I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1539 Spider-Man vs Ancient 1

Chapter 1539 Spider-Man vs Ancient One
"My cultivation level is not high enough?" The old man Gu Yi didn't mean to be angry when he heard Peter Parker's ridicule. enough……"

"I don't know which universe you are from. The strength is far more than the Spider-Man I know, but there are only a few kinds of Spider-Man's abilities in total. You can't leave my mirror space."

"You trapped us, what about Miles? He heard everything you said, are you sure you won't let him go on the original path because of your words?" Spider Gwen looked at the old man Gu After a moment of silence, he glanced at Miles Morales on the side and said bluntly.

After the conversation just now, everyone present is not a fool, even Miles Morales understood why the old man Gu Yi came to stop them, which made Miles Morales feel a little angry .

Even, in the senses of Miles Morales, the old man Gu Yi is about to become a villain who is not comparable to Jin. After all, Miles Morales does not know whether the old man Gu Yi, the supreme mage, is what for.

All he knew was that the old man Gu Yi prevented them from killing Jin Bing, and at the same time made him lose his relatives and embark on the path of so-called superhero destiny.

A rebellious psychology permeated Miles Morales' heart. If the Spider-Man around him hadn't influenced him, he would have wanted to become a super villain...

"It doesn't matter, since you have come into contact with Karma Taj's lineage, you should know that it is not difficult to erase this little memory..." The old man Gu Yi looked at Miles beside him without changing his expression. Morales and the others spoke.

"Moreover, not only Miles, but their memories will also be erased by me. Of course, not all of them will be erased. I just need to eliminate the influence you have brought, and then get back on track."

"As for you, I won't do anything to you, you just need to stay in this mirrored space for a while, and when the collider starts up again, I will personally send you away..."

"What a stubborn old guy!" Peter Parker looked helplessly at the old man Gu Yi and said, "I don't know if the ancient one in our universe is also so stubborn, but we won't be caught here without a fight, if you want To trap us, we need to show some real skills..."

"Buzz!", Peter Parker's voice has not yet fallen, the entire mirror space has undergone earth-shaking changes, the surrounding buildings collapsed instantly, and the street under his feet began to sink, as if a scene that only appeared in a dream was staged here.

But Peter Parker and Spider Gwen know that this is not a dream, but the old man Gu Yi is controlling the mirror space and wants to catch them all!
"Be careful!" Peter Parker reminded Miles Morales and others, a powerful energy beam was directly sprayed out of the battle armor, blasting in the direction of the old man Gu Yi.

"Zizi!" However, a magic shield appeared in front of the old man Gu Yi, which directly turned the energy beam into an invisible form, and Peter Parker's means did not have any effect.

"Shua!", and at the same time, Spider Gwen also made a move, and sharp spikes evolved on her armor, like spider claws.

The evolved spider Gwen turned into an afterimage, and rushed directly to the old man Gu Yi's side, and the sharp spikes stabbed the old man Gu Yi mercilessly.

In an instant, a huge house rose from the ground, blocking the old man Gu Yi and Spider Gwen, but Spider Gwen's spikes were not only sharp, but also able to exert the powerful power of Spider Gwen.

With a sound of "Kach!", under the force of the spikes, the houses scattered like broken porcelain, and the dust and mist covered everything around, making it difficult for people to see clearly what happened inside.

"Shua!", and in the dust and mist, a sharp spike pierced the old man Gu Yi's chest. Yes, the dust and mist did not affect Spider Gwen's perception ability, she chose Ambush the old man Gu Yi.

"Clang!", but what Spider Gwen didn't expect was that the old man Gu Yi's fingers were surging with golden-red magical power, and he even blocked the sharp spikes with his fingers, and a powerful force came from him. From the old man Gu Yi's fingers, the spider Gwen was directly thrown away.

"Body Cannon!" At the moment Spider Gwen flew upside down, Peter Parker seized the opportunity, and a ray of light shot out from the palm of his armor, but it was not an energy beam, but his own spider silk. For the reason, the restraint method of strengthening cohesion is also a new ability that Peter Parker has researched in the special time after time.

With a sound of "Shua!", at the next moment, that ray of light turned into six spider webs, and the impenetrable web covered every direction of the old man Gu Yi, without giving the old man Gu Yi a chance to avoid it.

"It turned out to be a Spider-Man who can spray spider silk by himself. It's a bit interesting, but it's just a bit..." The old man Gu Yi glanced at Peter Parker in some surprise, he could see that the spider web was not made of technology Creation, but the power within the living body, however, such power does not pose any threat to the old man Gu Yi.

With a sound of "Chi!", a ball of fire wrapped the old man Gu Yi, the old man Gu Yi's idea is very simple, your spiderman's spider silk is amazing, and you are afraid of fire after all, although being entangled in spider silk is not good for you. As far as the old man is concerned, it is harmless, but the sticky white substance sticks to his body, and it will have a bad effect after all.

However, something happened that made the old man Gu Yi miscalculate. Spider-Man's body cannon didn't mean to burn at all!
You know, Peter Parker has used spider silk for so many years, and he knows the weakness of spider silk. If he doesn't make some improvements, spider silk has long been a discarded method.

After all, Peter Parker has a wearable battle armor at any time, and has acquired the ability to fly. The role of spider silk wandering between high-rise buildings is no longer there. He must develop some ability in battle.

"Huh?" When it was found that the fireball did not burn the spider web, but the spider web was tenaciously flying towards him, the old man Gu Yi blushed. To be honest, he was a little embarrassed. Speak out.

However, the old man Gu Yi is a person who has experienced great events after all. His figure instantly crossed the boundary between the real world and the mirrored space, returned to the real world, and then entered the mirrored space again.

This mirror space was originally the old man Gu Yi's own spell, so it is not surprising that he can enter and exit at will.

(End of this chapter)

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