I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 420 The Hidden Cold Current (5 more words please subscribe)

Chapter 420 The Hidden Cold Current

As for the reason why the Frost Giants have not gone to Earth for so many years, it is because of the racial restrictions of the Frost Giants. From the perspective of the Frost Giants, except for the two poles, the earth is a place like spring all the year round. do not adapt.

Especially for the Frost Giants on Earth, it is still a failed battlefield. The Frost Giants are naturally unwilling to come to such a broken place. After all, the Frost Giants don't have any preferences for cannibalism, like hell demons.

It didn't take much time for the Frost Giants army to come to the earth. After arriving here, the Frost Giants showed a deep sense of discomfort, especially the temperature here has already exceeded 0 degrees, beyond the comfort of the Frost Giants. temperature limit.

"Fortunately, I didn't bring too many people here, and the strength of these frost giants is not bad!" Lau Fei looked at the unbearable frost giants, waved his hand, and gave orders to the frost giants , "Quick battle!"

With a sound of "Chi!", a flame appeared above Lau Fei and the other frost giants, and it was Gu Yi who had sensed the breath of other worlds and rushed over.

Although Jotunheim and the earth are considered to be in the same universe, their spatial dimensions are still somewhat different. When the space channel of Jotunheim is triggered, a large number of breaths that do not belong to humans appear on the earth When they were on the road, Gu Yi discovered them.

"Frost giant?" Gu Yi quickly recognized these mythical characters related to Asgard, and Gu Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Others don't know the characteristics of frost giants, how can she not know?The earth is not a place where the frost giants like to come!
"Loki, the son of Odin's Frost Giant, also came here just now. What is Odin doing?" Gu Yi didn't act immediately, and Laufey didn't notice the existence of Gu Yi at all, because the two parties' perceptions were really true. It was too big, Gu Yi sent a divine thought to Asgard and contacted Odin.

"The frost giant has gone to Earth?" Odin was stunned when he heard the news from Gu Yi. What's going on?According to his speculation, shouldn't Loki lead the Frost Giant to Asgard, and then choose a side between the Frost Giant and Asgard?Why are the frost giants suddenly brought to the earth now?

"Could it be that something happened to Loki on Earth? Or is Loki trying to use the hands of the Frost Giants to deal with Thor?" Odin was a little uncertain about Loki's mind for a while, especially at this time. Odin, still in Odin's sleep, did not wake up directly.

"Gu Yi, can you first see what these frost giants want to do?" After being silent for a while, Odin communicated with Gu Yi through divine thoughts.

"Okay, let's leave this matter to Huang Wen. Anyway, he has accepted the benefits from you Asgard, and it seems that this matter has something to do with Thor." Gu Yi's eyes moved slightly, He suddenly laughed and said softly.

"Notify Huang Wen that the Frost Giants have come to the earth, and I will leave this matter to you." Gu Yi did not directly find Huang Wen, but came to the side of Thor's Hammer. The survivors are preparing to evacuate, after all, they ran for nothing and got nothing.

"Huh? Master Gu Yi?" Just as Steve Rogers reacted, Gu Yi's figure disappeared.

"Frost giant? What?" Huang Liang looked at his companions around him with some doubts and asked. After all, Huang Liang really didn't understand the so-called Norse mythology.

"I'm not too sure, it seems to have something to do with Nordic mythology and Asgard..." Lysfisk spread his hands and said softly, "Didn't Master Gu Yi say that he wanted to contact Master? Then contact him first." Master is fine."

"Frost giants?" Huang Wen couldn't help being stunned when he received the news. What is the plot of the frost giants' invasion of the earth?Why has he never heard of it?The point is, regarding the plot of Thor, he hasn't been involved much yet, so why did it become like this?

At this time, Huang Wen didn't know that Ying Faming had already beaten up Loki, and Loki saw that Thor was enjoying a girl comfortably on the earth, so the angry Loki directly attracted Frost Giants...

Huang Wen's figure quickly appeared beside everyone. In Huang Wen's view, the Frost Giant is not a joke. For the Avengers, the Frost Giant may not be that powerful, but for ordinary earthlings The Frost Giants are nothing short of a disaster!
"Silly girl, have you found the locations of those frost giants?" Huang asked after finding out that Jarvis hadn't found the frost giants.

"I haven't found any frost giants, let alone frost giants, I haven't even detected a giant..." Silly girl's helpless voice sounded, but soon, she was stunned for a moment, with a hint of surprise in her voice , "Wait, the giant didn't notice it, but I seem to have found Frost!"

"What do you mean?" Not only did the Avengers not understand what Sha Niu said, even Huang Wen didn't understand what Sha Niu was saying.

"Cold current! It's a strange cold current full of chills. It is heading towards New Mexico at high speed, and this cold current is very close to the ground, so it can't fly high at all!" Silly Girl quickly explained , and brought out the image of the cold current, and displayed it in front of everyone.

"This is the Frost Giant?" Huang Wen raised his eyebrows. To be honest, Huang Wen found neither Frost nor the Giant in the silly girl's image. If it is too close to the ground, Sha Niu may not be able to find its abnormality.

And Sha Niu was not mistaken, this cold current was Lao Fei's means. After all, the Frost Giants could not stay for too long under the current environment of the earth. For giants, it is undoubtedly a weakening of strength.

Therefore, Laufey displayed his ability, skillfully manipulated the weather, and condensed a cold current with his own power, supporting the entire Frost Giant to move forward.

"So, their destination is our place?" Steve Rogers realized something, "Could it be that they are here to find us? Is it Loki's revenge?"

"No, their destination should be the laboratory where Thor and the others are." Sha Niu quickly calculated the destination of the frost giant, and showed the current situation of Thor's laboratory.

At this time, Thor was a bit reluctant to leave, and he didn't think about going back to Asgard, and he didn't look for the hammer. Before he got the news of the hammer, he regarded his current life as a vacation, and from time to time Flirting with Jane Foster, no wonder Loki is so angry...

(End of this chapter)

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