I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1617 Confidence and Weakness

Chapter 1617 Confidence and Weakness

At this time, Thanos' confident words echoed in the inner world of the battleship, which greatly boosted the morale of his subordinates. They were all excited, as if they had seen the scene of them defeating Huang Wen.

In fact, at the beginning, Thanos' subordinates didn't know who Huang Wen was. When Huang Wen was in the universe, Black Yao Wu only knew that Thanos feared the supreme mage Gu Yi and the god king Odin, so he couldn't go to the earth to get Those Infinity Stones.

But whether it is the Supreme Mage Gu Yi or the God King Odin, their lifespan is approaching, and they only need to wait for a while before they can easily collect the Infinity Gems.

Judging from the situation in other parallel universes, Thanos' strategy at the beginning is not wrong. It can only be said that Thanos did not expect that the Avengers could borrow the Infinity Stones from other time points through time and space.

But even so, Thanos has successfully collected an infinite gem and fulfilled his long-cherished wish.

But the situation in Huang Wen's universe is completely different. Before Thanos started to make any arrangements, Huang Wen suddenly emerged.

At first Thanos didn't take Huang Wen seriously, but in a flash, Huang Wen's strength was comparable to that of a heavenly father.

This was a realm that Thanos had not reached at that time, and Huang Wen was only in his early twenties at that time.

A Heavenly Father-level powerhouse in his early twenties guards the earth, and Thanos is desperate when he thinks about it. In the same situation as having the Infinity Stones, Thanos does not think that he is an opponent of the Heavenly Father-level powerhouse, even if Thanos has an opinion about the Infinity Stones. Power is more aware.

Since leaving the universe of Huang Wen, Thanos' subordinates began to follow Thanos to pay attention to Huang Wen. It cannot be said that they have mastered everything that Huang Wen has experienced since then, but they have also seen the speed of Huang Wen's terrifying progress. .

This kind of strength made Thanos' subordinates realize the power of Huang Wen, leaving a haze in their hearts.

However, everything will pass, and the haze of Huang Wen can finally disappear!

Looking at the excited companions around, Gamora glanced at Nebula who was equally excited, sighed silently in her heart, and cheered up.

In other parallel universes, Gamora and Nebula have both betrayed Thanos and became a member of the Avengers camp, but after all, it was Gamora and Nebula who had experienced a lot of things.

Even if Nebula, who has gained more powerful power, knows about the betrayal of other universes, it will not take it to heart. Even in Nebula's view, those weak and weak Nebula are completely unworthy of a name with him!
You must know that at this time, Nebula has already obtained some of the power of the space gem, and in the previous competition, she has defeated her sister Gamora, who she wanted to defeat. She has long since surrendered to Thanos wholeheartedly.

Does the choice of other cosmic nebulae have anything to do with her cosmic-level powerhouse nebula being Shennan?Are they as strong as they are?It's just a piece of trash that can't even beat Gamora!
Unlike Nebula's decisive change, Gamora's heart was a little confused, and her situation was different from that of Gamora who traveled to the future with the Thanos army.

At that time, Gamora had already sacrificed, but she stood on the opposite side of Thanos. It was because of her that Gamora, who had traveled through the past, recognized her own heart and chose to betray Thanos. ...

However, Kamora's situation is more complicated. Kamora, who also obtained the power of infinite gems under Thanos, received Thanos' promise. All the clansmen came back to life.

Even, bring Gamora back to that point in time and spend a lifetime as an ordinary person!

Traveling through time and space can't change anything, but it is not impossible to reverse the time and space by restarting the universe and fulfill Gamora's dream.

In particular, the power of the Infinity Stones and the goddess behind them is truly endless, and it can really do this...

Facing this situation, Gamora was confused. She still hated Thanos in her heart, but Thanos became her last hope. The entanglement and confusion in her heart can be imagined.

"Tao, although our sneak attack is effective in the first time, but there is one thing that needs to be paid attention to..." Just when Gamora was confused and the other subordinates were excited, Kronos' eyes flashed slightly, looking at Thanos whispered a reminder.

"Huang Wen didn't leave his universe very much, and even made his universe into a private plot to isolate the outside world, but his relationship with some people is still very good, which is different from the dimension demon gods. !"

"Especially Huang Wen has not completely separated from the multiverse. It's hard to say for others. Lady Death and that Franklin Richards have a good relationship with Huang Wen, and it goes without saying about their strength. If they really make a move If so, we have to guard against it!"

"It doesn't matter, the power that the creation gods can exert is limited, and they can't be my opponents, and they should be able to sense that this time, it's not just us who are here, but the goddess behind us has been paying attention to us. Yes!" Thanos said with a strong confidence in his voice.

"Our confrontation with Huang Wen can be called a famous teacher. After all, we have a feud, and Huang Wen's universe is not his alone. We also came out of this universe. We have no problem to regain our own universe. …”

"And if the high-level gods really want to make a move, the goddess will not let it go. After all, she has already placed too many bets with us. Between us, we are both prosperous, and we are all lost!"

"This is true, but your power still comes from her, and there is still a gap between him who used to be relatively independent..." Kronos nodded, glanced at the surrounding men, and then transmitted his voice. said.

"It's not just you, your subordinates, including me, are also like this. Compared with the real powerhouse, our power is rootless duckweed. We need to have our own power!"

Kronos naturally knew that Thanos didn't like to hear stories about the last Thanos, because that Thanos was too popular, making this Thanos feel like he was just a substitute for the other party.

But Kronos can't do anything. After all, Thanos really doesn't have much power of his own, and he is not strong enough. Sometimes, it is often the original sin...

Even though Nemesis made a big bet on Thanos, she didn't give up, just because she didn't pay enough price.

As long as the price is enough, it is not difficult for the Goddess of Nemesis to create a new Thanos with the current strength. After all, the power of Thanos comes from her.

Even, the re-created Thanos may even be more well-behaved and sensible than this one, and more loyal to the goddess of nemesis...

(End of this chapter)

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