I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 475 The First Strengthening (1 more)

Chapter 475 The First Strengthening ([-]rd)

As for who the enemy of Pietro and Wanda is, it is self-evident, and naturally it is our Iron Man Tony Stark.

This relationship begins when Tony Stark's uncle Obadiah was still alive. Without Tony Stark's knowledge, Obadiah used Stark Industries' weapons It was sold everywhere, causing an unknown number of people to die under the shells made by Stark Industries.

The parents of Pietro and Wanda are one of them. When the two children saw the Stark Industries logo printed on the shells, they regarded Tony Stark as their enemy.

However, when Pietro and Wanda awakened their abilities and wanted to seek revenge from Tony Stark, they were surprised to find that Tony Stark transformed into a superhero and joined the Avengers.

Therefore, Pietro and Wanda can only temporarily give up revenge on Tony Stark, and instead seek ways to increase their own strength.

Once, Wanda vaguely saw some pictures from her own abilities, so she took Pietro to find Baron Sterak, joined this underground base, and asked Baron Sterak to help them study their abilities.

And just when Pietro was telling about the apocalypse, Wanda once again foresaw some pictures, so she made a new decision.

"Because I have a hunch that he can help us gain more power!" Wanda took a deep breath, looked at Pietro solemnly and said, "As long as we can get revenge, what's wrong with us submitting to him?"

"But he killed Jimmy!" Pietro said in disbelief as his body trembled slightly.

"I foresaw it. His ending is not good. We just use him to help us improve our strength..." Wanda's voice sounded in Pietro's brain, making Pietro quiet.

"Nothing is as important as revenge!" Wanda said firmly again without waiting for Pietro to react.

"You want revenge, I can help you!" As soon as Wanda finished speaking, Tianqi appeared beside Wanda and Pietro, and his gaze focused on Wanda, "You Your ability is very unique and possesses extremely powerful potential, your future must be a vast world..."

"As long as you can surrender to me and become my four knights, then you will gain this powerful power and open up a whole new world for you!"

"We are willing to surrender!" Without any hesitation, the vengeful Wanda pulled Pietro to kneel down, expressing his surrender with actions.

"Very good!" Tianqi looked at Wanda and Pietro and nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand, and put it on the heads of Wanda and Pietro. The next moment, a mysterious force poured into Wanda and Pietro In Luo's body, the X gene that stimulated them continued to grow stronger.

In a blink of an eye, Wanda and Pietro completed a transformation, and Pietro became stronger, probably not weaker than another Quicksilver.

After all, Wanda is a bit special. The essence of Wanda's power is chaos magic. Even if it is the apocalypse, there is no way to enhance this part of the ability.

However, Apocalypse can stimulate the X gene in Wanda's body, so that Wanda's spiritual power will continue to grow stronger. In this way, Wanda's chaos magic power and control ability can also be greatly enhanced!
Of course, as the most famous stylist in the entire Marvel series, Apocalypse is not just as simple as improving the strength of Wanda and Pietro, but more importantly, Pietro's hair has become pure silver, while Wanda's The hair also turned crimson, more in line with the title of Scarlet Witch.

"So, let's go find our next companions..." Tianqi looked at Pietro and Wanda in front of him, nodded with satisfaction, and said softly, "From today on, you are my black knight and white knight Already!"

"Uh, why am I a black knight?" Pietro glanced at Wanda, then at his own appearance, and asked Tian Qi with a hesitant expression.

"You are the white knight, and she is the black knight, because in her power, there are traces of power from darkness..." Tianqi glanced at Pietro and said, "Let's go, it's time to leave here Yes, I heard that the new leader of the mutants called Phoenix Girl looks very powerful, she will be your companion!"

"Lord Tianqi, what about the remaining mutant compatriots here?" Wanda suddenly thought of something, looked at Tianqi and asked tentatively.

"Their strength is too weak, there is absolutely no need to become stronger. Although they are all mutants, they can only become ordinary people. Of course, when humans still exist, their status must still be Above humans!" Tianqi waved his hand and said in high spirits.

"Let them stay here for now. Let's go find your real companions. After I endow them with abilities, let the four of them set off in four directions to completely destroy all human regimes!"

"But, there are still nuclear weapons on the human side..." Wanda raised her eyebrows and reminded Tianqi in a low voice.

"Nuclear weapons are vulnerable to me, but don't worry, I will eliminate all nuclear weapons in this world before you act!" Tianqi's voice was full of pride and majesty, " They are too dependent on weapons and equipment, even if they have powerful weapons, they cannot shake the majesty of God!"

"The majesty of God? Is this a lunatic?" Pietro and Wanda looked at each other, and said directly with their eyes.

"Don't talk, let's use his power to get revenge first!" Wanda gave Pietro a wink, "I can't foresee everything, so be more cautious!"

At the same time, in the Avengers Building, Logan, Jean Grey, Mystique, Raz and John all went to the New Hope State, waiting for the birth of the apocalypse. Yes, the Avengers at this time have not yet Know that the apocalypse has begun to wake up and move.

As for why John went to the New Hope State with him, it was because even though John had practiced Frost Fire Palm and obtained further mutations, he was still a mutant with an X gene in his body, which could also fool Apocalypse to help him become stronger a little.

As for mutants such as Peter Parker and Hulk, it’s not enough. They don’t have the X gene unique to mutants in their bodies, so even the best auxiliary stylist Apocalypse can’t use his special ability to help them improve. ability.

(End of this chapter)

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