I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 477 Tianqi is such a good person (5 more words please subscribe)

Chapter 477 Tianqi is such a good person

As for whether Apocalypse is stronger than Ancient One, don’t be kidding. British captain Bryan is one of the few after all. Even if Apocalypse lived for 5000 years, it is impossible for him to be stronger than Ancient One.

After all, Apocalypse is just a mutant with a relatively strong overall strength, not the most powerful mutant who cheats!

At this time, Apocalypse brought Wanda and Pietro to the New Hope State. Not only Huang Wen felt the aura of Apocalypse, but even Qin Gelei felt the aura of Apocalypse. There is no way, the aura of Apocalypse is too unscrupulous Now, even if Qin Gelei's strength has fallen now, she can clearly sense it.

"Is it coming?" Although Logan beside Qin Gelei couldn't perceive the specific situation of the apocalypse, his beast perception also sensed a depressive atmosphere, "Is this the apocalypse?"

"Shh, don't say his name casually, and don't think about the past." Qin Gelei shook her head with a serious face, and slowly flew up into the sky, and Logan also opened his eyes. Turned into wings and followed Qin Gelei to fly.

As for John, he was not to be outdone, and directly covered his feet with a layer of ice, and then controlled the ice under his feet to fly up. This is similar to how Magneto controlled metal to help him fly up.

However, since there are no protective measures outside the body, the speed of this kind of flight cannot be particularly fast.

"Huh? Why did Master Phoenix fly up? Why did they all fly up?" A trace of hesitation flashed in Oroloo's eyes, and she also controlled the power of the thunder storm to let her body fly into the air.

"A lot of people, are these people mutants?" Wanda felt Logan and others in the distance, frowned subconsciously, and asked in a low voice.

"That's right, these are all my children." Tian Qi's eyes flashed brightly, and he looked forward with some surprise, and said very proudly.

For Apocalypse, an Omega-level mutant like Qin Gelei is enough to surprise him. Unexpectedly, there are strong people like Logan, John, and Orolo beside Qin Gelei.

"Perhaps, the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse are not enough..." A thought flashed in Tianqi's mind. Originally, Tianqi had only followed four strong men by his side, but now, Tianqi felt that in a brand new It's time to change all that.

"After all, there are too many countries in the world at this time. If we want to solve so many countries, we need more manpower from all directions, so let's take in the eight knights!" Tianqi finally made a new decision.

"Who are you?" From a distance, Qin Gelei looked at Tian Qi vigilantly, as if she didn't know who Tian Qi was at all, with powerful spiritual power surging from her body, as if ready to strike at any time.

"I am the savior of the mutants, I am the ancestor of the mutants, I am the god of the mutants! I am! Apocalypse!" Proud voices came out from Apocalypse's mouth one after another, causing Orolo to subconsciously frowned.

"With Lord Phoenix here, which round will I get you..." Orolo subconsciously wanted to refute Tianqi's words, but was stopped by Qin Gelei.

"I can feel that you are extremely powerful. Could it be that you are really the ancestor of our mutants?" Qin Gelei looked at Tianqi suspiciously and asked, "How do you prove this?"

"Isn't my strength the best proof?" The corner of Tianqi's mouth raised slightly, and then he waved his hand towards the bottom. The houses below were all turned into sand and stones, gathered around Tianqi, setting off Tianqi It's like a god!
"It's so powerful!" Orolo's pupils narrowed slightly, and she looked at Tianqi with some suspicion, but she didn't mean to surrender, because in Orolo's view, Qin Gelei could do such a thing!

"I am willing to surrender, but I want to know what plans Master Tianqi has after he subdues us..." However, something happened that Aurora had never thought of, and Qin Gelei said that she did not dare to say anything. Believe it.

"Naturally, the whole world has been brought under the rule of our mutants!" Tian Qi took a deep breath, his eyes flashing brightly, "5000 years ago, there were not many mutants in the whole world, I think It is impossible for mutants to rule the entire world, so I have been sleeping until now..."

"I can feel that the mutants in this world have reached a new level. As long as we overthrow the human rule, the mutants will become the supreme rulers!"

"I am willing to help Lord Tianqi!" Qin Gelei said to Tianqi.

"???" Orolo felt that her three views were about to collapse at this moment. Why did Qin Gree say such words, and why did Logan at the side have no intention of stopping?To overthrow human domination?No kidding, what about the Avengers?Huang asked how to count?Not to mention, Logan was originally a member of the Avengers, and his relationship with Huang Wen was irreversible!

"It's such a familiar scene..." Pietro looked at Qin Gelei who was surrendering, and couldn't help but blinked and muttered. This is really similar to when he and Wanda surrendered.

"Okay! Each of you has extremely powerful potential, and your future must be a vast world!" Tian Qi took a deep breath, looked at Logan and others very excitedly, and said, "Immortal body, spirit Power, the power of ice and fire, the power of storm and thunder, very good! Very good!"

"I heard the familiar lines again..." Pietro's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the familiar lines. For a moment, he felt that what happened this time was too false.

"I'm going to form the Eight Great Knights, do you still have two candidates?" Tianqi looked at Qin Gelei, and said with a smile, "You and even the leader of the mutants before, you should be very clear, those mutants Human potential is strong..."

"Eight? Isn't it four?" Pietro froze for a moment, and complained again in his mind.

"Ruiwen, Laz..." Qin Gelei and Logan looked at each other, and the fat water would not flow into the fields of outsiders. This kind of good thing that can strengthen the strength will naturally fall on the heads of their own people. With Qin Gelei After the words fell, Mystique and Raz were controlled by her to fly up.

"Imitation? No! It's change! Ability with great potential!" Tian Qi's eyes lit up slightly, looking at Rui Wen and Raz and said, "Immortal body and change, yes, you are qualified to be my knights!"

As the words of the apocalypse fell, a mysterious force merged into everyone's bodies. It was the strengthening power from the apocalypse, and it was helping Logan and others to complete their transformation!

"This Tianqi is such a good man!" A thought flashed through Pietro's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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