I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1575 Strange's request

Chapter 1575 Strange's request

After Chen Long merged with this dark dimension, he continued to move towards other universes in the multiverse. Although the dark dimension is not as good as the hell dimension, not every single universe in the multiverse has a dark dimension, but the dark dimension The number is still considerable.

Even if the dark dimension cannot eventually become a dark multiverse, it is still no problem to condense into a dark universe, entrenched outside the multiverse, like Sithorn and other dimensional demon gods!
Moreover, compared with the hell dimension, the dark dimension has a higher degree of freedom. The hell dimension can only operate if it is attached to the rules of the multiverse and Lady Death, but the dark dimension does not need to consider these issues at all...

Therefore, Chen Long soon continued to wander in the multiverse, looking for the next dark dimension that could be devoured. Chen Long's mind was similar to that of Johnny Blazer. Among them, none of them are good people, so the elimination of Domamu is a good thing for those universes.

Moreover, for the entire omnipotent universe, having one more master of the dark universe who can reach the multiverse level is much more useful than Dormammu who is scattered in various universes with different consciousness.

The big deal is that after Chen Long condenses the dark universe, he will differentiate a little power, just like Thanos, to complete the mission that Dormammu needs to do in the multiverse!
"Impossible!" In another dark dimension, Dormammu lost control of the dark dimension, watched helplessly as the dark dimension was swallowed by Chen Long, and his consciousness disappeared instantly.

There was a sound of "hum!", and just as Chen Long had just merged with the new dark dimension, coordinating the dark dimension in his body to continue to evolve towards the dark universe, a spark portal appeared in front of him, followed by a familiar picture Horse face... ahem, no, a familiar long face appeared in front of Chen Long.

This person is none other than the best one among the supreme mages, Ned who has been approved by the levitation cloak... the owner of the suspension ring used, Strange!

"It seems that the timeline of this universe is slightly backward, and the plot trajectory should not be affected..." Chen Long said softly when he saw Strange nodding his head.

"Are you? Mr. Huang Wen's avatar?" Strange sized up Chen Long for a while, then looked at Chen Long with some hesitation and asked.

"Huh? You have communicated with all your own consciousnesses in the multiverse?" Chen Long looked at Strange in surprise. Although he told Gu Yi before that Strange might completely surpass her, Chen Long It was also unexpected that Strange would complete this step so quickly.

"Well, it has been preliminarily completed, and the next step is to launch an impact towards the multiverse level, and thank you, Mr. Huang Wen, for your help..." Strange looked at Chen Long and said sincerely.

"Don't tell me this kind of thing. I'm different from his incarnations. I'm a relatively independent clone. I'm not as powerful as them, and I don't have as many abilities as them..." Chen Long shrugged and said Strange's gratitude was not accepted.

"I'm being rude, but if it wasn't for Mr. Huang Wen, I wouldn't have known that the universe would have developed into such a strange state..." Strange smiled apologetically and said softly.

"Fortunately, my universe is already at the front of the timeline, otherwise the entire multiverse would be in chaos again..."

"What happened?" Chen Long raised his brows and asked in surprise, "In the normal trajectory, can the multiverse be disrupted by the Avengers? Do they have this ability? Could it be that they broke through the barriers of the universe again? "

"It's not the Avengers, it's me..." Strange sighed helplessly, and said softly, "Due to Wanda's runaway in this universe, Sithorn also paid attention to this universe, and there are many dimensions Devil."

"There are so many dimensional demon gods, and I have no way to solve them. It just so happens that Peter Parker in this world was exposed by a guy called Mysterio, and was framed as a murderer..."

"Peter Parker found me and hoped that I could help him. I took this opportunity to open the barriers between multiverses, hoping to find a way to break the situation..."

"But obviously, this is not a good solution. With my original strength, it is not enough to see through the future progress of the world, especially after losing the time gem..."

"Fortunately, when I was about to choose to help Peter Parker, our consciousness was unified, and he also saw a new solution..."

"Peter Parker's identity has been exposed again? Why is his identity always exposed?" Chen Long complained speechlessly, "Can't he be more careful? By the way, how did you help him solve it?"

"The Peter Parker in this universe was exposed because after Mysterio died, the scene of his battle with Mysterio was maliciously edited and released. I just cast a spell so that no images of this battle were saved. According to Corrective power, the influence of the film will no longer exist..." Strange spread his hands and said softly.

"In this way, the Mysterious Guest is still defeated by him, and his identity has not been revealed. At most, some of the Mysterious Guest's accomplices may find a way to deal with him in the future, but that is a matter of the future. Anyway, this crisis, I am Help him through."

"You are really responsible!" Chen Long looked at Strange's teasing smile and said, "Can't you just erase the traces of the mysterious guest? Then no one will seek revenge on Peter Parker... ..."

"Then how can it be done!" Strange also laughed, and said rather darkly, "No one will know about Peter Parker's defeat of Mysterio? It doesn't matter if the Skrulls have forgotten Now, his girlfriend doesn't remember his heroic deeds, so that's not good!"

"As for the crisis that will appear in the future, superheroes always have a crisis. As long as the universe and the earth as a whole can maintain stability, it doesn't matter if there is a crisis. Just like when there is no crisis in our universe, Mr. Huang Wen will let him Did we go through some grinding?"

"Without the tempering before, even with the current opportunity, I would not be able to reach my current strength, nor would the Avengers be so powerful!"

"You've learned it badly!" Chen Long shook his head, and didn't intend to talk nonsense with Strange, because he had vaguely sensed Strange's purpose, so he was about to leave this universe.

"Well, please wait, can I ask you something?" Sure enough, when Chen Long was about to leave, Strange hurriedly called to him.

(End of this chapter)

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