I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1516 The Extinct Conqueror Kang

Chapter 1516 The Extinct Conqueror Kang
"I have some knowledge about science and technology here. Since you have spoken, I will leave it to Iron Boy. This should be of some help to him..." After convincing himself in his heart, Franklin Richards looked at Huang Wen The avatar said softly.

"I didn't give it to him, you gave it to him..." Huang Wen's avatar took a deep look at Franklin Richards and said, "You are his ancestor. You didn't like the normal Conqueror Kang before. But Iron Boy is not Kang the Conqueror, in my opinion, he is the successor who has inherited your family's genes!"

The incarnation of Huang Wen kept Franklin Richards, not because he really wanted to get anything from Franklin Richards. After all, Franklin Richards really didn't have anything that the incarnation of Huang Wen liked, except Franklin Richards' ultimate plan...

The main purpose of Huang Wen's incarnation to help Iron Boy at this time is to draw Franklin Richards into his network.

Although a Franklin Richards was born in the universe where Huang Wen's avatar resides, but when that kid grows up, I don't know how many years later it will be. Why don't you pull the real Franklin Richards in front of you to yourself first? Come aside.

There were many original Conqueror Kang, and all of them made the ancestor Franklin Richards very unhappy, but now the quality of Iron Kid is absolutely no problem, and this will also be an opportunity for Franklin Richards to ease the relationship!
"Indeed, although everyone tacitly approves of Kang the Conqueror's behavior in the multiverse, I actually don't like this kind of blood-sucking behavior. On the contrary, Iron Boy is more like a member of our family, or more like me. Father..." Franklin Richards nodded calmly after being silent for a long time, and said.

"Of course, this guy also has the shadow of Tony Stark. After all, he is indeed deeply influenced by Tony Stark, but I think, with his strength and his intelligence, he has already surpassed The so-called Tony Stark!"

"Why do you look like you don't like Tony?" Huang Wen's avatar looked at Franklin Richards and raised his eyebrows, and asked with a smile, "The Tony in your universe is so annoying?"

"That guy is dead. I didn't bother to mention him at first, but that guy is really annoying..." Franklin Richards curled his lips and said with some displeasure.

"Originally he was no different from the normal Tony Stark, but later his mentality changed, probably because of the influence of the Extremis virus..."

"Can Tony be affected by the Extremis virus?" Huang Wen's incarnation flashed a hint of surprise. The Extremis virus is theoretically more powerful than the genetic technology of super soldier serum, but Huang Wen's incarnation is not. I don't think such genetic technology will affect Tony Stark, after all, the strength of his brain is there.

"From your point of view, you really don't like that thing, but in our universe, the Extremis virus was developed by Tony Stark himself. No one knows what special ingredients he made for himself..." Franklin Richards shook his head and began to explain.

"Later, his personality changed a lot... Well, it's not a big change in personality. He seemed to have returned to the way he was before becoming a superhero, and became reckless. Later, he got a sword in the stone..."

"The sword in the stone? Can the sword in the stone be like Tony? Or the playboy version of Tony?" Huang Wen looked at the multiverse with some surprise, and muttered when he saw the sword in the stone in Peggy Carter's hand road.

"No one knows why, including when Tony Stark died, the sword in the stone disappeared..." Franklin Richards shrugged and said softly, "Okay, let's not talk about this annoying guy , if you want to bring Iron Boy back to your universe, I hope you can make a bowl of water level."

"Don't worry, nephew, I'm a well-known Master of Duan Shui!" Huang Wen's incarnation patted Franklin Richards on the shoulder, leading him to disappear outside the multiverse and enter the interior of the sacred timeline.

After Franklin Richards left before, the incarnation of Huang Wen was not in a hurry to deal with Kang the Conqueror, but observed the situation outside the multiverse. After discovering the strong men behind him, the incarnation of Huang Wen went decisively Beyond the multiverse.

In the original meeting room of the sacred timeline, Huang Wen's incarnation left behind a force that suppressed the entire meeting room. Except for Iron Boy, who was still able to move freely, the rest of the Conqueror Kang could not move.

During the time when Huang Wen's incarnation left, Iron Boy was not honest. It seemed that he had some feud with many of the Conqueror Kang, so he went up and stripped those Conqueror Kang, and began to invade each other Owned technology system.

Under normal conditions, it would be almost impossible for Iron Boy to invade the technological systems of other Conqueror Kangs, but the current Conqueror Kangs have lost their ability to act, and can only let Iron Boy do whatever they want... …

"Mr. Huang Wen, you are back...Huh? This is?" When the incarnation of Huang Wen and Franklin Richards returned here, Iron Boy was absorbing the technological knowledge of Kang the Conqueror. At this moment, Iron Kid couldn't help being taken aback, because he couldn't be sure whether Franklin Richards was here to protect Kang the Conqueror again.

"Okay, time is almost wasted. If you have copied all the knowledge, I will take action..." Huang Wen's avatar looked at the steel boy and waved his hands, and urged.

"I've already copied it!" Iron Boy understood the meaning of Huang Wen's incarnation in an instant, his face brightened, and he quickly looked at Huang Wen's incarnation and said.

With a sound of "Shua!", an invisible wind blew through the conference room. The wind contained the power of death and destruction. When the wind blew gently, all the original conquerors disappeared, and even Not a trace of dust remained.

"You will follow Mr. Huang Wen from now on, remember to work hard, this is a little help left to you by my ancestor..." Franklin Richards looked at Kang the Conqueror with a sigh of relief, and then looked at Iron Boy with a wave of his hand. With a wave of his hand, a ray of light merged into Iron Boy's own technology system.

And then, Franklin Richards didn't say much, just nodded to Huang Wen's avatar, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Franklin Richards can't do things like reminiscing about old times and win over feelings, but his behavior just now has proved that he has re-accepted Man of Steel...

(End of this chapter)

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