I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 433 Cheer up?Brainless! (3 more)

Chapter 433 Cheer up?Brainless! (three more)

"So, am I going to become like him?" Thor suddenly thought of something, and looked at Steve Rogers. Even though the Storm Hammer appeared, it would be enough from Steve Rogers being able to lift Thor's Hammer. It can be seen that Steve Rogers must have the character to be able to pick up Thor's Hammer.

"This is your business..." Huang Wen shook his head with a smile, looked around, but did not see any sign of Max, so he looked at Steve Rogers and asked, "Steve, Max Woolen cloth?"

"Before he absorbed the power of thunder in the hammer of the storm, he seemed to have some insights, and went to retreat by himself..." Steve Rogers spread his hands and said softly.

"Retreat?" The corners of Huang Wen's mouth raised slightly. He even admired the level of his apprentices. He just needs to find a way for everyone to advance, and then give them a certain opportunity. What is the final harvest? Look at everyone's efforts.

At least, now it seems that whether it is Huang Liang or Max, the harvest is very good, but Huang Wen was optimistic at the beginning. John, who has practiced the ice and fire palm and gained the power of ice and fire, seems to be a little weak in succession... …

Even though John has also practiced the legendary Nine Changes, the power of ice and fire has become stronger, but he has only become stronger in quantity, and the quality of ice and fire has not been greatly improved. .

After all, John couldn't break through to the epic level like Huang Wen, so that all aspects of his strength could be qualitatively changed.

And even if Huang Wen's vigor breaks through to the epic level, facing the epic level powerhouses who specialize in flames or ice, Huang Wen's icy fire palm is also not enough to watch, because Huang Wen has absolutely no idea about the power of ice and fire. Not studied too deeply.

"Ice Treasure Box... Eternal Fire..." Huang Wen suddenly thought of something, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. Perhaps, he could find a way to feel the power of the Frost Treasure Box and Eternal Fire. See if you can comprehend the law of ice and fire.

After all, Huang Wen at this time has actually fallen into a bottleneck. Without a big chance or a lottery, Huang Wen wants to comprehend the Buddhist principles contained in the Tathagata Palm and Vajra Immortality. too difficult.

In other words, it is because there are too few Buddhist principles contained in the Tathagata Divine Palm and Vajra Immortality.

There is no way around this. Whether it is the Immortality of King Kong or the Tathagata Palm, they are all martial arts at the legendary level. A little too difficult.

Even if Huang Wen has the talent of Ah Xing, even if Huang Liang can be regarded as a martial arts genius, neither of them has the slightest clue.

"What's your name?" Thor walked up to Steve Rogers, looked at him seriously and asked.

"Steve, Steve Rogers." Steve Rogers looked at Thor and nodded, stretched out his hand and said.

"Thor, Thor Odinson!" Thor took a deep breath, looked at Steve Rogers and said solemnly, "From today on, I will follow you, I hope you can teach me how to lift the Hammer of Thor!"

"???" Steve Rogers was stunned for a moment. He looked at Thor with question marks all over his head, and he didn't know what to say for a while. The Alliance of Raiders has been pestering him every day.

"It seems that you still don't understand. Some things are not that simple, especially the matter that you want to lift Thor's Hammer again..." Huang Wen shook his head helplessly, and said softly.

"Then can you teach me?" Thor turned his head, looked at Huang Wen and asked sincerely.

"Eh..." Huang Wen rolled his eyes subconsciously, well, Huang Wen gave up, it seems that although Thor is not as reckless as before, but at this moment, Thor still has only one tendon in his brain , It is not so easy to make Thor change.

"Well, let's see what kind of person Steve is, I hope it will help you..." Huang Wen took a deep breath, and directed at Jarvis, "Jarvis , you pull out Steve’s biography and let Thor study it carefully. From today on, the four of you will all live in the Avengers Building.”

"Yes, Mr. Huang Wen." Jarvis responded respectfully, pulled out the video data of Steve Rogers, and showed it to Thor.

"It turns out that you are also a fighter, a fighter who is fearless and will not give in to evil forces!" After a long time, Thor watched the life story of Steve Rogers beating the Red Skull, and looked at Steve Rogers with bright eyes. Said, "No wonder you can lift Thor's Hammer, you are so similar to me before!"

"???" The entire Avengers Building fell silent after Thor's voice fell. No one thought that Thor could only come to such a conclusion after watching Steve Rogers' life story.

Although Steve Rogers does have the qualities that Thor said, but Steve Rogers sacrificed for others, longed for peace in his heart, insisted on justice, kind-hearted, firm-willed, never flinching, and possessed the characteristics of rebellious spirit. I didn't see all of them.

Even Thor saw Steve Rogers taking the lead in the battle, but in Thor's eyes, this is nothing more than a normal thing, because every time Thor participated in the battle, Thor, the reckless man, rushed in first. , his little partner followed behind to play a tailwind.

"Forget it, it's hopeless, take your leave!" Huang Wen rolled his eyes, disappeared in place in a flash, and if he had the time to spend time with Thor, a reckless man, he might as well deduce it and see if he could do it. It is impossible to create new martial arts, so as to find an opportunity to understand the laws of Buddhism.

"Hey! Why did you run away?" Thor saw Huang Wen disappear into the Avengers Building, and shouted hastily, "I have already read Steve's life, what should I learn, you haven't told me yet Ah! I was originally a fearless fighter like Steve!"

"..." The Avengers Building fell into silence again, and no one knew how to communicate with Thor, who was full of confidence at this time.

"Perhaps, Huang Wen shouldn't have told him about Thor's Hammer so quickly!" Tony Stark's mouth twitched slightly, and he whispered, "No, I have to stay away from here, if I get too close to this guy, I'm worried that my intellect will be dragged down..."

(End of this chapter)

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