I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 49 Wolverine vs. The Punisher (Please recommend investment for collection)

Chapter 49 Wolverine vs. The Punisher (Please recommend investment for collection)
Huang Wen didn't know about the matter of Charles and Magneto on the mutant side. His thoughts during this time were all on the Hulk, who might rush into the downtown area at any time.

Even in order to be able to discover the existence of Hulk in advance, Huang Wen directly put the watch of the tuxedo on his hand, and ordered to monitor all the surrounding blocks for 24 hours, so as not to be caught off guard.

But what Ling Huang Wen didn't expect was that the Hulk actually disappeared without a trace, as if the previous news reports were false and the Hulk had never appeared.

"That's not right..." A trace of doubt flashed in Huang Wen's eyes, and he muttered in his heart, "It shouldn't take so long from the discovery of Hulk, to the arrest of Hulk, to the appearance of hatred? The key is more than ten days. Now, there is no movement at all?"

"Forget it, I don't want to do this anymore, let's try again, can you break through the internal power? According to Bai Zhantang's experience and memory, the boundary between the extraordinary and the legendary should be the difference between acquired and innate..."

"Ding! There is an abnormality in the monitoring!" Just when Huang Wen was about to take the required daily course, Huang Wen's watch suddenly sent a message to Huang Wen.

"Huh? Appeared?!" Huang Wen's eyes narrowed, and he immediately turned to his watch.

"The monitoring screen has not changed for 10 minutes, including no change in light and shadow. It has been detected that someone has modified the real-time monitoring screen, but the source cannot be traced!" The watch quickly informed Huang Wen of what happened.

"The surveillance screen has been modified?" Huang Wen's eyes flashed a trace of doubt, "Could it be that the Hulk has already begun to destroy it? What did the military do to avoid exposure? This is impossible. If it is really Hulk, then such a big What's the use of the military blocking surveillance?"

"The scope of the monitoring modification is suspected to be two blocks near Chinatown!" After the watch was analyzed, some new information was given.

"For Chinatown?" Huang Wen's pupils shrank, and he jumped up from the bed immediately, put on a tuxedo, slow-motion glasses, and looked out the window.

"Sniff! Sniff!" Logan, who was sleeping, sniffed his nose alertly, then opened his glasses and got up.

"Humph! Familiar breath, disgusting breath!" Logan seemed to have thought of something, scolded a little unhappily, then opened the window and jumped out.

"Huh? How did Uncle Wolf run out? Could it be that he also noticed something strange?" Huang Wen looked at Logan who rushed out of the window, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, "Yes, the perception of beasts should not be underestimated! Activate stealth. model."

Huang Wen turned on the stealth mode, climbed out of the window, and followed Logan from a distance. Huang Wen believed that with Logan's perception ability, he would definitely be able to find the source of the strangeness. In a short distance, the perception of beasts is comparable. Surveillance and technology are much easier to use.

"Huh?" Logan, who was walking, suddenly stopped, and then glanced at the direction behind him, but he quickly thought of something, shook his head, and moved on.

In fact, Logan didn't run very far. Just a few hundred meters away from the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall, Logan stopped and looked at the dark alley in front of him, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.

"Come out, I've already seen you!" Logan's expression didn't fluctuate, he just said lightly looking at the alley where he couldn't see his fingers.

"It turned out to be your old wolf? Why are you here?" A slightly surprised voice sounded, and a burly man in black with a huge skull on his chest walked out with a surprised expression on his face. Looking at Logan said.

"Frank? It turns out to be you. How can you be so weak, yet make me so disgusting!" Logan shook his head and looked at Frank up and down, "What? You, the vigilante's law enforcement scope, Expanding to Chinatown?"

"However, I have lived in Chinatown for so long, and I have never seen a crime here. The people here are very friendly, except that the things you buy are a little more expensive..."

"You don't need to worry about my affairs." Frank narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Rogan and threatened, "What I'm doing now has nothing to do with you, you better not mess with me!"

"Humph!" Logan snorted coldly. Although he has been in the Wing Chun martial arts hall during this period of time, he has a violent temper, just like Frank. It is precisely because their tempers are too aggressive that Logan feels that Frank is annoying.

"Clang!" With a sound, Logan's sharp steel claws stabbed out, looking at Frank fiercely and roaring.

"Frank, tell me your purpose, this Chinatown is now covered by me. If you want to make trouble in Chinatown, ask me first..."

There was a slight gunshot of "Bang!" before Logan finished speaking, a bullet hit Logan's forehead, interrupting Logan's words, and then the bullet deformed and fell to the ground, hitting Logan's forehead. The wounds also recovered in an instant.

"It's really troublesome!" Frank frowned. In fact, Logan's immortality is not so difficult to deal with. For example, trying to find a way to smash Logan's bones and break his legs. It will take time to recover.

But the problem is that Logan has a reinforced iron body. Any attack can only destroy Logan's flesh and blood, but cannot hurt Logan's bones, and such injuries as flesh and blood, Logan can recover in an instant.

"Roar!" Logan let out a roar, rushing in Frank's direction angrily, his figure like an afterimage.




Frank fired several shots in a row, but still did not force Logan to move forward. When he saw Logan getting closer, Frank instantly switched weapons, and a fighting knife and a ballistic knife appeared in Frank's hands.

In an extremely exaggerated form, Frank avoided Logan's two steel claws, and the fighting knife and ballistic knife in his hand cut through Logan's body at the same time.

However, doing this, apart from angering Logan, has no meaning at all. Anger flashed in Logan's eyes, his arms accelerated sharply, and the steel claws stabbed into Frank's abdomen.

With a sound of "Crack!", Frank's fighting knife blocked the steel claw, but it was cut off instantly. Even if the quality of the fighting knife is good, how can it compete with Edman alloy?
"Pfft!" However, Frank didn't change his face because of the broken fighting knife. The ballistic knife instantly stepped out and ejected, piercing Logan's body, and then Frank threw a grenade in his hand. go.

"Boom!" If there was not much movement from the previous gunshots and the existence of the silencer, then this explosion woke up all the people in Chinatown.

Logan's figure was blown out in a mess, and his clothes were tattered, but there was nothing wrong with him. After all, he was a man who survived the nuclear explosion.

"Release the mission, arrest Frank!" The moment Huang Wen saw the bomb, he directly displayed the snow without a trace, rushed over here, and released the mission at the same time.

"The quest is being generated: Capture Frank the Punisher, reward the extraordinary person with a lottery, do you accept the quest?"

"Accept!" Huang Wen's eyes lit up, and then he tapped his finger in Frank's direction. Frank, who was about to escape, was instantly frozen in place.

Hole in the air!

(End of this chapter)

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