd baby attached to Qixindan is also very good, and it is not a small improvement for Belle...

(End of this chapter)

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