I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 423 Thor's Inner Struggle and Resistance (3 more)

Chapter 423 Thor's Inner Struggle and Rebellion (Part [-])
"Your target is them?" Thor heard Laufey's words, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. After this period of time, Thor has fully understood his current situation, lost the position of Thor, lost his divine power, Without Thor's hammer, he's a slightly stronger mortal.

This kind of strength, not to mention dealing with Laufey, even against the most common Frost Giants, Thor is not an opponent at all, especially Frost Giants have their own attribute attacks, which makes people hard to guard against. Thor knows that he has no Ways to defend against this attribute attack.

Originally, the reason why Thor was able to get out of the car and face the Frost Giants as if they were dead was because Thor knew that they would not be able to escape if they ran like this, and Thor thought that the Frost Giants came to him for revenge. He didn't want to implicate Jane Foster and others, but now, Thor hesitated...

"Hahahahaha! It seems that you have made your choice!" Laufey saw Thor's hesitation, and suddenly laughed wildly. The laughter echoed in the air, as if Thor The heart reverberated in general.

At this moment, Thor remembered his glorious achievements in the past. It turned out that all his achievements and courage came from his divine power and Thor's Hammer. Without these, he would be nothing...

Thoughts flashed in Thor's mind, and his heart was also struggling crazily. Moreover, during this time, everything Thor and Jane Foster got along with also surfaced in front of Thor. If Jane Foster Died in front of himself like this, Thor felt that he might never forgive himself for the rest of his life!

Even the cold snap didn't stop the Avengers from continuing to observe what happened between Thor and the Frost Giants, because Tony Stark had sent the little bee robot to fly nearby to monitor them, so their conversation, the Avengers He also heard clearly.

"Coward!" Tony Stark looked at Thor who was hesitating and said disdainfully, "This is the so-called Thor of Asgard? How ridiculous! No wonder he was deprived of the position of Thor. Compared with Steve, he is simply Nothing!"

"Ahem, are you complimenting me?" Steve Rogers on the side felt himself blushing, and looked at Tony Stark and asked with some embarrassment.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, hurry up, are you really waiting for those frost giants to attack Jane Foster?" Tony Stark rolled his eyes, put on his armor, and urged everyone road.

"No rush." ​​Huang Wen waved his hand with a smile and stopped Tony Stark. Although Huang Wen didn't have a good impression of the reckless Thor who had just debuted, Huang Wen believed that courage was the most important thing for Thor. For him, there is no shortage, especially what Thor needs to protect is Jane Foster and others who have been with him day and night for so long...well, mainly Jane Foster.

"Stop!" Sure enough, as Huang Wen expected, when Laufey passed Thor with a big laugh, Thor finally strengthened his conviction, and he yelled at Lauphy, "I want to deal with you!" They, step over my corpse first!"

At this moment, Thor felt that his belief had reached the pinnacle of his life. Although his aura did not contain any divine power, it could also shock people's hearts!

"Boom!", but at the next moment, Thor knew that he was wrong, and even Laufey didn't make a move. An ordinary frost giant couldn't hold back when he heard Thor's voice, and directly knocked Thor out. , causing him to fall to the ground in embarrassment.

"..." The Avengers, who had just thought that Thor would undergo a change, fell into silence, and none of them knew what to say.

"Huh? So, after being beaten to the brink of death by the Frost Giants, will he also regain the approval of Thor's Hammer?" Huang Wen's thoughts were different from those of the Avengers. , Thor, who had a layer of frost on his chest, muttered in his heart.

"If I get the approval of Thor's Hammer in this way, the educational methods Tony and I have prepared seem to be useless, um, but in this way, I have not done anything, and I have earned a certificate of the god king and a storm. Hammer, it seems that it is not a loss..."

"However, that stingy Odin won't take these two things back, will he? Probably not? According to what Ying Faming said, Loki can even come to the earth, so Odin should be the one who entered Odin. Ding Zhimian is gone, he probably won't have time to look for me..."

"Besides, I at least took charge of the critical moment of Thor's transformation. How can I say it's a little bit useful? Shouldn't it?"

On Huang Wen's side, when the more he thought about it, the more guilty he became, Thor, who was knocked to the ground on the other side with frost on his chest, struggled to stand up again. This time, he never said any harsh words Instead, he picked up the stone next to him and smashed it hard at the Frost Giant.

With the sound of "Boom!", Lau Fei did not expect that Thor, who had become a mortal and was sent flying, would still have the ability to resist, so Lau Fei was directly hit, and for a while, Lau Fei The heart is filled with angry flames, and the frost giant is also angry!
"Looking for death!" Laufey yelled violently, and an ice storm blasted directly at Thor, directly blasting Thor out, and even freezing Thor's body.

"He's still a man, but why don't we make a move?" Tony Stark looked at Thor who was frozen, and subconsciously looked at Huang and asked, "If this continues, he won't die, will he?"

"Don't worry, it's not that easy to die. Although he has been deprived of his god position and power, the blood flowing in his body is Odin's blood..." Huang Wen shook his head confidently, turned to look at Steve Rogers asked, "How is it? Have you felt the movement of Thor's Hammer?"

"Thor's Hammer did tremble for a while, just when Thor was frozen, but it didn't seem to have any other changes..." Steve Rogers looked at Thor's Hammer beside him, and said softly.

That's right, Thor's Hammer was also brought here by Steve Rogers. After all, Storm Hammer was still in the laboratory of the Avengers Building. Steve Rogers took Thor's Hammer here. Yes, it can also make Thor's Hammer fly a little less.

"Huh? Hasn't this been recognized?" Huang Wen's eyes flashed a hint of surprise. From Huang Wen's point of view, Thor's injuries and the courage he displayed at this time are not much worse than those in the movie. , but this has not been approved by Thor's Hammer. Could it be that Odin really hopes that Thor can undergo a radical change in character?

(End of this chapter)

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