I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1560 Huang Wen's Contribution

Chapter 1560 Huang Wen's Contribution

"It's okay, it's not scary. If my apprentices can seize the opportunity this time, maybe there will be a few more multiverse-level powerhouses!" Huang Wen shrugged and said proudly .

"Max is one. Wanda has some difficulties, but it's not without opportunities. If she can really reach that critical point, she might be able to integrate the power of all the Scarlet Witches in the multiverse, completely disconnecting from Sithorn. contact!"

"Sithorn will not let this happen!" Ms. Death said with a serious expression, "Scarlet Witch is to Sithorn, just like Spiderman is to this spider demon, and it is even more important. A scarlet witch in the universe has escaped his control, and has already touched his bottom line. If you really let the scarlet witch reach the multiverse level and unify the consciousness of the scarlet witch in the entire multiverse, I'm afraid he will really fight you desperately !"

"Then let him come. I want to see how powerful the next level of the multiverse level is, and I'm not unprepared!" Huang Wen sneered and said confidently.

"Alas..." Ms. Death originally wanted to say that this was a waste of the combat power of this universe, but thinking of the character of Huang Wen's incarnation and the fact that Huang Wen's incarnation was about to cultivate several multiverse-level powerhouses, she finally sighed. In a calm tone, he said, "Besides them, is there any other multiverse level that can be born?"

"Well... By the way, there is also John, that guy's law of ice and fire is a weakened version of the power of Aliang Buddha's demon..." Huang Wen's avatar thought for a while and said, "And, John understands the law of ice and fire. The time is very early, and he has a comprehensive grasp of the power of ice and fire, and he also has the opportunity to break through to a new level!"

"And Strange, I'm not sure if he can really break through, but going further, there is still no problem for him..."

"Among the remaining people, Steel Kid has inherited Kang the Conqueror's destiny after all. Although he does not admit this, it is an established fact, just like the destruction of our universe after killing so many tyrants by me. Ba became the only Thanos, with the opportunity to break through the multiverse level, and inherited the fate from Thanos..."

"Iron Boy is the same, and whether it is Iron Boy or Kang the Conqueror, they are all forces on the technological side, and there is not much barrier between them, but that guy Tony, who claims to be the number one genius every day, now Even the title of Iron Man is embarrassing, after all, there are really people who are better than blue!"

"However, if he can really seize the opportunity and humbly ask for advice, not to mention that he can really reach the multiverse level, at least he can see the hope of the multiverse level..."

"That's too much. When will multiverse-level powerhouses be born in batches like this..." Ms. Death looked at Huang Wen's avatar with some emotion for a while, and muttered to herself.

Although Ms. Death already knew that Huang Wen's incarnation was very powerful, but the strength of a single person and being able to cultivate a group of strong people were two completely different concepts.

The group of gods in the previous Marvel Almighty Universe finally chose to hand over Huang Wen's universe to Huang Wen, not only because of Huang Wen's strength, but also because he has indeed cultivated the Avengers to a new level.

However, these gods feel that it is already very good to be trained to the universe level. After all, some gods themselves are only at the multiverse level. Ahem, they are not targeting Lady Death and the others, but just stating a fact.

Ms. Death and the others clearly know how difficult it is to produce multiverse-level powerhouses, because the strength of a single universe itself has an upper limit. Even if there are variables that can break through the upper limit, there are still very few variables that truly reach this level. of.

Moreover, there are many variables, which are repeated, the same person, such as Franklin Richards, such as Sentinel, such as Molecular Man and so on.

After these people broke through to the multiverse level in the first existence, they in the remaining parallel universes were just repeating their experiences. Even if they really transcended constantly, they would not be able to enhance their power too much, let alone be regarded as a single individual.

If it is true that Huang Wen's system can continuously superimpose character attributes, then Almighty Universe has already started to create a large number of parallel universes that are the same, allowing these powerhouses to continuously break through...

Franklin Richards doesn't have to work hard to cooperate with Galactus to ensure that there will be no changes in each of his universes, and to use a long time to increase his own power a little bit, so that he can continue to accumulate and become stronger... …

Therefore, the multiverse level, no matter what level you look at, is already in the ranks of the strong. It is already very difficult to cultivate such a strong man, even one. At this time, the incarnation of Huang Wen said that he can cultivate There are several...

"What is this? They are not weak. At least in my opinion, they are much stronger than Kang the Conqueror and the grandfather of Thanos!" Huang Wen avatar sneered and said with reason.

"Even they can become multiverse-level powerhouses, why can't my apprentices and subordinates? Their talents are not bad, their strength is not bad, and multiverse-level is not a big deal!"

"The time is too short, and Kang the Conqueror and the God of Time, both of them have spent a lot of money to reach the previous state, and Kang the Conqueror was killed by you..." Lady Death explained helplessly, Then he shook his head and said softly, "Okay, you didn't kill them all, you left a steel kid behind, so it can be regarded as returning!"

"It's not that I didn't spend a lot of money!" the incarnation of Huang Wen said unhappily when he heard Ms. Death's words, "I first changed their original destiny trajectory, and then I taught them carefully, gave them enough opportunities, enough Resources, to help them find their own suitable strength, is it not a big price for me?"

"I admit that you said that you changed their original destiny trajectory!" Ms. Death's mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at Huang Wen's avatar and said speechlessly, "But, what you said later, teach them carefully and give them enough The opportunity, resources, help them find the right strength, is it really you who did it?"

"Zeus, the Black Panther God Buster, the Celestial Team, and Huang Liang who is fighting at this time, don't they all work for you? You seem to be just watching the show!"

"It's a bit too much for you to say that. I suppressed the Zeus god group, and the final result, didn't they give them a chance?" Huang Wen's avatar shook his head and said seriously, "Don't look at what I didn't do, what do you want? Look what I did..."

(End of this chapter)

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