I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1584 The Ocean of Killing

Chapter 1584 The Ocean of Killing
Huang Wen's words made Lucifer's expression unhappy, and also made Ms. Death look at Huang Wen speechlessly. To be honest, if it wasn't for Lucifer who smuggled over from the universe next door, he would have condensed the body of Satan, Ms. Death I really don't want to make a move.

However, the Lucifer in front of me violated the unspoken rules in both aspects, and it happened that Ms. Death should take care of it. Otherwise, Ms. Death would have watched Huang Wen and Lucifer fight behind her back while eating melon seeds... …

"This universe seems to be out of your jurisdiction. I came here out of personal enmity. Are you sure you want to get involved?" Lucifer took a deep breath, feeling the power of Satan that could not be condensed, and looked at Madame Death asked in a deep voice.

"Or, are you ready to offend me and prepare for a complete war between the two omnipotent universes? Such a price is not something you, a creator god, can afford!"

"Hehe, whether the two omnipotent universes will go to war completely is not up to you. Even if you have a high status on the opposite side, don't forget that your father is not the only supreme god!" Lady Death sneered. Said in one voice.

"Hmph!" Hearing Lady Death's words, Lucifer seemed to have thought of something unpleasant, snorted coldly, and the breath on his body began to forcibly condense.

Even if he couldn't do anything recklessly in front of Lady Death, Lucifer wouldn't just let it go, even if it was just an incarnation of his, even if his strength didn't belong to him!

"It seems that that invincible superman seems to have suppressed you!" Huang Wen had a keen insight into Lucifer's emotional surge just now, and he looked at Lucifer again and said mockingly.

"Bastard!" A nameless anger surged from Lucifer's heart, and even Lucifer didn't notice it. His power soared instantly, as if he was faintly attracting his own power!

Not only dimensional demon gods like Sithorn are good at playing with people's hearts and emotions, Huang Wen is also an expert in this area, especially after Huang Wen has mastered the power of the law of demons.

Even if it is as strong as Lucifer's condensed, multiverse-level satanic body, when it was suppressed, Huang Wen still controlled his emotions.

"Scatter!" However, just as Lucifer's power erupted, the death lady at the side spat out a word softly. In an instant, the power of authority came, and the power of Satan belonging to the dimension of hell left the road in an instant. Lucifer's body, Lucifer's planning for a long time, and finally succeeded in strength and appearance, were easily resolved.

"Bastard!" Originally where Lucifer was, only a mass of thoughts and a little bit of power remained, that was Lucifer's furious voice.

Immediately afterwards, outside the multiverse, Lucifer's figure condensed out. He was too lazy to hide. Now that he had been discovered and ridiculed crazily, he would kill Huang Wen to vent his anger. !

With a sound of "Shua!", Lucifer's figure disappeared in place and appeared outside Huang Wen's universe, ignoring the sword energy that filled the sky, and using the ray of consciousness in Huang Wen's universe as a bridge, he forcibly rushed into Huang Wen's universe. Ask the universe.

However, before Lucifer rushed into Huang Wen's universe, he turned his head and took a cold look, and he saw a universe that was drifting towards him.

"Fuck?! Lucifer?!" In that universe, Sithorn recognized the identity of Lucifer, of course not the identity of Lucifer in this almighty universe, but the identity of Lucifer in another almighty universe.

Sithorn deeply knows how terrifying Lucifer in the almighty universe is. It can be said that he is the ultimate dimensional demon god, the strong person Sithorn wants to be the most!
"Wait? Why did Lucifer appear here? He also entered Huang Wen's universe? Could it be that Huang Wen also provoked him? Then should I go there?" Sithorn's mind flashed One thought after another, the universe dimension that was originally advancing also stopped.

Of course Sithorn knew that the Lucifer that appeared would not be Lucifer's true self. Lost a general!

However, even if it is not the deity, but a differentiated power, Lucifer is terrifying enough.

Because for a top-level powerhouse like Lucifer, just a little bit of strength is also a powerhouse on the vertical and horizontal sides. The power released by Lucifer just now is not even weaker than his Sithorne!
Even the way Lucifer looked at Sithorn just now made Sithorn feel a little sense of crisis in his heart!
This means that this incarnation of Lucifer is definitely super-cosmic-level strength, even if it will be suppressed after entering the Huangwen universe, it is definitely multi-universe-level invincible strength!
Even if Huang Wen has the home court advantage, he can't be Lucifer's opponent, just like Sithorn's calculation, using his own universe to restrain Huang Wen's universe, Huang Wen can't be his opponent...

"What about Wanda? Well, if Wanda joins the battle, I'm afraid he will be killed by Lucifer..." Sithorn was still a little afraid of Lucifer, even if he had already prepared the Huangwen Xuanyuan Sword So is the preparation.

Because from Sithorn's point of view, even if he obtained the Xuanyuan Sword and successfully devoured the demon gods of other dimensions, he might not be able to reach the level of Lucifer himself.

The fusion of the two omnipotent universes is imperative, and no one can stop it with confidence now, so Sithorn is a little afraid to touch Lucifer's bad luck...

"How about, wait a minute, what if Lucifer doesn't like Xuanyuan Sword after killing Huang Wen?" Sithorn didn't choose to retreat in the end, but he didn't choose to move forward either. Thinking of the things that the beast I hated before likes to do, waiting to pick up the leak...

"Boom!" In Huang Wen's universe, as Lucifer rushed into Huang Wen's universe, that consciousness instantly merged into his body, and the power of Satan was still condensed in the palm of Lady Death, which is enough to see How quickly Lucifer came!
"To be honest, I was going to track where you are with your little consciousness, but I didn't expect that you broke in like this..." Huang Wen looked at the surging breath, but was forced to suppress it to the peak of the multiverse Lucifer said with a smile.

"Follow me? Do you dare to leave this universe? If it weren't for the suppression of this universe, I can blow you up with a single punch! If you dare to appear on the dimensional battlefield, I can kill you with just one look!" Lucifer's voice carried With a deep chill, endless murderous intent was released at this moment.

The entire universe seems to have turned into a sea of ​​killing rules, and murderous intentions are destroying everything around, space, laws, and even the rules of the universe!

(End of this chapter)

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