I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 23 Golden Union (recommended for collection)

Chapter 23 Golden Union (recommended for collection)

It was night, and Zhong Qiang was carried back to the hot pot restaurant by Huang Wen. Huang Wen handed the medicinal wine to Uncle Zhong. Uncle Zhong smiled helplessly, glared at Zhong Qiang who was unsatisfactory, and took him upstairs. went.

The next morning, Zhong Qiang didn't get up at all, and he didn't know if he really couldn't get up, or if he was afraid that he would get up in the morning and be called by Huang Wen to practice martial arts.

"Just you still want to learn your brother's family martial arts?" Uncle Zhong looked at Zhong Qiang huddled in the quilt and shook his head, "Okay, get up early, isn't your roommate coming over? Go buy some fresh ingredients..."

"Ding bell!" It was almost noon, Zhong Qiang's phone rang, and Zhong Qiang, who had not recovered, answered the phone subconsciously: "Hello?"

"Alarm clock, you haven't woken up, have you?" Reese Fisk's mocking voice sounded, "What time is it? Are you draining yourself?"

"Isn't it just draining myself!" Zhong Qiang sighed heavily, "Yesterday I practiced martial arts all day, and the last bit of my strength was drained, and I don't have the strength yet, so I got up and took a shower. ,Where are you?"

"It's about 10 minutes." Rhys Fisk glanced at the driver and said after receiving a reply.

"Okay, I'll get up after I take a shower." After a fierce struggle with the quilt that sealed him, Zhong Qiang finally got up and started to wash. Zhong Qiang felt his body aching, and for a while he was enlightened, martial arts, really Not so well practiced.

Not long after, a luxury RV drove out of Chinatown and parked at the door of the hot pot restaurant. Then a burly man ran down and opened the door flatteringly.

"Boxing champion Terry?" In the hot pot restaurant, Zhong Qiang's eyes lit up, and he quickly explained to Huang Wen and Zhong Bo who were beside him, "Terry is a grand slam champion in free boxing and mixed martial arts competitions, and he has already Two-time Ultimate Fighting Champion!"

Obviously, Zhong Qiang did his homework for Huang Wen. This boxing champion Tai Li can be regarded as the most valuable and most famous boxing champion. Zhong Qiang did not expect that his roommate really put such weight on it. The top boxer is here.

"Alarm clock! Your family is not too small!" Reese Fix got out of the RV. Huang Wen saw the appearance of this little chubby man, and he looked very kind, but Huang Wen was able to keenly perceive that this little chubby man was there. I secretly surveyed myself.

"It's normal." Zhong Qiang stepped forward and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that you actually invited the boxing champion Tairi... eh?"

Zhong Qiang was talking when he suddenly felt a strong sense of oppression. Subconsciously, Zhong Qiang closed his mouth and looked towards the RV. When he saw a Roshan who was more than two meters tall walking out, Zhong Qiang subconsciously took a half step back.

"It's okay." Huang Wen supported Zhong Qiang, patted Zhong Qiang's shoulder with a smile, and then nodded at Roshan, "Huang Wen."

"Wilson Grant Fisk." Roshan said his name, and took the initiative to reach out and nodded at Huang Wen with a smile.

"Crack!" With a soft sound, Huang Wen and Wilson Grant Fisker's hands clasped together, and an astonishing force reached Huang Wen's hand, which made Huang Wen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This power is not much weaker than him, that is to say, the Wilson Grant Fisk in front of him is not puffy, but has amazing strength, and even the strength has exceeded the limit of the human body!
"Mr. Huang is very strong." Wilson Grant Fisk did not say Mr. Wen's name. Obviously, he also knew the names of the Chinese.

"Mr. Fisk is very polite." Huang Wen didn't remember who Wilson Grant Fisk was in front of him. With such a long name, Huang Wen said he couldn't remember it at all.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to discuss with Mr. Huang. I wonder if it's okay?" Wilson Grant Fisk's eyes flashed, and he stared at Huang with joy, and asked, "Of course, no matter whether you win or lose, Mr. Huang can use Terry to promote, and we will even take the initiative to promote it for you, how about it?"

"That would be disrespectful." Huang Wen nodded and agreed. For such a heavyweight opponent who exceeded the limits of the human body, Huang Wen was also eager to try, "Come to my martial arts hall, it is spacious and can be used!"

Huang Wen led the way towards the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall. Behind him, Wilson Grant Fisk did not intend to get in the car, so he followed directly. Zhong Qiang, Reese Fisk, and boxer Terry also followed. Zhong Bo didn't mean to watch the fun, he stayed where he was with the driver, and then turned around to prepare for dinner.

"Wilson Grant Fisk? Who is it?" Huang asked as he walked, muttering in his heart, "Why is the foreigner's name so long, is it a mutant? So strong, or other superpowers?"

After a few steps, Huang Wen opened the door of the Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall and walked in with everyone. When he saw the empty and somewhat deserted Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall, Wilson Grant Fisk said with a smile, "Mr. Huang here, It's really cool."

"Yeah, Huaxia Kungfu requires unremitting practice. You can't relax for a day, so it's hard for someone to persevere." Huang Wen said, of course, those students before Huang Hong. The Wing Chun Martial Arts Hall has been open for so many years. Huang Hong didn't even accept a real apprentice because no one really persevered.

"Mr. Huang still doesn't know my identity?" Wilson Grant Fisk looked at Huang Wen's indifferent expression and asked suddenly, "Mr. Huang should know that I have a small gang of my own?"

"I'm really not familiar with this aspect." Huang Wen shook his head, "I'm sorry I didn't hear the name of Mr. Fisk."

"Alternatively, you can call me Jin Bing." Wilson Grant Fisk or Jin Bing looked straight into Huang Wen's eyes, trying to see something strange.

"Jin Bing?" Huang Wen pondered for a while, looking at the Roshan-like Jin Bing in front of him, Huang Wen finally thought of Jin Bing's identity.

Jin Bing, the largest gang leader in New York and even in the United States, is thoughtful and wise beyond ordinary people. More than 90.00% of his body is made of muscles.

His goal is to control the entire US gangs in his own hands and build a dark empire, and he is the underworld emperor of this dark empire!

"Why is there still a matter of Jin Bing?" Huang Wen couldn't help muttering, "Did you make a mistake, find a gang leader at random, and it turned out to be Jin Bing, by the way, what kind of movie and TV drama is Jin Bing from? Forget it, forget it..."

 New book seeking collection recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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