I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 410 The Stunned Thor

Chapter 410 The Stunned Thor
Fortunately, although Thor has lost his divine power and Thor's Hammer, his natural physical fitness is still there. The physical fitness of the Asgardian protoss is about three times that of humans. The son of the god king, his physical fitness is still nothing to say.

Therefore, after being hit by Jane Foster's car, Thor woke up quickly. He looked at Jane Foster and looked a little confused, because he hadn't realized where he was. Who is Jane Foster.

At this moment, there was only one thought in Thor's mind, his Thor's Hammer was deprived by Odin, and he lost his most beloved Thor's Hammer!
"Hammer! Hammer!" Thor got up, frantically looking for the traces of Thor's Hammer. In Thor's view, both himself and Thor's Hammer were dispatched by Odin, so Thor's Hammer also It should be by his side, but Thor didn't find anything.

"Hammer? We all know that your head has been hammered. It's actually quite obvious..." Daisy Louise, who is a little expert at complaining, shrugged, looking a little crazy, just like Thor who looks like a mental patient Open your mouth and say.

However, for Daisy Louise's complaints, the three people present did not pay attention to it. Thor was frantically looking for his Thor's Hammer, while Jane Foster and Eric looked at him. The position where Thor had just landed.

"God, Eric, look at this, this mark on the ground..." Jane Foster yelled at Eric very excitedly, and at the same time began to look at the marks left on the ground with a flashlight.

"Oh my god, this is..." Eric's eyes widened, and he also looked at the traces on the ground. He seemed to see a mysterious door opening towards him.

"Eric, you go and take him to the hospital, I want to record this here!" Jane Foster hurriedly said to Eric.

"He's fine, look, he's not sick at all, he can walk two steps by himself..." Daisy Louise shrugged and said softly.

"Father! Where did you throw my hammer?" Thor ignored the meaning of Jane Foster and others at this time, and he shouted loudly into the sky, "I know I was wrong, why did you To throw my hammer in my face? Heimdall, I know you can hear me, open the bridge and take me back!"

Letting Heimdall open the Rainbow Bridge to take him back is the thing Thor has been most familiar with for thousands of years. Every time he ends his battle in other worlds, Heimdall takes him back. .

But this time, no matter how Thor shouted, no one took Thor back, and the Rainbow Bridge did not open.

That's right, Heimdall did hear Thor's voice, and he even saw Thor who was a little crazy at this time, but Heimdall can only watch, because this is what God King Odin meant, he can't violated.

"You! What exactly is this place? Which kingdom is it?" Thor waited for a long time, but didn't wait for Heimdall's response, so he could only turn his head and look at Jane Foster and asked proudly, "Alfhai Mu or Nornheim?"

"New Mexico?" Daisy Louise on the side saw that Thor's behavior was becoming more and more like a psychopath, so she vigilantly took out her self-defense stun gun.

"How dare you threaten me Thor with such a small weapon? I'm Ray..." Thor glared at Daisy Louise and said with disdain.

"Hey!", but it's a pity that our Thor, the God of Thunder, didn't even have time to say his god name, and he was directly knocked down by the stun gun.

That's right, Thor, was knocked down by the stun gun. Come to think of it, Heimdall and Odin, who saw this scene, must be a little bit embarrassed at this moment, right?
"Where is the man named Huang Wen? He promised me to help Thor, why hasn't he come out yet?" Odin's voice reached Heimdall's ears.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I can't see through Huang Wen's location. There seems to be a layer of fog in his place. Although I know where he is, I can't see what he is doing..." Heimdall slightly An apologetic voice sounded, "However, I can know that he didn't mean to help Thor."

"Hmph! Looks like I need to give this kid a little warning!" Odin's voice was filled with displeasure, and after feeling it, a hammer that was very similar to Thor's Hammer but slightly different appeared in the Odin's side.

This hammer is slightly longer than Thor's Hammer. The hammer head is curved on one side and flat on the other. There is also a belt behind the hammer handle, which is convenient for grabbing the hammer and flying.

"Your name is Storm Hammer..." Odin held the Storm Hammer and lightly cast a spell, "Anyone who is qualified to lift the Storm Hammer will gain the power of thunder and storm. "

This is the only difference between Storm Hammer and Thor's Hammer. In Storm Hammer, there is no god recognized by Asgard!

However, this position is completely meaningless to Steve Rogers, and I am afraid that no one in the entire Avengers thinks highly of this so-called position.

After all, under Huang Wen's tie, the entire Avengers knew the importance of strength. In the eyes of everyone in Wing Chun Martial Arts, there is actually no difference between Huang Wen and God.

Even in the mythology, Mephisto, who is good at intrigue and all kinds of evil, was driven back to hell by Huang Wen, and was even forced to hand over the soul consciousness of Jin Bing and James Wesley, which shows that , Huang Wen, who has no god status, is still a mythical figure.

"The efficiency of the dwarf king Ai Cui is still high. In other words, I haven't asked the dwarves to build things for me for a long time. After all, Asgard has not had a real battle for a long time. It's a small fight there..." Odin's eyes moved slightly, looking at the hammer of the storm in his hand, a thought flashed in his mind.

It's a pity that Odin didn't know that after his death, the whole of Asgard would experience many disasters. A group of Asgardians who can't fight at all, only know how to escape, and don't even know how to resist, have become a burden. Their performance is completely no different from that of ordinary earthlings.

If Odin finds out, I don’t know if he will change his view at this time, not to mention allowing Asgard to reopen the era of war, but at least, it cannot make Asgardians become ignorant of fighting. A burden that can run around when the war comes.

(End of this chapter)

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