I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1501 Instant countermeasure

Chapter 1501 Instant countermeasure
Compared with the previous armor incarnations of Kang the Conqueror, every clone of Kang the Conqueror at this time can be counted as the real body of Kang the Conqueror, and it is very likely that all of them will become Kang the Conqueror, possessing multiverse level combat effectiveness.

However, the choice of Huang Wen's incarnation at this time is not that Huang Wen's incarnation is a little arrogant, but what Huang Wen's incarnation must do. If he wants to complete the task just released, he must solve all the clones of Conqueror Kang Otherwise, there would still be Kang the Conqueror who hadn't been killed in the castle.

Moreover, since the incarnation of Huang Wen dared to make Kang the Conqueror's clone gain consciousness, he would not be afraid that Kang the Conqueror would take advantage of this opportunity to make a comeback against the wind.

"Conqueror Kang's copying consciousness is being injected." The next moment, the voice of the silly girl echoed in the castle, and the bodies of Conqueror Kang's body trembled slightly in the nutrient solution, followed by eyelids, and suddenly the nutrient solution The Conqueror Kang among them opened their eyes at the same time, and a powerful force erupted from their bodies.

"Crack!" The Conqueror Kangs, who were holding the nutrient solution jar, smashed the jar instantly, and the powerful aura condensed together, as if preparing to attack Huang Wen's incarnation.

However, before the power of the Conquerors Kang could fully erupt, their power disappeared instantly, as if there was something wrong with the information transmission, and their consciousness and body could not be synchronized.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in my castle? Huh?" Kang the Conqueror glanced at each other, looked at Huang Wen's avatar, and then noticed Conquer who had fallen to the side and had lost the ability to move. Zhe Kang himself, at this moment, they seemed to understand something.

And it wasn't just Kang the Conqueror's clones who understood, Huang Wen's incarnation also instantly understood the question he had raised before.

If Kang the Conqueror is still alive, but his consciousness is still injected into the clone, which one is the real Kang the Conqueror?

This question has an answer at this moment, because the consciousness injected by Kang the Conqueror is not the consciousness of Kang the Conqueror at this moment, so their cognition stays at the moment when Kang the Conqueror copied his own consciousness.

These Conqueror Kangs can accept the other clones that exist on the side, but they will subconsciously attack the incarnation of Huang Wen. Even though they don't know who the incarnation of Huang Wen is, but they invaded their castle, that's them enemy.

As for the problem of so many replicas existing at the same time, Kang the Conqueror will not solve it so quickly. They will choose wisely to deal with foreign enemies first, and then decide who is the real Kang the Conqueror...

Although Kang the Conqueror is almost identical to the final battle, there may not be a single person left...

"You defeated him? How dare you let us all out? What did you do to us? Why are our bodies and consciousness somewhat inconsistent?" The Conqueror Kang clones were silent when they saw the Conqueror Kang himself. After a while, he looked at Huang Wen's incarnation and questioned him at the same time.

"To be honest, if you had just started fighting, your current problems would not have arisen. I wanted to watch a big show, but you have disappointed me..." Huang Wen shook his head regretfully, and said softly Said.

"Who the hell are you?" Kang the Conqueror frowned and questioned again.

However, the incarnation of Huang Wen did not intend to answer these questions of Kang the Conqueror at all. He glanced at the golden cudgel barrier, waiting for the Avengers to win the battle, and then finally confirmed what Kang the Conqueror had. something special.

As for how to confirm, it is naturally necessary to kill all the Conqueror Kang present at this time to see if the task can be completed, or if there will be new waves.

As for what to do with the Time Variation Administration after killing Kang the Conqueror, and what to do with the void worlds at the end of time, Huang Wen's incarnation has already made arrangements.

This sacred timeline is such a good thing, Huang Wen's incarnation is naturally impossible to let go, the core power of the sacred timeline is in this castle, Huang Wen's incarnation can even combine the sacred timeline with the castle, Into your own universe.

In this way, the background of Huang Wen's universe, which is already stronger than normal parallel universes, can go further.

Maybe, Huang Wen's universe will be able to accommodate multiverse-level existences at that time, and Huang Wen will be able to exert more powerful power in it.

As for the question of whether there will be stronger people appearing in Huang Wen's universe after Huang Wen's universe becomes stronger, there is actually no need to worry about it, because the formation method refined by Huang Wen's deity is almost completed. By that time, Huang Wen's universe will really be Huang Wen's private land, and even Huang Wen's mastery of his own universe will far exceed the sacred timeline of Kang the Conqueror.

As for the void world at the end of time, Huang Wen's incarnation is also useful. The space in the ring can be regarded as vast. After absorbing the power of the space gem, it can be regarded as a real world, but it can be integrated into the void world at the end of time. If you go to Najie, you can also make Najie go one step further.

When he was in the void world at the end of time before, Huang Wen's incarnation had already felt that the void world at the end of time had faintly lost connection with the rules of the normal universe.

If the void world at the end of time is considered a normal universe, then the underlying rules of the Marvel universe and the consciousness of the creator gods will all appear in the void world at the end of time.

However, the void world at the end of time does not have a creator god, and even most of the rules of the Marvel Universe do not exist.

From the perspective of Huang Wen's incarnation, the nihilistic world at the end of time must have consumed a lot of energy and resources of Kang the Conqueror, and it may not even be less than this ancient castle.

After all, the void world at the end of time is an important place for Kang the Conqueror to expand his abilities. Kang the Conqueror can continuously acquire new abilities and become stronger, all relying on the void world and Elios at the end of time.

As for the Time Variation Administration, Huang Wen's incarnation felt that there was not much need for it, at least there was no need for so many ordinary people to work for the Time Variation Administration, and there was no need to arrest the so-called variables.

Kang the Conqueror is worried that variables will affect his sacred timeline, but the incarnation of Huang Wen does not need to worry about the existence of variables, because the incarnation of Huang Wen itself is the biggest variable.

In the view of Huang Wen's incarnation, only variables can inject new vitality into one universe. If the entire Marvel Almighty Universe remains unchanged, then in the dimensional battlefield or even the final battle between the two Almighty Universes, Marvel Almighty Universe Here, it is impossible to win the final victory.

Moreover, who can say that the emergence of the dimensional battlefield and the fusion trend of the two omnipotent universes are not considered variables?

(End of this chapter)

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