I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 499 Loki's Experience

Chapter 499 Loki's Experience

For example, in Qixin Dan, not only the power of water and fire and the method of thunder can be studied, whether it is the method of gigantic, strong, steel and iron bones, or even the method of invisibility, they can continue to be studied and explored in depth.

Of course, there is no need to continue studying the purple gourd. Whether it is the ability to absorb all things or the centrifugal spell, it is the ability of the purple gourd, which has an upper limit. Huang Wen can already use the purple gourd to its fullest capable.

Although Huang Wen hadn't used the centrifugal spell yet, Huang Wen had already thought about it, who would be more suitable to use this ability to control people in a silent manner.

The gigantic and powerful techniques in Qixindan were the key to Huang Wen's victory in the last battle with Tianqi. Even Huang Wen felt that if he could thoroughly study the giantization, he could also get the same Apocalypse-like, the ability to shrink the body down to the molecular level!
In this way, Huang Wen began to study his own abilities in depth. The Avengers were also practicing on their own. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, who did not have much cultivation talent, began to study according to Huang Wen's request. Handy space suit.

As for why Huang Wen didn't mention the word convenience at all, why did Tony Stark and Bruce Banner consciously add convenience?Is it because they also have to wear this space protective suit, if it is not convenient, they will not be comfortable wearing it themselves.

Moreover, this space protective suit also needs to be added with the clothes material designed by Bruce Banner. After all, what if Hulk has to come out to join in the fun when Bruce Banner is in space?
Even if Hulk can survive normally in space, when he turns back to Bruce Banner, he will not have a space protective suit to wear. What should Bruce Banner do?

In this way, several months have passed, Huang Wen is still developing his own abilities, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner have researched new materials and are conducting final experiments, and in Asgard, Heimdall still couldn't find the location of Loki and Thor, as if Heimdall couldn't see where they were.

At the same time, Loki, who has been wandering in the universe for more than half a year, encounters the Titan Thanos who will kill him in another universe!

As one of the crown princes of Asgard, Loki only had the position of the Nine Realms in his eyes. He didn't pay attention to the Titans, the Nova Corps, or the Chitauri, but he didn't expect that, He actually once again fell into the hands of someone he didn't like.

Even, Thanos didn't do it himself, just Thanos' subordinates easily surrendered Loki. Loki didn't know Thanos, but Thanos was very clear about Asgard. As the Nine Realms The boss among them, Asgard's background and Odin, are still very fearful to Thanos.

And the one who is also feared by Thanos is the guardian of the earth, Gu Yi who also has the strength of the top powerhouse of the heavenly father.

It is precisely because of the fear of Gu Yi and Odin that although Thanos wanted to get the infinite gems, he didn't mean to do it himself, because he knew that once it involved their level of battle, it would not end so well.

However, if it is just to send some low-strength subordinates to snatch the infinite gems, then big shots like Gu Yi and Odin will not easily participate.

Therefore, whether it is the Chitauri star or Loki who was captured by Thanos at this time, they are just pawns in the hands of Thanos.

"Asgardians, I heard that you failed in the battle for the throne?" At this time, Thanos didn't even intend to speak to Loki himself. Rod, looked at Loki and asked mockingly.

That's right, it was Ebony Maw who defeated Loki. If only Loki could really devote himself to developing his talent in mage, then Loki should not be worse than Ebony Maw at this time, but unfortunately, Loki He didn't show his talent well, and he almost didn't have any ability to resist, so he was defeated by Ebony Throat.

As for why Ebony Maw knew that Loki had failed in the competition for the throne in Asgard, it was because Loki fell out of the Rainbow Bridge. Coupled with the exposure of Loki's identity later, everyone speculated on this result.

"I didn't fail!" Even though Loki was defeated by Ebony Maw, he still maintained his pride, especially when facing non-Asgardians, or in other words, when facing the three members of the Odin family. For people other than Luo Ji, he has always been proud in his heart!

Loki really regards himself as the god of Asgard, even though he has been defeated so many times, he has not changed.

"I am only temporarily at a disadvantage. One day, I will be able to return to Asgard and re-sit on the throne!" Loki gritted his teeth, looked at Ebony Throat and said in a deep voice.

"With your strength? Can you sit on the throne of Asgard?" The voice of Ebony Throat was mocking slightly, "Besides, you are still alone, such a weak person, without external help , How can you sit on the throne of Asgard? Is your vision so short-sighted?"

In the half a year since leaving Asgard, Loki has encountered all kinds of civilizations and people, but he has not suffered a loss, except this time he encountered Ebony Maw and Thanos.

"What do you mean, you want to help me?" But even though he suffered a loss, Loki still maintained his composure, and instantly saw through Ebony Maw's intentions, "You want to get involved in Asgard?"

"Hehe, so you are short-sighted, let alone Asgard, even the entire Nine Realms, what is it in the universe?" A trace of disdain flashed in Ebony Throat's eyes, and he said with a sneer , "You never know what our great master is planning..."

"Isn't it the so-called trick of ruling the universe?" When Loki heard that Ebony Maw insulted Asgard, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and then he sneered.

"Rule the universe? Hahahahaha! That's why I said that you are short-sighted, so you are suitable for living in a small place like the Nine Realms..." Ebony Throat laughed out loud when he heard Loki's words, but, His laughing voice was extraordinarily eerie.

"How do you want to help me?" Loki heard the deep disdain in Ebony Throat's voice, and he subconsciously frowned. Ba, I'm afraid there are even more terrifying targets!

(End of this chapter)

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