Chapter 1525 Preparation
However, it was precisely because of his previous experience that God King Thor looked a little abnormal, and even smiled reluctantly, even though he improved his strength as he wished.

When hanging under the World Tree, God King Thor once thought about Loki, yes, he was wondering what exactly Loki experienced during the special training, even if Loki’s special training was not the incarnation of Huang Wen Abbot, but God King Thor can also know through his own special training that Loki's special training is not easy...

"I see that your aura is much stronger than before, and it can be regarded as really comparable to your old yin...cough cough, old father..." Looking at the somewhat embarrassed smile of God King Thor, Huang asked There's nothing embarrassing about being an avatar, it's just that I accidentally told the truth and made it a little embarrassing.

However, the incarnation of Huang Wen carefully perceived the situation of the God King Thor, and he was not satisfied with the current situation of the God King Thor. Even though the God King Thor was already comparable to the God King Odin, but before the special training , God King Thor is already at the Heavenly Father level, and he hasn't even improved a level!

Except for those legendary students, this is the one whose strength has improved the least after the special training, and he is the god king Thor!
"I'm sorry to disappoint Mr. Huang Wen..." God King Thor didn't mean to be excited when he heard the words, but scratched his head in embarrassment, and sighed regretfully, "I did harvest from the World Tree." Some things, but this harvest is still a little bit worse than the divine power that grows with age."

"If I really obtained the rune power that Mr. Huang Wen said, I should have broken through to a whole new level..."

"From this point of view, this method of promotion is indeed the protagonist's treatment, but it doesn't matter, the entire universe will become stronger soon, and your Asgard will also be automatically promoted along with the universe, including the world tree..." The incarnation of Huang Wen shook his head and said softly.

"By that time, you Asgard will not only be able to give birth to more gods, but you will also be able to obtain blessings from a more powerful world tree, which presumably can help you go beyond this step."

"Besides, you don't need to be depressed. The peak of the heavenly father level is placed in the Avengers Alliance, which is considered a good strength, not to mention that your old father is only the peak of the heavenly father level..."

"Of course, he will not be so reckless when he goes to the dimensional battlefield. It must be a means to improve his own strength, but it is not so easy to upgrade to the multiverse level, especially in the multiverse. Odin's name The head is not small!"

"The universe will become stronger in the future?" God King Thor looked a little confused when he heard Huang Wen's incarnation.

This is also something that can’t be helped. The state of wisdom is only a temporary state that has lasted for more than 2000 years. Without the blessing of the fountain of wisdom, God King Thor’s wisdom has returned to its original state.

Moreover, even with the blessing of the Fountain of Wisdom, the god king Thor has not reached the level of the rune king Thor for more than 2000 years. It can be seen that his wisdom is indeed very ordinary if he does not open it...

Of course, you can't blame God King Thor for this. After all, Rune King Thor is in a state of hanging up, and he is still the protagonist. In addition, the difference in strength between the two sides is indeed a bit too big. God King Thor can't be achieved overnight. very normal thing.

"That's right, we had some gains from going to the Space-Time Variation Administration..." Huang Wen nodded his head, suddenly thought of something, and pointed to the Lokis beside him.

"When I replaced you before, I promised them to let them stay in Asgard in this universe. It just so happens that their strength is stronger than most of your gods in Asgard. The overall strength is also an improvement."

"Of course, when the time comes, you need to change your names a little bit, otherwise, it seems a little difficult to call you..."

"Are they all staying? This is a good thing! My Asgard's strength can be improved again!" God King Thor's eyes lit up, and he reacted quickly in this regard. A few Lokis steal a little bit of Asgard's power from the other side, and coupled with the improvement of the universe itself, Asgard's strength will definitely have a huge improvement by then!

"Okay, you are all ready, it is best to enter the state of closed-door practice, and I will integrate the sacred timeline into this universe in a day, and at the same time, the creation god Eternity also gave me a rule power, It can make some rules easier to comprehend, you should seize the opportunity!" Huang Wen's avatar watched the avengers waved, his figure flashed, disappeared in place, and appeared at the edge of the universe.

"This deity is about to succeed. I will elevate the universe at this time, which is also good for the formation created by this deity. It is equivalent to the improvement of the formation eye itself..." Huang Wen's avatar glanced at the direction of Huang Wen and Belle. It flickered slightly, murmured in a low voice, and then began to wait silently.

"As the universe has improved, has Mr. Huang Wen already achieved this step?" In the Avengers Building, God King Thor's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't help muttering, "But such Mr. Huang Wen has not Let my strength advance by leaps and bounds, how lucky and talented is that rune king Thor?"

The incarnation of Huang Wen also told God King Thor about the blindness of Rune King Thor, but God King Thor felt that if he could gain such a powerful strength by being blind in one eye, there must be countless people in the world willing to do so.

Even God King Odin and Nick Fury, who have already lost one eye, are the same, isn't it just one less eye?In the face of powerful strength, what are these?

"Instead of being envious of others, it is better to seize every opportunity to become stronger. Master's improvement of the entire universe this time is not a trivial matter. If you seize this opportunity, you must have hope to reach our level! "Huang Liang patted God King Thor's shoulder to comfort him.

"Not bad! With the help of Mr. Huang Wen this time, I will definitely break through!" God King Thor took a deep breath and said solemnly, "After all, my special training for so many years is not wasted in vain. I'm still improving!"

"Let's go! Rocky, let's go back first... Well, it's Rocky, to be honest, I think what Mr. Huang Wen said has a way, you should change your name, at least give yourself a little special place , otherwise we really don't know who we are calling..."

The arrogant God King Thor looked at the Lokis, scratched his head subconsciously, and couldn't help complaining. Although each Loki looks different, they do have the same name!

(End of this chapter)

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